nginx-util: add package

This can do the main work of nginx/nginx-ssl init script.
For nginx-ssl it can create selfsigned certificates, too.
It uses libpcre and libopenssl iff nginx(-ssl) uses them.

Signed-off-by: Peter Stadler <>
This commit is contained in:
Peter Stadler 2019-12-05 08:48:20 +01:00
parent 67a95d4984
commit e054f34f74
10 changed files with 2990 additions and 0 deletions

net/nginx-util/Makefile Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
include $(TOPDIR)/
include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/
include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/
define Package/nginx-util
SUBMENU:=Web Servers/Proxies
TITLE:=Builder of LAN listen directives for Nginx
DEPENDS:=+libstdcpp +libubus +libubox +libpthread
define Package/nginx-ssl-util/default
TITLE+= and manager of its SSL certificates
define Package/nginx-ssl-util-nopcre
TITLE+= (using <regex>)
define Package/nginx-ssl-util
TITLE+= (using PCRE)
define Package/nginx-util/description
Utility that builds dynamically LAN listen directives for Nginx.
Package/nginx-ssl-util/default/description = $(Package/nginx-util/description)\
Furthermore, it manages SSL directives for its server parts and can create \
corresponding (self-signed) certificates.
Package/nginx-ssl-util/description = \
$(Package/nginx-ssl-util/default/description) \
It uses the PCRE library for performance.
Package/nginx-ssl-util-nopcre/description = \
$(Package/nginx-ssl-util/default/description) \
It uses the standard regex library of C++.
define Package/nginx-util/install
$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/bin
$(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/nginx-util $(1)/usr/bin/nginx-util
define Package/nginx-ssl-util/install
$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/bin
$(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/nginx-ssl-util $(1)/usr/bin/nginx-util
define Package/nginx-ssl-util-nopcre/install
$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/bin
$(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/nginx-ssl-util-nopcre \
$(eval $(call BuildPackage,nginx-util))
$(eval $(call BuildPackage,nginx-ssl-util))
$(eval $(call BuildPackage,nginx-ssl-util-nopcre))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.6)
PROJECT(nginx-util CXX)
FIND_PATH(ubus_include_dir libubus.h)
ADD_DEFINITIONS(-Os -Wall -Werror -Wextra --std=c++17 -g3)
ADD_DEFINITIONS(-Wno-unused-parameter -Wmissing-declarations)
ADD_EXECUTABLE(px5g px5g.cpp)
TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(px5g ssl crypto)
ADD_EXECUTABLE(nginx-util nginx-util.cpp)
TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(nginx-util ${ubox} ${ubus} pthread)
ADD_EXECUTABLE(nginx-ssl-util nginx-ssl-util.cpp)
TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(nginx-ssl-util ${ubox} ${ubus} pthread ssl crypto pcre)
ADD_EXECUTABLE(nginx-ssl-util-nopcre nginx-ssl-util.cpp)
TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(nginx-ssl-util-nopcre ${ubox} ${ubus} pthread ssl crypto)
ADD_EXECUTABLE(nginx-ssl-util-noubus nginx-ssl-util.cpp)
TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(nginx-ssl-util-noubus pthread ssl crypto pcre)
# INSTALL(TARGETS nginx-ssl-util-noubus RUNTIME DESTINATION bin)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,658 @@
#include <thread>
#ifdef NO_PCRE
#include <regex>
namespace rgx = std;
#include "regex-pcre.hpp"
#include "nginx-util.hpp"
#include "px5g-openssl.hpp"
#ifndef NO_UBUS
static constexpr auto UBUS_TIMEOUT = 1000;
// once a year:
static constexpr auto CRON_INTERVAL = std::string_view{"3 3 12 12 *"};
static constexpr auto LAN_SSL_LISTEN =
static constexpr auto LAN_SSL_LISTEN_DEFAULT =
static constexpr auto ADD_SSL_FCT = std::string_view{"add_ssl"};
static constexpr auto SSL_SESSION_CACHE_ARG =
[](const std::string_view & /*name*/) -> std::string
{ return "shared:SSL:32k"; };
static constexpr auto SSL_SESSION_TIMEOUT_ARG = std::string_view{"64m"};
using _Line =
std::array< std::string (*)(const std::string &, const std::string &), 2 >;
class Line {
_Line _line;
explicit Line(const _Line & line) noexcept : _line{line} {}
template<const _Line & ...xn>
static auto build() noexcept -> Line
return Line{_Line{
[](const std::string & p, const std::string & b) -> std::string
{ return (... + xn[0](p, b)); },
[](const std::string & p, const std::string & b) -> std::string
{ return (... + xn[1](p, b)); }
[[nodiscard]] auto STR(const std::string & param, const std::string & begin)
const -> std::string
{ return _line[0](param, begin); }
[[nodiscard]] auto RGX() const -> rgx::regex
{ return rgx::regex{_line[1]("", "")}; }
auto get_if_missed(const std::string & conf, const Line & LINE,
const std::string & val,
const std::string & indent="\n ", bool compare=true)
-> std::string;
auto delete_if(const std::string & conf, const rgx::regex & rgx,
const std::string & val="", bool compare=false)
-> std::string;
void add_ssl_directives_to(const std::string & name, bool isdefault);
void create_ssl_certificate(const std::string & crtpath,
const std::string & keypath,
int days=792);
void use_cron_to_recreate_certificate(const std::string & name);
void add_ssl_if_needed(const std::string & name);
void del_ssl_directives_from(const std::string & name, bool isdefault);
void del_ssl(const std::string & name);
static constexpr auto _begin = _Line{
[](const std::string & /*param*/, const std::string & begin) -> std::string
{ return begin; },
[](const std::string & /*param*/, const std::string & /*begin*/)
-> std::string
{ return R"([{;](\s*))"; }
static constexpr auto _space = _Line{
[](const std::string & /*param*/, const std::string & /*begin*/)
-> std::string
{ return std::string{" "}; },
[](const std::string & /*param*/, const std::string & /*begin*/)
-> std::string
{ return R"(\s+)"; }
static constexpr auto _newline = _Line{
[](const std::string & /*param*/, const std::string & /*begin*/)
-> std::string
{ return std::string{"\n"}; },
[](const std::string & /*param*/, const std::string & /*begin*/)
-> std::string
{ return std::string{"\n"}; }
static constexpr auto _end = _Line{
[](const std::string & /*param*/, const std::string & /*begin*/)
-> std::string
{ return std::string{";"}; },
[](const std::string & /*param*/, const std::string & /*begin*/)
-> std::string
{ return std::string{R"(\s*;)"}; }
template<char clim='\0'>
static constexpr auto _capture = _Line{
[](const std::string & param, const std::string & /*begin*/) -> std::string
{ return '\'' + param + '\''; },
[](const std::string & /*param*/, const std::string & /*begin*/)
-> std::string
const auto lim = clim=='\0' ? std::string{"\\s"} : std::string{clim};
return std::string{R"(((?:(?:"[^"]*")|(?:[^'")"} +
lim + "][^" + lim + "]*)|(?:'[^']*'))+)";
template<const std::string_view & strptr, char clim='\0'>
static constexpr auto _escape = _Line{
[](const std::string & /*param*/, const std::string & /*begin*/)
-> std::string
{ return clim + std::string{} + clim; },
[](const std::string & /*param*/, const std::string & /*begin*/)
-> std::string
std::string ret{};
for (char c : strptr) {
switch(c) {
case '^': ret += '\\'; [[fallthrough]];
case '_': [[fallthrough]];
case '-': ret += c;
if ((isalpha(c)!=0) || (isdigit(c)!=0)) { ret += c; }
else { ret += std::string{"["}+c+"]"; }
return "(?:"+ret+"|'"+ret+"'"+"|\""+ret+"\""+")";
static constexpr std::string_view _server_name = "server_name";
static constexpr std::string_view _include = "include";
static constexpr std::string_view _ssl_certificate = "ssl_certificate";
static constexpr std::string_view _ssl_certificate_key = "ssl_certificate_key";
static constexpr std::string_view _ssl_session_cache = "ssl_session_cache";
static constexpr std::string_view _ssl_session_timeout = "ssl_session_timeout";
// For a compile time regex lib, this must be fixed, use one of these options:
// * Hand craft or macro concat them (loosing more or less flexibility).
