
147 lines
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include $(TOPDIR)/
nginx-util: fix deprecated openssl 3.0 functions Since upstream openwrt has been using openssl 3.0 for quite some time, figured we could clean up some of the legacy code. This PR updates the code for EC/RSA key generation. nginx-util currently only generates 'ecc' keys, even though the framework is there for rsa as well. In order properly test the changes, I created two binaries: 'nginx-util-ssl' (generates ec keys) 'nginx-util-ssl-rsa' (generates rsa keys) where I would change line:455 in `src/nginx-ssl-util.hpp` `auto pkey = gen_eckey(NID_secp384r1)` to `auto pkey = gen_rsakey(2048)` Example with UCI config ``` config server '_rsa' list listen '443 ssl default_server' list listen '[::]:443 ssl default_server' option server_name '_rsa' list include 'restrict_locally' list include 'conf.d/*.locations' option uci_manage_ssl 'self-signed' option key_type 'rsa' option ssl_certificate '/etc/nginx/conf.d/_rsa.crt' option ssl_certificate_key '/etc/nginx/conf.d/_rsa.key' option ssl_session_cache 'shared:SSL:32k' option ssl_session_timeout '64m' option access_log 'off; # logd openwrt' ``` ➤ /opt/bin/nginx-ssl-util-rsa add_ssl _rsa Adding SSL directives to UCI server: nginx._rsa uci_manage_ssl='self-signed' Created self-signed SSL certificate '/etc/nginx/conf.d/_rsa.crt' with key '/etc/nginx/conf.d/_rsa.key'. [04/14/24 18:37:15](K-6.6.27) root@WRX36 ~ ➤ openssl x509 -in /etc/nginx/conf.d/_rsa.crt -text -noout Certificate: Data: Version: 3 (0x2) Serial Number: 6d:55:a6:cd:52:25:31:fd:3c:78:66:24:82:5f:bb:b6:a6:fe:8f:c7 Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption Issuer: C = ZZ, ST = Somewhere, L = None, CN = OpenWrt, O = OpenWrtBF399B64ACF71BC3 Validity Not Before: Apr 14 22:37:15 2024 GMT Not After : Jul 16 22:37:15 2027 GMT Subject: C = ZZ, ST = Somewhere, L = None, CN = OpenWrt, O = OpenWrtBF399B64ACF71BC3 Subject Public Key Info: Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption Public-Key: (2048 bit) Modulus: 00:ac:52:71:af:25:e9:05:0a:a5:d7:86:d3:8d:0b: 66:e0:09:cf:2a:cd:a1:63:57:36:46:61:04:16:fe: 94:84:d0:20:ab:01:15:55:aa:a1:89:c2:85:a9:84: 47:ba:84:d7:1f:a9:0c:c0:f0:67:2f:81:1d:1b:3b: 31:d5:94:6e:a0:f0:e6:ec:26:91:4a:e2:fd:58:4c: ac:b5:9e:a1:cd:7d:91:51:29:81:1d:3e:4a:d9:d1: d5:f1:2f:34:2f:ca:95:dc:42:d5:c4:d3:d6:b2:91: d5:19:61:a2:b5:b1:90:f0:83:88:ef:92:c9:bf:a4: 59:a9:d6:00:6f:1c:0d:70:16:40:cc:cb:c0:de:c4: 8f:00:83:a3:2f:77:ca:18:cd:7b:d4:77:96:47:78: 1b:c1:ff:08:86:93:79:91:8f:a7:95:71:46:06:69: fc:cc:65:64:e7:99:11:cc:82:bb:39:6b:12:27:73: 0e:d1:e7:65:51:9e:ad:dc:b3:ff:3f:ba:b0:72:4f: 22:ad:7e:41:bb:3c:c7:80:30:81:5f:8b:32:f4:7f: 22:48:3f:3d:a9:eb:28:27:12:db:a9:63:c9:7e:e2: ed:36:de:e7:68:31:4e:9c:c0:36:e8:f2:d9:3f:50: 09:50:a3:e8:7a:03:00:4f:8d:e1:10:eb:a1:87:44: be:23 Exponent: 65537 (0x10001) Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption Signature Value: 06:7d:84:00:ac:8f:8b:a6:b6:b7:b5:ed:ee:7f:61:76:6d:ee: 11:53:f6:d1:f8:95:ad:6c:d7:d0:3e:01:ac:bb:d7:7a:8d:59: 80:ec:ba:b2:7b:78:5c:4f:5e:3f:f1:74:ad:d9:8c:a2:6b:08: 9c:bf:b1:42:fd:8d:a6:35:48:4d:a7:2d:92:c9:45:66:77:32: a4:e0:ea:eb:e0:4a:42:f5:dd:ea:a2:c0:0a:66:5a:32:03:1d: e7:87:3a:7f:1e:00:ed:d0:21:01:d5:f9:e2:b1:e6:b7:cb:1c: 67:11:de:69:7f:a2:ce:d0:fc:2d:f2:6c:33:84:4c:3d:f4:f6: 60:6b:2e:31:b7:0c:41:2c:73:31:7e:94:19:a2:2b:6a:56:3f: 07:37:71:97:28:58:91:63:b2:58:97:b2:aa:1e:d5:d9:6d:af: 6f:a0:02:e0:06:39:b0:c9:f5:50:41:b5:58:41:6a:30:72:89: 9a:67:7e:a1:7a:a5:02:b9:2a:f3:f8:93:4f:59:6e:b1:27:54: 86:d1:ec:96:7a:dd:d1:44:6b:1e:3b:17:cf:15:64:ad:83:6b: 63:20:2d:42:c3:28:68:14:de:12:4e:8a:c3:f3:10:c8:4b:4f: c7:d8:2b:a8:45:fb:3a:bd:9d:bd:08:71:08:09:ed:ea:9b:b9: 3b:33:a6:a6 [04/14/24 18:37:27](K-6.6.27) root@WRX36 ~ ➤ /opt/bin/nginx-ssl-util add_ssl _ec Adding SSL directives to UCI server: nginx._ec uci_manage_ssl='self-signed' Created self-signed SSL certificate '/etc/nginx/conf.d/_ec.crt' with key '/etc/nginx/conf.d/_ec.key'. [04/14/24 18:37:43](K-6.6.27) root@WRX36 ~ ➤ openssl x509 -in /etc/nginx/conf.d/_ec.crt -text -noout Certificate: Data: Version: 3 (0x2) Serial Number: 55:32:fe:07:09:79:d1:40:d7:43:2e:45:3d:98:4a:77:65:d0:29:41 Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA256 Issuer: C = ZZ, ST = Somewhere, L = None, CN = OpenWrt, O = OpenWrt2EDD40F41960C8C1 Validity Not Before: Apr 14 22:37:43 2024 GMT Not After : Jul 16 22:37:43 2027 GMT Subject: C = ZZ, ST = Somewhere, L = None, CN = OpenWrt, O = OpenWrt2EDD40F41960C8C1 Subject Public Key Info: Public Key Algorithm: id-ecPublicKey Public-Key: (384 bit) pub: 04:97:d2:b2:f0:c9:60:60:89:7e:ea:6f:48:1c:90: 8e:6d:1d:d8:58:46:8c:de:e9:50:e2:74:ea:d8:dd: 8c:d9:ed:f4:4c:b7:41:95:55:98:38:5a:9e:66:83: b9:7c:79:71:9b:ec:18:ed:d9:09:3c:f7:64:32:ae: 59:ad:92:de:d7:c4:15:2e:e5:89:65:f4:29:8a:62: a0:85:21:95:22:3a:38:e3:11:e6:f2:01:f6:50:62: 01:ed:68:0d:d0:0c:d4 ASN1 OID: secp384r1 NIST CURVE: P-384 Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA256 Signature Value: 30:65:02:30:78:af:d1:4f:57:b1:97:2b:87:aa:7f:a2:26:39: 19:30:5c:4f:9c:f0:d7:ee:24:8e:a2:39:ec:70:af:16:eb:a6: 72:96:d4:a7:2f:c1:38:f4:65:ed:ed:bf:22:c6:a4:6d:02:31: 00:bc:ec:19:0e:3d:6a:d1:5a:ae:6d:5c:a3:ec:96:60:32:f9: 6a:88:06:92:ed:c1:a7:44:2c:33:7a:22:72:0f:2a:ce:83:f0: f2:04:9e:49:60:ef:83:b4:7f:8b:af:61:c9 ``` Maintainer: Peter Stadler <> Compile tested: aarch64, qualcommax, Master Branch Run tested: aarch64, Dynalink DL-WRX36, Master Branch Signed-off-by: Sean Khan <>
2024-04-15 02:07:30 +02:00
PKG_MAINTAINER:=Peter Stadler <>
include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/
include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/
define Package/nginx-ssl-util/default
SUBMENU:=Web Servers/Proxies
TITLE:=Nginx configurator including SSL
nginx-util: use UCI for server configuration **tl;dr:** The functions `{add,del}_ssl` modify a server section of the UCI config if there is no `.conf` file with the same name in `/etc/nginx/conf.d/`. Then `init_lan` creates `/var/lib/nginx/uci.conf` files by copying the `/etc/nginx/uci.conf.template` and standard options from the UCI config; additionally the special path `logd` can be used in `{access,error}_log`. The init does not change the configuration beside re-creating self-signed certificates when needed. This is also the only purpose of the new `check_ssl`, which is installed as yearly cron job. **Initialization:** Invoking `nginx-util init_lan` parses the UCI configuration for package `nginx`. It creates a server part in `/var/lib/nginx/uci.conf` for each `section server '$name'` by copying all UCI options but the following: * `option uci_manage_ssl` is skipped. It is set to 'self-signed' by `nginx-util add_ssl $name`, removed by `nginx-util del_ssl $name` and used by `nginx-util check_ssl` (see below). * `logd` as path in `error_log` or `access_log` writes them to STDERR respective STDOUT, which are fowarded by Nginx's init to the log daemon. Specifically: `option error_log 'logd'` becomes `error_log stderr;` and `option access_log 'logd openwrt'` becomes `access_log /proc/self/fd/1 openwrt;` Other `[option|list] key 'value'` entries just become `key value;` directives. The init.d calls internally also `check_ssl` for rebuilding self-signed SSL certificates if needed (see below). And it still sets up `/var/lib/nginx/lan{,_ssl}.listen` files as it is doing in the current version (so they stay available). **Defaults:** The package installs the file `/etc/nginx/restrict_locally` containing allow/deny directives for restricting the access to LAN addresses by including it into a server part. The default server '_lan' includes this file and listens on all IPs (instead