// * Use Macro concatenation of __VA_ARGS__ with the help of:
// * Use constexpr---not available for strings or char * for now---look at lib.
static const auto CRON_CMD = Line::build
< _space, _escape<NGINX_UTIL>, _space, _escape<ADD_SSL_FCT,'\''>, _space,
_capture<>, _newline >();
static const auto NGX_SERVER_NAME =
Line::build<_begin, _escape<_server_name>, _space, _capture<';'>, _end>();
static const auto NGX_INCLUDE_LAN_LISTEN = Line::build
<_begin, _escape<_include>, _space, _escape<LAN_LISTEN,'\''>, _end>();
static const auto NGX_INCLUDE_LAN_LISTEN_DEFAULT = Line::build
< _begin, _escape<_include>, _space,
_escape<LAN_LISTEN_DEFAULT, '\''>, _end >();
static const auto NGX_INCLUDE_LAN_SSL_LISTEN = Line::build
<_begin, _escape<_include>, _space, _escape<LAN_SSL_LISTEN, '\''>, _end>();
static const auto NGX_INCLUDE_LAN_SSL_LISTEN_DEFAULT = Line::build
< _begin, _escape<_include>, _space,
_escape<LAN_SSL_LISTEN_DEFAULT, '\''>, _end >();
static const auto NGX_SSL_CRT = Line::build
<_begin, _escape<_ssl_certificate>, _space, _capture<';'>, _end>();
static const auto NGX_SSL_KEY = Line::build
<_begin, _escape<_ssl_certificate_key>, _space, _capture<';'>, _end>();
static const auto NGX_SSL_SESSION_CACHE = Line::build
<_begin, _escape<_ssl_session_cache>, _space, _capture<';'>, _end>();
static const auto NGX_SSL_SESSION_TIMEOUT = Line::build
<_begin, _escape<_ssl_session_timeout>, _space, _capture<';'>, _end>();
auto get_if_missed(const std::string & conf, const Line & LINE,
const std::string & val,
const std::string & indent, bool compare)
-> std::string
if (!compare || val.empty()) {
return rgx::regex_search(conf, LINE.RGX()) ? "" : LINE.STR(val, indent);
rgx::smatch match; // assuming last capture has the value!
for (auto pos = conf.begin();
rgx::regex_search(pos, conf.end(), match, LINE.RGX());
pos += match.position(0) + match.length(0))
const std::string_view value = match.str(match.size() - 1);
if (value==val || value=="'"+val+"'" || value=='"'+val+'"') {
return "";
return LINE.STR(val, indent);
auto delete_if(const std::string & conf, const rgx::regex & rgx,
const std::string & val, const bool compare)
-> std::string
std::string ret{};
auto pos = conf.begin();
for (rgx::smatch match;
rgx::regex_search(pos, conf.end(), match, rgx);
pos += match.position(0) + match.length(0))
const std::string_view value = match.str(match.size() - 1);
auto skip = 1; // one for delimiter!
if (compare && value!=val && value!="'"+val+"'" && value!='"'+val+'"') {
skip = match.length(0);
ret.append(pos, pos + match.position(0) + skip);
ret.append(pos, conf.end());
return ret;
void add_ssl_directives_to(const std::string & name, const bool isdefault)
const std::string prefix = std::string{CONF_DIR} + name;
std::string conf = read_file(prefix+".conf");
const std::string & const_conf = conf; // iteration needs const string.
rgx::smatch match; // captures str(1)=indentation spaces, str(2)=server name
for (auto pos = const_conf.begin();
rgx::regex_search(pos, const_conf.end(), match, NGX_SERVER_NAME.RGX());
pos += match.position(0) + match.length(0))
if (match.str(2).find(name) == std::string::npos) { continue; }
const std::string indent = match.str(1);
std::string adds = isdefault ?
get_if_missed(conf, NGX_INCLUDE_LAN_SSL_LISTEN_DEFAULT,"",indent) :
get_if_missed(conf, NGX_INCLUDE_LAN_SSL_LISTEN, "", indent);
adds += get_if_missed(conf, NGX_SSL_CRT, prefix+".crt", indent);
adds += get_if_missed(conf, NGX_SSL_KEY, prefix+".key", indent);
adds += get_if_missed(conf, NGX_SSL_SESSION_CACHE,
SSL_SESSION_CACHE_ARG(name), indent, false);
adds += get_if_missed(conf, NGX_SSL_SESSION_TIMEOUT,
std::string{SSL_SESSION_TIMEOUT_ARG}, indent, false);
if (adds.length() > 0) {
pos += match.position(0) + match.length(0);
conf = std::string(const_conf.begin(), pos) + adds +
std::string(pos, const_conf.end());
conf = isdefault ?
delete_if(conf, NGX_INCLUDE_LAN_LISTEN.RGX());
write_file(prefix+".conf", conf);
std::cerr<<"Added SSL directives to "<<prefix<<".conf: ";
auto errmsg = std::string{"add_ssl_directives_to error: "};
errmsg += "cannot add SSL directives to " + name + ".conf, missing: ";
errmsg += NGX_SERVER_NAME.STR(name, "\n ") + "\n";
throw std::runtime_error(errmsg.c_str());
template<typename T>
inline auto num2hex(T bytes) -> std::array<char, 2*sizeof(bytes)+1>
constexpr auto n = 2*sizeof(bytes);
std::array<char, n+1> str{};
for (size_t i=0; i<n; ++i) {
static const std::array<char, 17> hex{"0123456789ABCDEF"};
static constexpr auto get = 0x0fU; = & get);
static constexpr auto move = 4U;
bytes >>= move;
str[n] = '\0';
return str;
template<typename T>
inline auto get_nonce(const T salt=0) -> T
T nonce = 0;
std::ifstream urandom{"/dev/urandom"};
static constexpr auto move = 6U;
constexpr size_t steps = (sizeof(nonce)*8 - 1)/move + 1;
for (size_t i=0; i<steps; ++i) {
if (!urandom.good()) { throw std::runtime_error("get_nonce error"); }
nonce = (nonce << move) + static_cast<unsigned>(urandom.get());
nonce ^= salt;
return nonce;
void create_ssl_certificate(const std::string & crtpath,
const std::string & keypath,
const int days)
size_t nonce = 0;
try { nonce = get_nonce(nonce); }
catch (...) { // the address of a variable should be random enough:
auto addr = &crtpath;
auto addrptr = static_cast<const size_t *>(
static_cast<const void *>(&addr) );
nonce += *addrptr;
auto noncestr = num2hex(nonce);
const auto tmpcrtpath = crtpath + ".new-" +;
const auto tmpkeypath = keypath + ".new-" +;
try {
auto pkey = gen_eckey(NID_secp384r1);
write_key(pkey, tmpkeypath);
std::string subject {"/C=ZZ/ST=Somewhere/L=None/CN=OpenWrt/O=OpenWrt"};
subject +=;
selfsigned(pkey, days, subject, tmpcrtpath);
static constexpr auto to_seconds = 24*60*60;
static constexpr auto leeway = 42;
if (!checkend(tmpcrtpath, days*to_seconds - leeway)) {
throw std::runtime_error("bug: created certificate is not valid!!");
} catch (...) {
std::cerr<<"create_ssl_certificate error: ";
std::cerr<<"cannot create selfsigned certificate, ";
std::cerr<<"removing temporary files ..."<<std::endl;
if (remove(tmpcrtpath.c_str())!=0) {
auto errmsg = "\t cannot remove "+tmpcrtpath;
if (remove(tmpkeypath.c_str())!=0) {
auto errmsg = "\t cannot remove "+tmpkeypath;
if ( rename(tmpcrtpath.c_str(), crtpath.c_str())!=0 ||
rename(tmpkeypath.c_str(), keypath.c_str())!=0 )
auto errmsg = std::string{"create_ssl_certificate warning: "};
errmsg += "cannot move "+tmpcrtpath+" to "+crtpath;
errmsg += " or "+tmpkeypath+" to "+keypath+", continuing ... ";
void use_cron_to_recreate_certificate(const std::string & name)
static const char * filename = "/etc/crontabs/root";
std::string conf{};
try { conf = read_file(filename); }
catch (const std::ifstream::failure &) { /* is ok if not found, create. */ }
const std::string add = get_if_missed(conf, CRON_CMD, name);
if (add.length() > 0) {
#ifndef NO_UBUS
auto service = ubus::call("service","list",UBUS_TIMEOUT).filter("cron");
if (!service) {
std::string errmsg{"use_cron_to_recreate_certificate error: "};
errmsg += "Cron unavailable to re-create the ssl certificate for ";
errmsg += name + "\n";
throw std::runtime_error(errmsg.c_str());
} // else active with or without instances:
write_file(filename, std::string{CRON_INTERVAL}+add, std::ios::app);
#ifndef NO_UBUS
call("/etc/init.d/cron", "reload");
std::cerr<<"Rebuild the ssl certificate for '";
std::cerr<<name<<"' annually with cron."<<std::endl;
void add_ssl_if_needed(const std::string & name)
try { add_ssl_directives_to(name, name==LAN_NAME); }
catch (...) {
std::cerr<<"add_ssl_if_needed error: ";
std::cerr<<"cannot add SSL directives to "<<name<<".conf"<<std::endl;
const auto crtpath = std::string{CONF_DIR} + name + ".crt";
const auto keypath = std::string{CONF_DIR} + name + ".key";
constexpr auto remaining_seconds = (365 + 32)*24*60*60;
constexpr auto validity_days = 3*(365 + 31);
bool is_valid = true;
if (access(keypath.c_str(), R_OK) != 0 ||
access(crtpath.c_str(), R_OK) != 0)
{ is_valid = false; }
else {
try {
if (!checkend(crtpath, remaining_seconds)) {
is_valid = false;
catch (...) { // something went wrong, maybe it is in DER format:
try {
if (!checkend(crtpath, remaining_seconds, false)) {
is_valid = false;
catch (...) { // it has neither DER nor PEM format, rebuild.
is_valid = false;
if (!is_valid) { create_ssl_certificate(crtpath, keypath, validity_days); }
try { use_cron_to_recreate_certificate(name); }
catch (...) {
std::cerr<<"add_ssl_if_needed warning: ";
std::cerr<<"cannot use cron to rebuild certificate for "<<name<<"\n";
void del_ssl_directives_from(const std::string & name, const bool isdefault)
const std::string prefix = std::string{CONF_DIR} + name;
std::string conf = read_file(prefix+".conf");
const std::string & const_conf = conf; // iteration needs const string.
rgx::smatch match; // captures str(1)=indentation spaces, str(2)=server name
for (auto pos = const_conf.begin();
rgx::regex_search(pos, const_conf.end(), match, NGX_SERVER_NAME.RGX());
pos += match.position(0) + match.length(0))
if (match.str(2).find(name) == std::string::npos) { continue; }
const std::string indent = match.str(1);
std::string adds = isdefault ?
get_if_missed(conf, NGX_INCLUDE_LAN_LISTEN_DEFAULT,"",indent) :
get_if_missed(conf, NGX_INCLUDE_LAN_LISTEN, "", indent);
if (adds.length() > 0) {
pos += match.position(0) + 1;
conf = std::string(const_conf.begin(), pos) + adds
+ std::string(pos, const_conf.end());
conf = isdefault ?
: delete_if(conf, NGX_INCLUDE_LAN_SSL_LISTEN.RGX());
const auto crtpath = prefix+".crt";
conf = delete_if(conf, NGX_SSL_CRT.RGX(), crtpath, true);
const auto keypath = prefix+".key";
conf = delete_if(conf, NGX_SSL_KEY.RGX(), keypath, true);
conf = delete_if(conf, NGX_SSL_SESSION_CACHE.RGX());
conf = delete_if(conf, NGX_SSL_SESSION_TIMEOUT.RGX());
write_file(prefix+".conf", conf);
std::cerr<<"Deleted SSL directives from "<<prefix<<".conf\n";
auto errmsg = std::string{"del_ssl_directives_from error: "};
errmsg += "cannot delete SSL directives from " + name + ".conf, missing: ";
errmsg += NGX_SERVER_NAME.STR(name, "\n ") + "\n";
throw std::runtime_error(errmsg.c_str());
void del_ssl(const std::string & name)
static const char * filename = "/etc/crontabs/root";
try {
const auto const_conf = read_file(filename);
bool changed = false;
auto conf = std::string{};
size_t prev = 0;
size_t curr = 0;
while ((curr=const_conf.find('\n', prev)) != std::string::npos) {
auto line = const_conf.substr(prev, curr-prev+1);
line = delete_if(line, CRON_CMD.RGX(), std::string{name}, true);
if (line.substr(0,line.size()-1)==CRON_INTERVAL) { changed = true; }
else { conf += line; }
prev = curr + 1;
if (changed) {
write_file(filename, conf);
std::cerr<<"Do not rebuild the ssl certificate for '";
std::cerr<<name<<"' annually with cron anymore."<<std::endl;
#ifndef NO_UBUS
if (ubus::call("service", "list", UBUS_TIMEOUT).filter("cron"))
{ call("/etc/init.d/cron", "reload"); }
} catch (...) {
std::cerr<<"del_ssl warning: ";
std::cerr<<"cannot delete cron job for "<<name<<" in "<<filename<<"\n";
try { del_ssl_directives_from(name, name==LAN_NAME); }
catch (...) {
std::cerr<<"del_ssl error: ";
std::cerr<<"cannot delete SSL directives from "<<name<<".conf\n";
const auto crtpath = std::string{CONF_DIR} + name + ".crt";
if (remove(crtpath.c_str())!=0) {
auto errmsg = "del_ssl warning: cannot remove "+crtpath;
const auto keypath = std::string{CONF_DIR} + name + ".key";
if (remove(keypath.c_str())!=0) {
auto errmsg = "del_ssl warning: cannot remove "+keypath;
// reuse main(...) and common functions:
#include "nginx-util.cpp"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
// This file is included in nginx-ssl-util.cpp, which defines NGINX_OPENSSL.