of only the local IPs as it did before; other servers do not need to listen explicitly on the local IPs anymore). The default server is contained together with a server that redirects HTTP requests for inexistent URLs to HTTPS in the UCI configuration file `/etc/config/nginx`. Furthermore, the packages installs a `/etc/nginx/uci.conf.template` containing the current setup and a marker, which will be replaced by the created UCI servers when calling `init_lan`. **Other:** If there is a file named `/etc/nginx/conf.d/$name.conf` the functions `init_lan`, `add_ssl $name` and `del_ssl $name` will use that file instead of a UCI server section (this is similar to the current version). Else it selects the UCI `section server $name`, or, when there is no such section, it searches for the first one having `option server_name '… $name …'`. For this section: * `nginx-util add_ssl $name` will add to it: `option uci_manage_ssl 'self-signed'` `option ssl_certificate '/etc/nginx/conf.d/$name.crt'` `option ssl_certificate_key '/etc/nginx/conf.d/$name.key'` `option ssl_session_cache 'shared:SSL:32k'` `option ssl_session_timeout '64m'` If these options are already present, they will stay the same; just the first option `uci_manage_ssl` will always be changed to 'self-signed'. The command also changes all `listen` list items to use port 443 and ssl instead of port 80 (without ssl). If they stated another port than 80 before, they are kept the same. Furthermore, it creates a self-signed SSL certificate if necessary, i.e., if there is no *valid* certificate and key at the locations given by the options `ssl_certificate` and `ssl_certificate_key`. * `nginx-util del_ssl $name` checks if `uci_manage_ssl` is set 'self-signed' in the corresponding UCI section. Only then it removes all of the above options regardless of the value looking just at the key name. Then, it also changes all `listen` list items to use port 80 (without ssl) instead of port 443 with ssl. If stating another port than 443, they are kept the same. Furthermore, it removes the SSL certificate and key that were indicated by `ssl_certificate{,_key}`. * `nginx-util check_ssl` looks through all server sections of the UCI config for `uci_manage_ssl 'self-signed'`. On every hit it checks if the SSL certificate-key-pair indicated by the options `ssl_certificate{,_key}` is expired. Then it re-creates a self-signed certificate. If there exists at least one `section server` with `uci_manage_ssl 'self-signed'`, it will try to install itself as cron job. If there are no such sections, it removes that cron job if possible. For installing a ssl certificate and key managed by another app, you can call: `nginx-util add_ssl $name $manager $crtpath $keypath` Hereby `$name` is as above, `$manager` is an arbitrary string, and the the ssl certificate and its key are indicated by their absolute path. If you want to remove the directives again, then you can use: `nginx-util del_ssl $name $manager` Signed-off-by: Peter Stadler <>
2020-07-23 14:56:36 +02:00
DEPENDS:=+libstdcpp +libuci +libubus +libubox +libpthread +libopenssl
# TODO: remove after a transition period (together with below and pkg nginx):
# It actually removes nginx-util (replacing it by a dummy pkg) to avoid
# conflicts with nginx-ssl-util*
DEPENDS+= +nginx-util
EXTRA_DEPENDS:=nginx-util (>=1.4-2)
define Package/nginx-ssl-util
TITLE+= (using PCRE)
DEPENDS+= +libpcre2
define Package/nginx-ssl-util-nopcre
TITLE+= (using <regex>)
define Package/nginx-ssl-util/default/description
Utility that builds dynamically LAN listen directives for Nginx.
Furthermore, it manages SSL directives for its server parts and can create
corresponding (self-signed) certificates.
Package/nginx-ssl-util/description = \
$(Package/nginx-ssl-util/default/description) \
It uses the PCRE library for performance.