#ifndef __NGINX_UTIL_C
#define __NGINX_UTIL_C
#include "nginx-util.hpp"
void create_lan_listen()
std::string listen = "# This file is re-created if Nginx starts or"
" a LAN address changes.\n";
std::string listen_default = listen;
std::string ssl_listen = listen;
std::string ssl_listen_default = listen;
auto add_listen = [&listen, &listen_default
,&ssl_listen, &ssl_listen_default
(const std::string &pre, const std::string &ip, const std::string &suf)
-> void
if (ip.empty()) { return; }
const std::string val = pre + ip + suf;
listen += "\tlisten " + val + ":80;\n";
listen_default += "\tlisten " + val + ":80 default_server;\n";
ssl_listen += "\tlisten " + val + ":443 ssl;\n";
ssl_listen_default += "\tlisten " + val + ":443 ssl default_server;\n";
add_listen("", "", "");
add_listen("[", "::1", "]");
#ifndef NO_UBUS
auto lan_status = ubus::call("network.interface.lan", "status");
for (auto ip : lan_status.filter("ipv4-address", "", "address")) {
add_listen("", static_cast<const char *>(blobmsg_data(ip)), "");
for (auto ip : lan_status.filter("ipv6-address", "", "address")) {
add_listen("[", static_cast<const char *>(blobmsg_data(ip)), "]");
write_file(LAN_LISTEN, listen);
write_file(LAN_LISTEN_DEFAULT, listen_default);
write_file(LAN_SSL_LISTEN, ssl_listen);
write_file(LAN_SSL_LISTEN_DEFAULT, ssl_listen_default);
void init_lan()
std::exception_ptr ex;
auto thrd = std::thread([&ex]{
try { add_ssl_if_needed(std::string{LAN_NAME}); }
catch (...) {
std::cerr<<"init_lan error: cannot add SSL for "<<LAN_NAME<<std::endl;
ex = std::current_exception();
try { create_lan_listen(); }
catch (...) {
std::cerr<<"init_lan error: cannot create LAN listen directives"<<std::endl;
ex = std::current_exception();
if (ex) { std::rethrow_exception(ex); }
void get_env()
auto main(int argc, char * argv[]) -> int
// TODO(pst): use std::span when available:
auto args = std::basic_string_view{argv, static_cast<size_t>(argc)};
auto cmds = std::array{
std::array<std::string_view, 2>{"init_lan", ""},
std::array<std::string_view, 2>{"get_env", ""},
std::array<std::string_view, 2>{ADD_SSL_FCT, " server_name" },
std::array<std::string_view, 2>{"del_ssl", " server_name" },
try {
if (argc==2 && args[1]==cmds[0][0]) { init_lan(); }
else if (argc==2 && args[1]==cmds[1][0]) { get_env(); }
else if (argc==3 && args[1]==cmds[2][0])
{ add_ssl_if_needed(std::string{args[2]});}
else if (argc==3 && args[1]==cmds[3][0])
{ del_ssl(std::string{args[2]}); }
else if (argc==2 && args[1]==cmds[3][0])
{ del_ssl(std::string{LAN_NAME}); }
else {
auto usage = std::string{"usage: "} + *argv + " [";
for (auto cmd : cmds) {
usage += std::string{cmd[0]};
usage += std::string{cmd[1]} + "|";
usage[usage.size()-1] = ']';
throw std::runtime_error("main error: argument not recognized");
return 0;
catch (const std::exception & e) { std::cerr<<e.what()<<std::endl; }
catch (...) { perror("main error"); }
return 1;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
#ifndef __NGINX_UTIL_H
#define __NGINX_UTIL_H
#include <array>
#include <cerrno>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <unistd.h>
#ifndef NO_UBUS
#include "ubus-cxx.hpp"
static constexpr auto NGINX_UTIL = std::string_view{"/usr/bin/nginx-util"};
static constexpr auto NGINX_CONF = std::string_view{"/etc/nginx/nginx.conf"};
static constexpr auto CONF_DIR = std::string_view{"/etc/nginx/conf.d/"};
static constexpr auto LAN_NAME = std::string_view{"_lan"};
static constexpr auto LAN_LISTEN =std::string_view{"/var/lib/nginx/lan.listen"};
static constexpr auto LAN_LISTEN_DEFAULT =
// mode: optional ios::binary and/or ios::app (default ios::trunc)
void write_file(const std::string_view & name, const std::string & str,
std::ios_base::openmode flag=std::ios::trunc);
// mode: optional ios::binary (internally ios::ate|ios::in)
auto read_file(const std::string_view & name,
std::ios_base::openmode mode=std::ios::in) -> std::string;
// all S must be convertible to const char[]
template<typename ...S>
auto call(const std::string & program, S... args) -> pid_t;
void create_lan_listen();
void init_lan();
void get_env();
// --------------------- partial implementation: ------------------------------
void write_file(const std::string_view & name, const std::string & str,
const std::ios_base::openmode flag)
std::ofstream file(, flag);
if (!file.good()) {
throw std::ofstream::failure(
"write_file error: cannot open " + std::string{name});
auto read_file(const std::string_view & name,
const std::ios_base::openmode mode) -> std::string
std::ifstream file(, mode|std::ios::ate);
if (!file.good()) {
throw std::ifstream::failure(
"read_file error: cannot open " + std::string{name});
std::string ret{};
const size_t size = file.tellg();
return ret;
template<typename ...S>
auto call(const char * program, S... args) -> pid_t
pid_t pid = fork();
if (pid==0) { //child:
std::array<char *, sizeof...(args)+2> argv =
{ strdup(program), strdup(args)..., nullptr };
execv(program,; // argv cannot be const char * const[]!
_exit(EXIT_FAILURE); // exec never returns.
} else if (pid>0) { //parent:
return pid;
std::string errmsg = "call error: cannot fork (";
errmsg += std::to_string(errno) + "): " + std::strerror(errno);
throw std::runtime_error(errmsg.c_str());

View File

@ -0,0 +1,407 @@
// #define OPENSSL_API_COMPAT 0x10102000L
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <memory>
#include <openssl/bn.h>
#include <openssl/err.h>
#include <openssl/pem.h>
#include <openssl/rsa.h>
#include <string>
#include <unistd.h>
static constexpr auto rsa_min_modulus_bits = 512;
using EVP_PKEY_ptr = std::unique_ptr<EVP_PKEY, decltype(&::EVP_PKEY_free)>;
using X509_NAME_ptr = std::unique_ptr<X509_NAME, decltype(&::X509_NAME_free)>;
auto checkend(const std::string & crtpath,
time_t seconds=0, bool use_pem=true) -> bool;
auto gen_eckey(int curve) -> EVP_PKEY_ptr;
auto gen_rsakey(int keysize, BN_ULONG exponent=RSA_F4) -> EVP_PKEY_ptr;
void write_key(const EVP_PKEY_ptr & pkey,
const std::string & keypath="", bool use_pem=true);
auto subject2name(const std::string & subject) -> X509_NAME_ptr;
void selfsigned(const EVP_PKEY_ptr & pkey, int days,
const std::string & subject="", const std::string & crtpath="",
bool use_pem=true);
// ------------------------- implementation: ----------------------------------
inline auto print_error(const char * str, const size_t /*len*/, void * errmsg)
-> int
*static_cast<std::string *>(errmsg) += str;
return 0;
auto checkend(const std::string & crtpath,
const time_t seconds, const bool use_pem) -> bool
BIO * bio = crtpath.empty() ?
BIO_new_fp(stdin, BIO_NOCLOSE | (use_pem ? BIO_FP_TEXT : 0)) :
BIO_new_file(crtpath.c_str(), (use_pem ? "r" : "rb"));
X509 * x509 = nullptr;
if (bio != nullptr) {
x509 = use_pem ?
PEM_read_bio_X509_AUX(bio, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr) :
d2i_X509_bio(bio, nullptr);
if (x509==nullptr) {
std::string errmsg{"checkend error: unable to load certificate\n"};
ERR_print_errors_cb(print_error, &errmsg);
throw std::runtime_error(errmsg.c_str());
time_t checktime = time(nullptr) + seconds;
auto cmp = X509_cmp_time(X509_get0_notAfter(x509), &checktime);
return (cmp >= 0);
auto gen_eckey(const int curve) -> EVP_PKEY_ptr
EC_GROUP * group = curve!=0 ? EC_GROUP_new_by_curve_name(curve) : nullptr;
if (group == nullptr) {
std::string errmsg{"gen_eckey error: cannot build group for curve id "};
errmsg += std::to_string(curve) + "\n";
ERR_print_errors_cb(print_error, &errmsg);
throw std::runtime_error(errmsg.c_str());
EC_GROUP_set_asn1_flag(group, OPENSSL_EC_NAMED_CURVE);
EC_GROUP_set_point_conversion_form(group, POINT_CONVERSION_UNCOMPRESSED);
auto eckey = EC_KEY_new();
if (eckey != nullptr) {
if ( (EC_KEY_set_group(eckey, group) == 0) ||
(EC_KEY_generate_key(eckey) == 0) )
eckey = nullptr;
if (eckey == nullptr) {
std::string errmsg{"gen_eckey error: cannot build key with curve id "};
errmsg += std::to_string(curve) + "\n";
ERR_print_errors_cb(print_error, &errmsg);
throw std::runtime_error(errmsg.c_str());
EVP_PKEY_ptr pkey{EVP_PKEY_new(), ::EVP_PKEY_free};
auto tmp = static_cast<char *>(static_cast<void *>(eckey));
if (!EVP_PKEY_assign_EC_KEY(pkey.get(), tmp)) {
std::string errmsg{"gen_eckey error: cannot assign EC key to EVP\n"};
ERR_print_errors_cb(print_error, &errmsg);
throw std::runtime_error(errmsg.c_str());
return pkey;
auto gen_rsakey(const int keysize, const BN_ULONG exponent) -> EVP_PKEY_ptr
if (keysize<rsa_min_modulus_bits || keysize>OPENSSL_RSA_MAX_MODULUS_BITS) {
std::string errmsg{"gen_rsakey error: RSA keysize ("};
errmsg += std::to_string(keysize) + ") out of range [512..";
errmsg += std::to_string(OPENSSL_RSA_MAX_MODULUS_BITS) + "]";
throw std::runtime_error(errmsg.c_str());
auto bignum = BN_new();
if (bignum == nullptr) {
std::string errmsg{"gen_rsakey error: cannot get big number struct\n"};
ERR_print_errors_cb(print_error, &errmsg);
throw std::runtime_error(errmsg.c_str());
auto rsa = RSA_new();
if (rsa != nullptr) {
if ((BN_set_word(bignum, exponent) == 0) ||
(RSA_generate_key_ex(rsa, keysize, bignum, nullptr) == 0))
rsa = nullptr;
if (rsa == nullptr) {
std::string errmsg{"gen_rsakey error: cannot create RSA key with size"};
errmsg += std::to_string(keysize) + " and exponent ";
errmsg += std::to_string(exponent) + "\n";
ERR_print_errors_cb(print_error, &errmsg);
throw std::runtime_error(errmsg.c_str());
EVP_PKEY_ptr pkey{EVP_PKEY_new(), ::EVP_PKEY_free};
auto tmp = static_cast<char *>(static_cast<void *>(rsa));
if (!EVP_PKEY_assign_RSA(pkey.get(), tmp)) {
std::string errmsg{"gen_rsakey error: cannot assign RSA key to EVP\n"};
ERR_print_errors_cb(print_error, &errmsg);
throw std::runtime_error(errmsg.c_str());
return pkey;
void write_key(const EVP_PKEY_ptr & pkey,
const std::string & keypath, const bool use_pem)
BIO * bio = nullptr;
if (keypath.empty()) {
bio = BIO_new_fp( stdout, BIO_NOCLOSE | (use_pem ? BIO_FP_TEXT : 0) );
} else { // BIO_new_file(keypath.c_str(), (use_pem ? "w" : "wb") );
static constexpr auto mask = 0600;
// auto fd = open(keypath.c_str(), O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, mask);
auto fd = creat(keypath.c_str(), mask); // the same without va_args.
if (fd >= 0) {
auto fp = fdopen(fd, (use_pem ? "w" : "wb") );
if (fp != nullptr) {
bio = BIO_new_fp(fp, BIO_CLOSE | (use_pem ? BIO_FP_TEXT : 0));
if (bio == nullptr) { fclose(fp); } // (fp owns fd)
else { close(fd); }
if (bio == nullptr) {
std::string errmsg{"write_key error: cannot open "};
errmsg += keypath.empty() ? "stdout" : keypath;
errmsg += "\n";
ERR_print_errors_cb(print_error, &errmsg);
throw std::runtime_error(errmsg.c_str());
int len = 0;
auto key = pkey.get();
switch (EVP_PKEY_base_id(key)) { // use same format as px5g:
len = use_pem ?
PEM_write_bio_ECPrivateKey(bio, EVP_PKEY_get0_EC_KEY(key),
nullptr, nullptr, 0, nullptr, nullptr) :
i2d_ECPrivateKey_bio(bio, EVP_PKEY_get0_EC_KEY(key));
len = use_pem ?
PEM_write_bio_RSAPrivateKey(bio, EVP_PKEY_get0_RSA(key),
nullptr, nullptr, 0, nullptr, nullptr) :
i2d_RSAPrivateKey_bio(bio, EVP_PKEY_get0_RSA(key));
len = use_pem ?
PEM_write_bio_PrivateKey(bio, key,
nullptr, nullptr, 0, nullptr, nullptr) :
i2d_PrivateKey_bio(bio, key);
if (len==0) {
std::string errmsg{"write_key error: cannot write EVP pkey to "};
errmsg += keypath.empty() ? "stdout" : keypath;
errmsg += "\n";
ERR_print_errors_cb(print_error, &errmsg);
throw std::runtime_error(errmsg.c_str());
auto subject2name(const std::string & subject) -> X509_NAME_ptr
if (!subject.empty() && subject[0]!='/') {
throw std::runtime_error("subject2name errror: not starting with /");
X509_NAME_ptr name = {X509_NAME_new(), ::X509_NAME_free};
if (!name) {
std::string errmsg{"subject2name error: cannot create X509 name \n"};
ERR_print_errors_cb(print_error, &errmsg);
throw std::runtime_error(errmsg.c_str());
if (subject.empty()) { return name; }
size_t prev = 1;
std::string type{};
char chr = '=';
for (size_t i=0; subject[i] != 0; ) {
if (subject[i]=='\\' && subject[++i]=='\0') {
throw std::runtime_error("subject2name errror: escape at the end");
if (subject[i]!=chr && subject[i]!='\0') { continue; }
if (chr == '=') {
type = subject.substr(prev, i-prev);
chr = '/';
} else {
auto nid = OBJ_txt2nid(type.c_str());
if (nid == NID_undef) {
// skip unknown entries (silently?).