Package/nginx-ssl-util-nopcre/description = \
$(Package/nginx-ssl-util/default/description) \
It uses the standard regex library of C++.
nginx-util: use UCI for server configuration **tl;dr:** The functions `{add,del}_ssl` modify a server section of the UCI config if there is no `.conf` file with the same name in `/etc/nginx/conf.d/`. Then `init_lan` creates `/var/lib/nginx/uci.conf` files by copying the `/etc/nginx/uci.conf.template` and standard options from the UCI config; additionally the special path `logd` can be used in `{access,error}_log`. The init does not change the configuration beside re-creating self-signed certificates when needed. This is also the only purpose of the new `check_ssl`, which is installed as yearly cron job. **Initialization:** Invoking `nginx-util init_lan` parses the UCI configuration for package `nginx`. It creates a server part in `/var/lib/nginx/uci.conf` for each `section server '$name'` by copying all UCI options but the following: * `option uci_manage_ssl` is skipped. It is set to 'self-signed' by `nginx-util add_ssl $name`, removed by `nginx-util del_ssl $name` and used by `nginx-util check_ssl` (see below). * `logd` as path in `error_log` or `access_log` writes them to STDERR respective STDOUT, which are fowarded by Nginx's init to the log daemon. Specifically: `option error_log 'logd'` becomes `error_log stderr;` and `option access_log 'logd openwrt'` becomes `access_log /proc/self/fd/1 openwrt;` Other `[option|list] key 'value'` entries just become `key value;` directives. The init.d calls internally also `check_ssl` for rebuilding self-signed SSL certificates if needed (see below). And it still sets up `/var/lib/nginx/lan{,_ssl}.listen` files as it is doing in the current version (so they stay available). **Defaults:** The package installs the file `/etc/nginx/restrict_locally` containing allow/deny directives for restricting the access to LAN addresses by including it into a server part. The default server '_lan' includes this file and listens on all IPs (instead of only the local IPs as it did before; other servers do not need to listen explicitly on the local IPs anymore). The default server is contained together with a server that redirects HTTP requests for inexistent URLs to HTTPS in the UCI configuration file `/etc/config/nginx`. Furthermore, the packages installs a `/etc/nginx/uci.conf.template` containing the current setup and a marker, which will be replaced by the created UCI servers when calling `init_lan`. **Other:** If there is a file named `/etc/nginx/conf.d/$name.conf` the functions `init_lan`, `add_ssl $name` and `del_ssl $name` will use that file instead of a UCI server section (this is similar to the current version). Else it selects the UCI `section server $name`, or, when there is no such section, it searches for the first one having `option server_name '… $name …'`. For this section: * `nginx-util add_ssl $name` will add to it: `option uci_manage_ssl 'self-signed'` `option ssl_certificate '/etc/nginx/conf.d/$name.crt'` `option ssl_certificate_key '/etc/nginx/conf.d/$name.key'` `option ssl_session_cache 'shared:SSL:32k'` `option ssl_session_timeout '64m'` If these options are already present, they will stay the same; just the first option `uci_manage_ssl` will always be changed to 'self-signed'. The command also changes all `listen` list items to use port 443 and ssl instead of port 80 (without ssl). If they stated another port than 80 before, they are kept the same. Furthermore, it creates a self-signed SSL certificate if necessary, i.e., if there is no *valid* certificate and key at the locations given by the options `ssl_certificate` and `ssl_certificate_key`. * `nginx-util del_ssl $name` checks if `uci_manage_ssl` is set 'self-signed' in the corresponding UCI section. Only then it removes all of the above options regardless of the value looking just at the key name. Then, it also changes all `listen` list items to use port 80 (without ssl) instead of port 443 with ssl. If stating another port than 443, they are kept the same. Furthermore, it removes the SSL certificate and key that were indicated by `ssl_certificate{,_key}`. * `nginx-util check_ssl` looks through all server sections of the UCI config for `uci_manage_ssl 'self-signed'`. On every hit it checks if the SSL certificate-key-pair indicated by the options `ssl_certificate{,_key}` is expired. Then it re-creates a self-signed certificate. If there exists at least one `section server` with `uci_manage_ssl 'self-signed'`, it will try to install itself as cron job. If there are no such sections, it removes that cron job if possible. For installing a ssl certificate and key managed by another app, you can call: `nginx-util add_ssl $name $manager $crtpath $keypath` Hereby `$name` is as above, `$manager` is an arbitrary string, and the the ssl certificate and its key are indicated by their absolute path. If you want to remove the directives again, then you can use: `nginx-util del_ssl $name $manager` Signed-off-by: Peter Stadler <>
2020-07-23 14:56:36 +02:00
define Package/nginx-ssl-util/install/default
$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc/nginx/conf.d/
$(INSTALL_CONF) ./files/uci.conf.template $(1)/etc/nginx/
$(LN) /var/lib/nginx/uci.conf $(1)/etc/nginx/uci.conf
$(INSTALL_CONF) ./files/restrict_locally $(1)/etc/nginx/
$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc/nginx/module.d/