} else {
auto val = static_cast<const unsigned char *>(
static_cast<const void *>(&subject[prev]) );
auto len = i - prev;
if ( X509_NAME_add_entry_by_NID(name.get(), nid, MBSTRING_ASC,
val, len, -1, 0)
== 0 )
std::string errmsg{"subject2name error: cannot add "};
errmsg += "/" + type +"="+ subject.substr(prev, len) +"\n";
ERR_print_errors_cb(print_error, &errmsg);
throw std::runtime_error(errmsg.c_str());
chr = '=';
prev = i+1;
return name;
void selfsigned(const EVP_PKEY_ptr & pkey, const int days,
const std::string & subject, const std::string & crtpath,
const bool use_pem)
auto x509 = X509_new();
if (x509 == nullptr) {
std::string errmsg{"selfsigned error: cannot create X509 structure\n"};
ERR_print_errors_cb(print_error, &errmsg);
throw std::runtime_error(errmsg.c_str());
auto freeX509_and_throw = [&x509](const std::string & what)
std::string errmsg{"selfsigned error: cannot set "};
errmsg += what + " in X509 certificate\n";
ERR_print_errors_cb(print_error, &errmsg);
throw std::runtime_error(errmsg.c_str());
if (X509_set_version(x509, 2) == 0) { freeX509_and_throw("version"); }
if (X509_set_pubkey(x509, pkey.get()) == 0) { freeX509_and_throw("pubkey");}
if ((X509_gmtime_adj(X509_getm_notBefore(x509), 0) == nullptr) ||
(X509_time_adj_ex(X509_getm_notAfter(x509), days,0,nullptr) == nullptr))
X509_NAME_ptr name{nullptr, ::X509_NAME_free};
try { name = subject2name(subject); }
catch (...) {
if (X509_set_subject_name(x509, name.get()) == 0) {
if (X509_set_issuer_name(x509, name.get()) == 0) {
auto bignum = BN_new();
if (bignum == nullptr) { freeX509_and_throw("serial (creating big number struct)"); }
static const auto BITS = 159;
if (BN_rand(bignum, BITS, BN_RAND_TOP_ANY, BN_RAND_BOTTOM_ANY) == 0) {
freeX509_and_throw("serial (creating random number)");
if (BN_to_ASN1_INTEGER(bignum, X509_get_serialNumber(x509)) == nullptr) {
freeX509_and_throw("random serial");
if (X509_sign(x509, pkey.get(), EVP_sha256()) == 0) {
freeX509_and_throw("signing digest");
BIO * bio = crtpath.empty() ?
BIO_new_fp(stdout, BIO_NOCLOSE | (use_pem ? BIO_FP_TEXT : 0)) :
BIO_new_file(crtpath.c_str(), (use_pem ? "w" : "wb"));
int len = 0;
if (bio != nullptr) {
len = use_pem ?
PEM_write_bio_X509(bio, x509) :
i2d_X509_bio(bio, x509);
if (len==0) {
std::string errmsg{"selfsigned error: cannot write certificate to "};
errmsg += crtpath.empty() ? "stdout" : crtpath;
errmsg += "\n";
ERR_print_errors_cb(print_error, &errmsg);
throw std::runtime_error(errmsg.c_str());

net/nginx-util/src/px5g.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,451 @@
#include <array>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "px5g-openssl.hpp"
class argv_view { // TODO(pst): use std::span when available.
std::basic_string_view<const char *> data;
argv_view(const argv_view &) = delete;
argv_view(argv_view &&) = delete;
auto operator=(const argv_view &) -> argv_view & = delete;
auto operator=(argv_view &&) -> argv_view & = delete;
argv_view(const char ** argv, int argc) :
data{argv, static_cast<size_t>(argc)} {}
inline auto operator[] (size_t pos) const -> std::string_view
{ return std::string_view{data[pos]}; }
[[nodiscard]] inline constexpr auto size() const noexcept -> size_t
{ return data.size(); }
~argv_view() = default;
static const auto default_validity = 30;
auto checkend(const argv_view & argv) -> int;
void eckey(const argv_view & argv);
void rsakey(const argv_view & argv);
void selfsigned(const argv_view & argv);
inline auto parse_int(const std::string_view & arg) -> int
size_t pos;
int ret = stoi(std::string{arg}, &pos);
if (pos < arg.size()) {
throw std::runtime_error("number has trailing char");
return ret;
inline auto parse_curve(const std::string_view & name) -> int
if (name=="P-384") { return NID_secp384r1; }
if (name=="P-521") { return NID_secp521r1; }
if (name=="P-256" || name=="secp256r1") { return NID_X9_62_prime256v1; }
if (name=="secp192r1") { return NID_X9_62_prime192v1; }
return OBJ_sn2nid(;
// not: if (curve == 0) { curve = EC_curve_nist2nid(name.c_str()); }
auto checkend(const argv_view & argv) -> int
bool use_pem = true;
std::string crtpath{};
time_t seconds = 0;
for (size_t i=2; i<argv.size(); ++i) {
if (argv[i]=="-der") {
use_pem = false;
} else if (argv[i]=="-in") {
if (i >= argv.size()) {
throw std::runtime_error("checkend error: -in misses filename");
if (!crtpath.empty()) {
if (argv[i] == crtpath) {
std::cerr<<"checkend warning: repeated same -in file\n";
} else {
throw std::runtime_error
("checkend error: more than one -in file");
crtpath = argv[i];
else if (argv[i][0]=='-') {
std::cerr<<"checkend warning: skipping option "<<argv[i]<<std::endl;
} else { // main option:
intmax_t num = 0;
try {
num = parse_int(argv[i]);
} catch (...) {
auto errmsg = std::string{"checkend error: invalid time "};
errmsg += argv[i];
seconds = static_cast<time_t>(num);
if (num!=static_cast<intmax_t>(seconds)) {
auto errmsg = std::string{"checkend error: time too big "};
errmsg += argv[i];
throw std::runtime_error(errmsg.c_str());
bool valid = checkend(crtpath, seconds, use_pem);
std::cout<<"Certificate will"<<(valid ? " not " : " ")<<"expire"<<std::endl;
return (valid ? 0 : 1);
void eckey(const argv_view & argv)
bool has_main_option = false;
bool use_pem = true;
std::string keypath{};
int curve = NID_X9_62_prime256v1;
for (size_t i=2; i < argv.size(); ++i) {
if (argv[i]=="-der") {
use_pem = false;
} else if (argv[i]=="-out") {
if (i >= argv.size()) {
throw std::runtime_error("eckey error: -out misses filename");
if (!keypath.empty()) {
if (argv[i]==keypath) {
std::cerr<<"eckey warning: repeated same -out file\n";
} else {
throw std::runtime_error
("eckey error: more than one -out file");
keypath = argv[i];
else if (argv[i][0]=='-') {
std::cerr<<"eckey warning: skipping option "<<argv[i]<<std::endl;
} else { //main option:
if (has_main_option) {
throw std::runtime_error
("eckey error: more than one main option");
} // else:
has_main_option = true;
curve = parse_curve(argv[i]);
write_key(gen_eckey(curve), keypath, use_pem);
void rsakey(const argv_view & argv)
bool has_main_option = false;
bool use_pem = true;
std::string keypath{};
BN_ULONG exponent = RSA_F4;
int keysize = rsa_min_modulus_bits;
for (size_t i=2; i < argv.size(); ++i) {
if (argv[i]=="-der") {
use_pem = false;
} else if (argv[i]=="-3") {
exponent = 3;
} else if (argv[i]=="-out") {
if (i >= argv.size()) {
throw std::runtime_error("rsakey error: -out misses filename");
if (!keypath.empty()) {
if (argv[i]==keypath) {
std::cerr<<"rsakey warning: repeated -out file"<<std::endl;
} else {
throw std::runtime_error
("rsakey error: more than one -out file");
keypath = argv[i];
else if (argv[i][0]=='-') {
std::cerr<<"rsakey warning: skipping option "<<argv[i]<<std::endl;
} else { //main option:
if (has_main_option) {
throw std::runtime_error("rsakey error: more than one keysize");
} // else:
has_main_option = true;
try {
keysize = parse_int(argv[i]);
} catch (...) {
std::string errmsg{"rsakey error: invalid keysize "};