nginx-util: use UCI for server configuration **tl;dr:** The functions `{add,del}_ssl` modify a server section of the UCI config if there is no `.conf` file with the same name in `/etc/nginx/conf.d/`. Then `init_lan` creates `/var/lib/nginx/uci.conf` files by copying the `/etc/nginx/uci.conf.template` and standard options from the UCI config; additionally the special path `logd` can be used in `{access,error}_log`. The init does not change the configuration beside re-creating self-signed certificates when needed. This is also the only purpose of the new `check_ssl`, which is installed as yearly cron job. **Initialization:** Invoking `nginx-util init_lan` parses the UCI configuration for package `nginx`. It creates a server part in `/var/lib/nginx/uci.conf` for each `section server '$name'` by copying all UCI options but the following: * `option uci_manage_ssl` is skipped. It is set to 'self-signed' by `nginx-util add_ssl $name`, removed by `nginx-util del_ssl $name` and used by `nginx-util check_ssl` (see below). * `logd` as path in `error_log` or `access_log` writes them to STDERR respective STDOUT, which are fowarded by Nginx's init to the log daemon. Specifically: `option error_log 'logd'` becomes `error_log stderr;` and `option access_log 'logd openwrt'` becomes `access_log /proc/self/fd/1 openwrt;` Other `[option|list] key 'value'` entries just become `key value;` directives. The init.d calls internally also `check_ssl` for rebuilding self-signed SSL certificates if needed (see below). And it still sets up `/var/lib/nginx/lan{,_ssl}.listen` files as it is doing in the current version (so they stay available). **Defaults:** The package installs the file `/etc/nginx/restrict_locally` containing allow/deny directives for restricting the access to LAN addresses by including it into a server part. The default server '_lan' includes this file and listens on all IPs (instead of only the local IPs as it did before; other servers do not need to listen explicitly on the local IPs anymore). The default server is contained together with a server that redirects HTTP requests for inexistent URLs to HTTPS in the UCI configuration file `/etc/config/nginx`. Furthermore, the packages installs a `/etc/nginx/uci.conf.template` containing the current setup and a marker, which will be replaced by the created UCI servers when calling `init_lan`. **Other:** If there is a file named `/etc/nginx/conf.d/$name.conf` the functions `init_lan`, `add_ssl $name` and `del_ssl $name` will use that file instead of a UCI server section (this is similar to the current version). Else it selects the UCI `section server $name`, or, when there is no such section, it searches for the first one having `option server_name '… $name …'`. For this section: * `nginx-util add_ssl $name` will add to it: `option uci_manage_ssl 'self-signed'` `option ssl_certificate '/etc/nginx/conf.d/$name.crt'` `option ssl_certificate_key '/etc/nginx/conf.d/$name.key'` `option ssl_session_cache 'shared:SSL:32k'` `option ssl_session_timeout '64m'` If these options are already present, they will stay the same; just the first option `uci_manage_ssl` will always be changed to 'self-signed'. The command also changes all `listen` list items to use port 443 and ssl instead of port 80 (without ssl). If they stated another port than 80 before, they are kept the same. Furthermore, it creates a self-signed SSL certificate if necessary, i.e., if there is no *valid* certificate and key at the locations given by the options `ssl_certificate` and `ssl_certificate_key`. * `nginx-util del_ssl $name` checks if `uci_manage_ssl` is set 'self-signed' in the corresponding UCI section. Only then it removes all of the above options regardless of the value looking just at the key name. Then, it also changes all `listen` list items to use port 80 (without ssl) instead of port 443 with ssl. If stating another port than 443, they are kept the same. Furthermore, it removes the SSL certificate and key that were indicated by `ssl_certificate{,_key}`. * `nginx-util check_ssl` looks through all server sections of the UCI config for `uci_manage_ssl 'self-signed'`. On every hit it checks if the SSL certificate-key-pair indicated by the options `ssl_certificate{,_key}` is expired. Then it re-creates a self-signed certificate. If there exists at least one `section server` with `uci_manage_ssl 'self-signed'`, it will try to install itself as cron job. If there are no such sections, it removes that cron job if possible. For installing a ssl certificate and key managed by another app, you can call: `nginx-util add_ssl $name $manager $crtpath $keypath` Hereby `$name` is as above, `$manager` is an arbitrary string, and the the ssl certificate and its key are indicated by their absolute path. If you want to remove the directives again, then you can use: `nginx-util del_ssl $name $manager` Signed-off-by: Peter Stadler <>
2020-07-23 14:56:36 +02:00
$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc/config/
$(INSTALL_CONF) ./files/nginx.config $(1)/etc/config/nginx
ifneq ($(CONFIG_IPV6),y) # the used IPv6 directives have `::` in them:
$(SED) "/::/d" $(1)/etc/nginx/restrict_locally
$(SED) "/::/d" $(1)/etc/config/nginx
define Package/nginx-ssl-util/install
nginx-util: use UCI for server configuration **tl;dr:** The functions `{add,del}_ssl` modify a server section of the UCI config if there is no `.conf` file with the same name in `/etc/nginx/conf.d/`. Then `init_lan` creates `/var/lib/nginx/uci.conf` files by copying the `/etc/nginx/uci.conf.template` and standard options from the UCI config; additionally the special path `logd` can be used in `{access,error}_log`. The init does not change the configuration beside re-creating self-signed certificates when needed. This is also the only purpose of the new `check_ssl`, which is installed as yearly cron job. **Initialization:** Invoking `nginx-util init_lan` parses the UCI configuration for package `nginx`. It creates a server part in `/var/lib/nginx/uci.conf` for each `section server '$name'` by copying all UCI options but the following: * `option uci_manage_ssl` is skipped. It is set to 'self-signed' by `nginx-util add_ssl $name`, removed by `nginx-util del_ssl $name` and used by `nginx-util check_ssl` (see below). * `logd` as path in `error_log` or `access_log` writes them to STDERR respective STDOUT, which are fowarded by Nginx's init to the log daemon. Specifically: `option error_log 'logd'` becomes `error_log stderr;` and `option access_log 'logd openwrt'` becomes `access_log /proc/self/fd/1 openwrt;` Other `[option|list] key 'value'` entries just become `key value;` directives. The init.d calls internally also `check_ssl` for rebuilding self-signed SSL certificates if needed (see below). And it still sets up `/var/lib/nginx/lan{,_ssl}.listen` files as it is doing in the current version (so they stay available). **Defaults:** The package installs the file `/etc/nginx/restrict_locally` containing allow/deny directives for restricting the access to LAN addresses by including it into a server part. The default server '_lan' includes this file and listens on all IPs (instead of only the local IPs as it did before; other servers do not need to listen explicitly on the local IPs anymore). The default server is contained together with a server that redirects HTTP requests for inexistent URLs to HTTPS in the UCI configuration file `/etc/config/nginx`. Furthermore, the packages installs a `/etc/nginx/uci.conf.template` containing the current setup and a marker, which will be replaced by the created UCI servers when calling `init_lan`. **Other:** If there is a file named `/etc/nginx/conf.d/$name.conf` the functions `init_lan`, `add_ssl $name` and `del_ssl $name` will use that file instead of a UCI server section (this is similar to the current version). Else it selects the UCI `section server $name`, or, when there is no such section, it searches for the first one having `option server_name '… $name …'`. For this section: * `nginx-util add_ssl $name` will add to it: `option uci_manage_ssl 'self-signed'` `option ssl_certificate '/etc/nginx/conf.d/$name.crt'` `option ssl_certificate_key '/etc/nginx/conf.d/$name.key'` `option ssl_session_cache 'shared:SSL:32k'` `option ssl_session_timeout '64m'` If these options are already present, they will stay the same; just the first option `uci_manage_ssl` will always be changed to 'self-signed'. The command also changes all `listen` list items to use port 443 and ssl instead of port 80 (without ssl). If they stated another port than 80 before, they are kept the same. Furthermore, it creates a self-signed SSL certificate if necessary, i.e., if there is no *valid* certificate and key at the locations given by the options `ssl_certificate` and `ssl_certificate_key`. * `nginx-util del_ssl $name` checks if `uci_manage_ssl` is set 'self-signed' in the corresponding UCI section. Only then it removes all of the above options regardless of the value looking just at the key name. Then, it also changes all `listen` list items to use port 80 (without ssl) instead of port 443 with ssl. If stating another port than 443, they are kept the same. Furthermore, it removes the SSL certificate and key that were indicated by `ssl_certificate{,_key}`. * `nginx-util check_ssl` looks through all server sections of the UCI config for `uci_manage_ssl 'self-signed'`. On every hit it checks if the SSL certificate-key-pair indicated by the options `ssl_certificate{,_key}` is expired. Then it re-creates a self-signed certificate. If there exists at least one `section server` with `uci_manage_ssl 'self-signed'`, it will try to install itself as cron job. If there are no such sections, it removes that cron job if possible. For installing a ssl certificate and key managed by another app, you can call: `nginx-util add_ssl $name $manager $crtpath $keypath` Hereby `$name` is as above, `$manager` is an arbitrary string, and the the ssl certificate and its key are indicated by their absolute path. If you want to remove the directives again, then you can use: `nginx-util del_ssl $name $manager` Signed-off-by: Peter Stadler <>
2020-07-23 14:56:36 +02:00
$(call Package/nginx-ssl-util/install/default, $(1))
$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/bin
$(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/nginx-ssl-util $(1)/usr/bin/nginx-util
define Package/nginx-ssl-util-nopcre/install