errmsg += argv[i];
write_key(gen_rsakey(keysize, exponent), keypath, use_pem);
void selfsigned(const argv_view & argv)
bool use_pem = true;
int days = default_validity;
std::string keypath{};
std::string crtpath{};
std::string subject{};
bool use_rsa = true;
int keysize = rsa_min_modulus_bits;
BN_ULONG exponent = RSA_F4;
int curve = NID_X9_62_prime256v1;
for (size_t i=2; i < argv.size(); ++i) {
if (argv[i]=="-der") {
use_pem = false;
} else if (argv[i]=="-days") {
try {
days = parse_int(argv[i]);
} catch (...) {
std::string errmsg{"selfsigned error: not a number for -days "};
errmsg += argv[i].substr(4);
else if (argv[i]=="-newkey") {
if (i >= argv.size()) {
throw std::runtime_error
("selfsigned error: -newkey misses algorithm option");
static constexpr auto rsa_prefix = std::string_view{"rsa:"};
if (argv[i]=="ec") {
use_rsa = false;
} else if (argv[i].rfind(rsa_prefix, 0) == 0) {
use_rsa = true;
try {
keysize = parse_int(argv[i].substr(rsa_prefix.size()));
} catch (...) {
std::string errmsg{"selfsigned error: invalid keysize "};
errmsg += argv[i].substr(4);
} else {
throw std::runtime_error("selfsigned error: invalid algorithm");
else if (argv[i]=="-pkeyopt") {
if (i >= argv.size()) {
throw std::runtime_error
("selfsigned error: -pkeyopt misses value");
static constexpr auto curve_prefix =
if (argv[i].rfind(curve_prefix, 0) != 0) {
throw std::runtime_error("selfsigned error: -pkeyopt invalid");
curve = parse_curve(argv[i].substr(curve_prefix.size()));
else if (argv[i]=="-keyout") {
if (i >= argv.size()) {
throw std::runtime_error
("selfsigned error: -keyout misses path");
if (!keypath.empty()) {
if (argv[i]==keypath) {
std::cerr<<"selfsigned warning: repeated -keyout file\n";
} else {
throw std::runtime_error
("selfsigned error: more than one -keyout file");
keypath = argv[i];
else if (argv[i]=="-out") {
if (i >= argv.size()) {
throw std::runtime_error
("selfsigned error: -out misses filename");
if (!crtpath.empty()) {
if (argv[i]==crtpath) {
std::cerr<<"selfsigned warning: repeated same -out file\n";
} else {
throw std::runtime_error
("selfsigned error: more than one -out file");
crtpath = argv[i];
else if (argv[i]=="-subj") {
if (i >= argv.size()) {
throw std::runtime_error
("selfsigned error: -subj misses value");
if (!subject.empty()) {
if (argv[i]==subject) {
std::cerr<<"selfsigned warning: repeated same -subj\n";
} else {
throw std::runtime_error
("selfsigned error: more than one -subj value");
subject = argv[i];
else {
std::cerr<<"selfsigned warning: skipping option "<<argv[i]<<std::endl;
auto pkey = use_rsa ? gen_rsakey(keysize, exponent) : gen_eckey(curve);
selfsigned(pkey, days, subject, crtpath, use_pem);
if (!keypath.empty()) { write_key(pkey, keypath, use_pem); }
auto main(int argc, const char ** argv) -> int
auto args = argv_view{argv, argc};
auto cmds = std::array{
std::array<std::string, 2>{"checkend",
" [-der] [-in certificate_path] [seconds_remaining]"
std::array<std::string, 2>{"eckey",
" [-der] [-out key_path] [curve_name]"
std::array<std::string, 2>{"rsakey",
" [-der] [-out key_path] [-3] [key_size]"
std::array<std::string, 2>{"selfsigned",
" [-der] [-keyout key_path] [-out certificate_path]"
" [-newkey ec|rsa:key_size] [-pkeyopt ec_paramgen_curve:name]"
" [-days validity] [-subj /C=.../ST=.../L=.../O=.../CN=.../... ]"
try {
if (argc < 2) { throw std::runtime_error("error: no argument"); }
if (args[1]==cmds[0][0]) {return checkend(args);}
if (args[1]==cmds[1][0]) { eckey(args); }
else if (args[1]==cmds[2][0]) { rsakey(args); }
else if (args[1]==cmds[3][0]) { selfsigned(args); }
else { throw std::runtime_error("error: argument not recognized"); }
catch (const std::exception & e) {
auto usage = std::string{"usage: \n"} ;
for (auto cmd : cmds) {
usage += std::string{4, ' '} + *argv +" "+ cmd[0] + cmd[1] +"\n";
auto print_nested =
[](auto && self, const std::exception & outer, int depth=0) -> void
std::cerr<<std::string(depth, '\t')<<outer.what()<<std::endl;
try { std::rethrow_if_nested(outer); }
catch (const std::exception & inner) { self(self, inner, depth+1); }
print_nested(print_nested, e);
return 1;
catch (...) {
std::cerr<<*argv<<" unknown error."<<std::endl;
return 2;
return 0;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,505 @@
// implementing *some* <regex> functions using pcre for performance:
#include <array>
#include <pcre.h>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
namespace rgx {
namespace regex_constants {
enum error_type
static const error_type error_collate(_enum_error_collate);
static const error_type error_ctype(_enum_error_ctype);
static const error_type error_escape(_enum_error_escape);
static const error_type error_backref(_enum_error_backref);
static const error_type error_brack(_enum_error_brack);
static const error_type error_paren(_enum_error_paren);
static const error_type error_brace(_enum_error_brace);
static const error_type error_badbrace(_enum_error_badbrace);
static const error_type error_range(_enum_error_range);
static const error_type error_space(_enum_error_space);
static const error_type error_badrepeat(_enum_error_badrepeat);
static const error_type error_complexity(_enum_error_complexity);
static const error_type error_stack(_enum_error_stack);
} // namespace regex_constants
class regex_error : public std::runtime_error {
regex_constants::error_type errcode;
explicit regex_error(regex_constants::error_type code,
const char * what="regex error")
: runtime_error(what), errcode(code)
{ }
[[nodiscard]] auto code() const -> regex_constants::error_type
{ return errcode; }
class regex {
int errcode = 0;
const char * errptr = nullptr;
int erroffset = 0;
pcre * const re = nullptr;
static const std::array<regex_constants::error_type,86> errcode_pcre2regex;
static const auto BASE = 10;
inline regex() = default;
inline regex(const regex &) = delete;
inline regex(regex &&) = default;
inline auto operator=(const regex &) -> regex & = delete;
inline auto operator=(regex &&) -> regex & = delete;
explicit regex(const std::string & str)
: re{ pcre_compile2(str.c_str(), 0, &errcode, &errptr, &erroffset,nullptr) }
if (re==nullptr) {
std::string what = std::string("regex error: ") + errptr + '\n';
what += " '" + str + "'\n";
what += " " + std::string(erroffset, ' ') + '^';
throw regex_error(, what.c_str());
~regex() { if (re != nullptr) { pcre_free(re); } }
inline auto operator()() const -> const pcre * { return re; }
class smatch {
friend auto regex_search(std::string::const_iterator begin,
std::string::const_iterator end,
smatch & match,
const regex & rgx);
std::string::const_iterator begin;
std::string::const_iterator end;
std::vector <int> vec{};
int n = 0;
[[nodiscard]] inline auto position(int i=0) const {
return (i<0 || i>=n) ? std::string::npos : vec[2*i];
[[nodiscard]] inline auto length(int i=0) const {
return (i<0 || i>=n) ? 0 : vec[2*i+1] - vec[2*i];
[[nodiscard]] auto str(int i=0) const -> std::string { // should we throw?