nginx-util: use UCI for server configuration **tl;dr:** The functions `{add,del}_ssl` modify a server section of the UCI config if there is no `.conf` file with the same name in `/etc/nginx/conf.d/`. Then `init_lan` creates `/var/lib/nginx/uci.conf` files by copying the `/etc/nginx/uci.conf.template` and standard options from the UCI config; additionally the special path `logd` can be used in `{access,error}_log`. The init does not change the configuration beside re-creating self-signed certificates when needed. This is also the only purpose of the new `check_ssl`, which is installed as yearly cron job. **Initialization:** Invoking `nginx-util init_lan` parses the UCI configuration for package `nginx`. It creates a server part in `/var/lib/nginx/uci.conf` for each `section server '$name'` by copying all UCI options but the following: * `option uci_manage_ssl` is skipped. It is set to 'self-signed' by `nginx-util add_ssl $name`, removed by `nginx-util del_ssl $name` and used by `nginx-util check_ssl` (see below). * `logd` as path in `error_log` or `access_log` writes them to STDERR respective STDOUT, which are fowarded by Nginx's init to the log daemon. Specifically: `option error_log 'logd'` becomes `error_log stderr;` and `option access_log 'logd openwrt'` becomes `access_log /proc/self/fd/1 openwrt;` Other `[option|list] key 'value'` entries just become `key value;` directives. The init.d calls internally also `check_ssl` for rebuilding self-signed SSL certificates if needed (see below). And it still sets up `/var/lib/nginx/lan{,_ssl}.listen` files as it is doing in the current version (so they stay available). **Defaults:** The package installs the file `/etc/nginx/restrict_locally` containing allow/deny directives for restricting the access to LAN addresses by including it into a server part. The default server '_lan' includes this file and listens on all IPs (instead of only the local IPs as it did before; other servers do not need to listen explicitly on the local IPs anymore). The default server is contained together with a server that redirects HTTP requests for inexistent URLs to HTTPS in the UCI configuration file `/etc/config/nginx`. Furthermore, the packages installs a `/etc/nginx/uci.conf.template` containing the current setup and a marker, which will be replaced by the created UCI servers when calling `init_lan`. **Other:** If there is a file named `/etc/nginx/conf.d/$name.conf` the functions `init_lan`, `add_ssl $name` and `del_ssl $name` will use that file instead of a UCI server section (this is similar to the current version). Else it selects the UCI `section server $name`, or, when there is no such section, it searches for the first one having `option server_name '… $name …'`. For this section: * `nginx-util add_ssl $name` will add to it: `option uci_manage_ssl 'self-signed'` `option ssl_certificate '/etc/nginx/conf.d/$name.crt'` `option ssl_certificate_key '/etc/nginx/conf.d/$name.key'` `option ssl_session_cache 'shared:SSL:32k'` `option ssl_session_timeout '64m'` If these options are already present, they will stay the same; just the first option `uci_manage_ssl` will always be changed to 'self-signed'. The command also changes all `listen` list items to use port 443 and ssl instead of port 80 (without ssl). If they stated another port than 80 before, they are kept the same. Furthermore, it creates a self-signed SSL certificate if necessary, i.e., if there is no *valid* certificate and key at the locations given by the options `ssl_certificate` and `ssl_certificate_key`. * `nginx-util del_ssl $name` checks if `uci_manage_ssl` is set 'self-signed' in the corresponding UCI section. Only then it removes all of the above options regardless of the value looking just at the key name. Then, it also changes all `listen` list items to use port 80 (without ssl) instead of port 443 with ssl. If stating another port than 443, they are kept the same. Furthermore, it removes the SSL certificate and key that were indicated by `ssl_certificate{,_key}`. * `nginx-util check_ssl` looks through all server sections of the UCI config for `uci_manage_ssl 'self-signed'`. On every hit it checks if the SSL certificate-key-pair indicated by the options `ssl_certificate{,_key}` is expired. Then it re-creates a self-signed certificate. If there exists at least one `section server` with `uci_manage_ssl 'self-signed'`, it will try to install itself as cron job. If there are no such sections, it removes that cron job if possible. For installing a ssl certificate and key managed by another app, you can call: `nginx-util add_ssl $name $manager $crtpath $keypath` Hereby `$name` is as above, `$manager` is an arbitrary string, and the the ssl certificate and its key are indicated by their absolute path. If you want to remove the directives again, then you can use: `nginx-util del_ssl $name $manager` Signed-off-by: Peter Stadler <>
2020-07-23 14:56:36 +02:00
$(call Package/nginx-ssl-util/install/default, $(1))
$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/bin
$(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/nginx-ssl-util-nopcre \
nginx-util: use UCI for server configuration **tl;dr:** The functions `{add,del}_ssl` modify a server section of the UCI config if there is no `.conf` file with the same name in `/etc/nginx/conf.d/`. Then `init_lan` creates `/var/lib/nginx/uci.conf` files by copying the `/etc/nginx/uci.conf.template` and standard options from the UCI config; additionally the special path `logd` can be used in `{access,error}_log`. The init does not change the configuration beside re-creating self-signed certificates when needed. This is also the only purpose of the new `check_ssl`, which is installed as yearly cron job. **Initialization:** Invoking `nginx-util init_lan` parses the UCI configuration for package `nginx`. It creates a server part in `/var/lib/nginx/uci.conf` for each `section server '$name'` by copying all UCI options but the following: * `option uci_manage_ssl` is skipped. It is set to 'self-signed' by `nginx-util add_ssl $name`, removed by `nginx-util del_ssl $name` and used by `nginx-util check_ssl` (see below). * `logd` as path in `error_log` or `access_log` writes them to STDERR respective STDOUT, which are fowarded by Nginx's init to the log daemon. Specifically: `option error_log 'logd'` becomes `error_log stderr;` and `option access_log 'logd openwrt'` becomes `access_log /proc/self/fd/1 openwrt;` Other `[option|list] key 'value'` entries just become `key value;` directives. The init.d calls internally also `check_ssl` for rebuilding self-signed SSL certificates if needed (see below). And it still sets up `/var/lib/nginx/lan{,_ssl}.listen` files as it is doing in the current version (so they stay available). **Defaults:** The package installs the file `/etc/nginx/restrict_locally` containing allow/deny directives for restricting the access to LAN addresses by including it into a server part. The default server '_lan' includes this file and listens on all IPs (instead of only the local IPs as it did before; other servers do not need to listen explicitly on the local IPs anymore). The default server is contained together with a server that redirects HTTP requests for inexistent URLs to HTTPS in the UCI configuration file `/etc/config/nginx`. Furthermore, the packages installs a `/etc/nginx/uci.conf.template` containing the current setup and a marker, which will be replaced by the created UCI servers when calling `init_lan`. **Other:** If there is a file named `/etc/nginx/conf.d/$name.conf` the functions `init_lan`, `add_ssl $name` and `del_ssl $name` will use that file instead of a UCI server section (this is similar to the current version). Else it selects the UCI `section server $name`, or, when there is no such section, it searches for the first one having `option server_name '… $name …'`. For this section: * `nginx-util add_ssl $name` will add to it: `option uci_manage_ssl 'self-signed'` `option ssl_certificate '/etc/nginx/conf.d/$name.crt'` `option ssl_certificate_key '/etc/nginx/conf.d/$name.key'` `option ssl_session_cache 'shared:SSL:32k'` `option ssl_session_timeout '64m'` If these options are already present, they will stay the same; just the first option `uci_manage_ssl` will always be changed to 'self-signed'. The command also changes all `listen` list items to use port 443 and ssl instead of port 80 (without ssl). If they stated another port than 80 before, they are kept the same. Furthermore, it creates a self-signed SSL certificate if necessary, i.e., if there is no *valid* certificate and key at the locations given by the options `ssl_certificate` and `ssl_certificate_key`. * `nginx-util del_ssl $name` checks if `uci_manage_ssl` is set 'self-signed' in the corresponding UCI section. Only then it removes all of the above options regardless of the value looking just at the key name. Then, it also changes all `listen` list items to use port 80 (without ssl) instead of port 443 with ssl. If stating another port than 443, they are kept the same. Furthermore, it removes the SSL certificate and key that were indicated by `ssl_certificate{,_key}`. * `nginx-util check_ssl` looks through all server sections of the UCI config for `uci_manage_ssl 'self-signed'`. On every hit it checks if the SSL certificate-key-pair indicated by the options `ssl_certificate{,_key}` is expired. Then it re-creates a self-signed certificate. If there exists at least one `section server` with `uci_manage_ssl 'self-signed'`, it will try to install itself as cron job. If there are no such sections, it removes that cron job if possible. For installing a ssl certificate and key managed by another app, you can call: `nginx-util add_ssl $name $manager $crtpath $keypath` Hereby `$name` is as above, `$manager` is an arbitrary string, and the the ssl certificate and its key are indicated by their absolute path. If you want to remove the directives again, then you can use: `nginx-util del_ssl $name $manager` Signed-off-by: Peter Stadler <>
2020-07-23 14:56:36 +02:00
define Package/nginx-ssl-util/prerm
[ -n "$${IPKG_INSTROOT}" ] && exit 0
[ "$${PKG_UPGRADE}" = "1" ] && exit 0
case "$$(/sbin/uci get "" 2>/dev/null)" in
1|on|true|yes|enabled) ;;
*) exit 0;;
eval "$$(/usr/bin/nginx-util get_env)" &&
[ "$$(/sbin/uci get "nginx.$${LAN_NAME}.$${MANAGE_SSL}" 2>/dev/null)" = \
"self-signed" ] &&
cd "/etc/nginx" &&
rm -f "$$(/sbin/uci get "nginx.$${LAN_NAME}.ssl_certificate")" \
"$$(/sbin/uci get "nginx.$${LAN_NAME}.ssl_certificate_key")"
exit 0
Package/nginx-ssl-util-nopcre/prerm = $(Package/nginx-ssl-util/prerm)
define Package/nginx-ssl-util/conffiles
Package/nginx-ssl-util-nopcre/conffiles = $(Package/nginx-ssl-util/conffiles)
$(eval $(call BuildPackage,nginx-ssl-util))
$(eval $(call BuildPackage,nginx-ssl-util-nopcre))
# TODO: remove after a transition period (together with above and pkg nginx):
# It replaces nginx-util by a dummy pkg for a smooth upgrade of nginx*
define Package/nginx-util
TITLE:=Dummy package for removing nginx-util when upgrading.
DEPENDS:=+libstdcpp +libubus +libubox +libpthread
define Package/nginx-util/install
$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/bin
$(eval $(call BuildPackage,nginx-util))