if (i<0 || i>=n) { return ""; }
int x = vec[2*i];
if (x<0) { return ""; }
int y = vec[2*i+1];
return std::string{begin + x, begin + y};
[[nodiscard]] auto format(const std::string & fmt) const;
[[nodiscard]] auto size() const -> int { return n; }
[[nodiscard]] inline auto empty() const { return n<0; }
[[nodiscard]] inline auto ready() const { return !vec.empty(); }
inline auto regex_search(const std::string & subj, const regex & rgx);
auto regex_replace(const std::string & subj,
const regex & rgx,
const std::string & insert);
inline auto regex_search(const std::string & subj, smatch & match,
const regex & rgx);
auto regex_search(std::string::const_iterator begin,
std::string::const_iterator end,
smatch & match,
const regex & rgx);
// ------------------------- implementation: ----------------------------------
inline auto regex_search(const std::string & subj, const regex & rgx)
if (rgx()==nullptr) {
throw std::runtime_error("regex_search error: no regex given");
int n = pcre_exec(rgx(), nullptr, subj.c_str(), subj.length(),
0, 0, nullptr, 0);
return n>=0;
auto regex_search(const std::string::const_iterator begin,
const std::string::const_iterator end,
smatch & match,
const regex & rgx)
if (rgx()==nullptr) {
throw std::runtime_error("regex_search error: no regex given");
int sz = 0;
pcre_fullinfo(rgx(), nullptr, PCRE_INFO_CAPTURECOUNT, &sz);
sz = 3*(sz + 1);
const char * subj = &*begin;
size_t len = &*end - subj;
match.begin = begin;
match.end = end;
match.n = pcre_exec(rgx(), nullptr, subj, len, 0, 0, &match.vec[0], sz);
if (match.n<0) { return false; }
if (match.n==0) { match.n = sz/3; }
return true;
inline auto regex_search(const std::string & subj, smatch & match,
const regex & rgx)
return regex_search(subj.begin(), subj.end(), match, rgx);
auto smatch::format(const std::string & fmt) const {
std::string ret{};
size_t index = 0;
size_t pos;
while ((pos=fmt.find('$', index)) != std::string::npos) {
ret.append(fmt, index, pos-index);
index = pos + 1;
char chr = fmt[index++];
int n = 0;
static const auto BASE = 10;
switch(chr) {
case '&': // match
ret += this->str(0);
case '`': // prefix
ret.append(begin, begin+vec[0]);
case '\'': // suffix
ret.append(begin+vec[1], end);
default: // number => submatch
while (isdigit(chr) != 0) {
n = BASE*n + chr - '0';
chr = fmt[index++];
ret += n>0 ? str(n) : std::string{"$"};
case '$': // escaped
ret += chr;
ret.append(fmt, index);
return ret;
auto regex_replace(const std::string & subj,
const regex & rgx,
const std::string & insert)
if (rgx()==nullptr) {
throw std::runtime_error("regex_replace error: no regex given");
std::string ret{};
auto pos = subj.begin();
for (smatch match;
regex_search(pos, subj.end(), match, rgx);
pos += match.position(0) + match.length(0))
ret.append(pos, pos + match.position(0));
ret.append(pos, subj.end());
return ret;
// ------------ There is only the translation table below : -------------------
const std::array<regex_constants::error_type, 86> regex::errcode_pcre2regex = {
// 0 no error
// 1 \ at end of pattern
// 2 \c at end of pattern
// 3 unrecognized character follows \ .
// 4 numbers out of order in {} quantifier
// 5 number too big in {} quantifier
// 6 missing terminating for character class
// 7 invalid escape sequence in character class
// 8 range out of order in character class
// 9 nothing to repeat
// 10 [this code is not in use
// 11 internal error: unexpected repeat
// 12 unrecognized character after (? or (?-
// 13 POSIX named classes are supported only within a class
// 14 missing )
// 15 reference to non-existent subpattern
// 16 erroffset passed as NULL
// 17 unknown option bit(s) set
// 18 missing ) after comment
// 19 [this code is not in use
// 20 regular expression is too large
// 21 failed to get memory
// 22 unmatched parentheses
// 23 internal error: code overflow
// 24 unrecognized character after (?<
// 25 lookbehind assertion is not fixed length
// 26 malformed number or name after (?(
// 27 conditional group contains more than two branches
// 28 assertion expected after (?(
// 29 (?R or (?[+-digits must be followed by )
// 30 unknown POSIX class name
// 31 POSIX collating elements are not supported
// 32 this version of PCRE is compiled without UTF support
// 33 [this code is not in use
// 34 character value in \x{} or \o{} is too large
// 35 invalid condition (?(0)
// 36 \C not allowed in lookbehind assertion
// 37 PCRE does not support \L, \l, \N{name}, \U, or \u
// 38 number after (?C is > 255
// 39 closing ) for (?C expected
// 40 recursive call could loop indefinitely
// 41 unrecognized character after (?P
// 42 syntax error in subpattern name (missing terminator)
// 43 two named subpatterns have the same name
// 44 invalid UTF-8 string (specifically UTF-8)
// 45 support for \P, \p, and \X has not been compiled
// 46 malformed \P or \p sequence
// 47 unknown property name after \P or \p
// 48 subpattern name is too long (maximum 32 characters)
// 49 too many named subpatterns (maximum 10000)
// 50 [this code is not in use
// 51 octal value is greater than \377 in 8-bit non-UTF-8 mode
// 52 internal error: overran compiling workspace
// 53 internal error: previously-checked referenced subpattern not found
// 54 DEFINE group contains more than one branch
// 55 repeating a DEFINE group is not allowed
// 56 inconsistent NEWLINE options
// 57 \g is not followed by a braced, angle-bracketed, or quoted name/number or by a plain number
// 58 a numbered reference must not be zero
// 59 an argument is not allowed for (*ACCEPT), (*FAIL), or (*COMMIT)
// 60 (*VERB) not recognized or malformed
// 61 number is too big
// 62 subpattern name expected
// 63 digit expected after (?+
// 64 is an invalid data character in JavaScript compatibility mode
// 65 different names for subpatterns of the same number are not allowed
// 66 (*MARK) must have an argument
// 67 this version of PCRE is not compiled with Unicode property support
// 68 \c must be followed by an ASCII character
// 69 \k is not followed by a braced, angle-bracketed, or quoted name
// 70 internal error: unknown opcode in find_fixedlength()
// 71 \N is not supported in a class
// 72 too many forward references
// 73 disallowed Unicode code point (>= 0xd800 && <= 0xdfff)
// 74 invalid UTF-16 string (specifically UTF-16)
// 75 name is too long in (*MARK), (*PRUNE), (*SKIP), or (*THEN)
// 76 character value in \u.... sequence is too large
// 77 invalid UTF-32 string (specifically UTF-32)
// 78 setting UTF is disabled by the application
// 79 non-hex character in \x{} (closing brace missing?)
// 80 non-octal character in \o{} (closing brace missing?)
// 81 missing opening brace after \o
// 82 parentheses are too deeply nested
// 83 invalid range in character class
// 84 group name must start with a non-digit
// 85 parentheses are too deeply nested (stack check)
} // namespace rgx

net/nginx-util/src/ Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
NONCE=$(dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1 count=4 2>/dev/null | hexdump -e '1/1 "%02x"')
openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 1 -keyout /dev/null 2>/dev/null \
-out "$OPENSSL_PEM" -subj "$SUBJECT" \
|| ( printf "error: generating PEM certificate with openssl"; return 1)
openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 1 -keyout /dev/null 2>/dev/null \
-out "$OPENSSL_DER" -outform der -subj "$SUBJECT" \
|| ( printf "error: generating DER certificate with openssl"; return 1)
function test() {
MSG="$1 >/dev/null \t (-> $2?) \t"
eval "$1 >/dev/null "
if [ $? -eq $2 ]
[ "$PRINT_PASSED" -gt 0 ] && printf "$MSG passed.\n"
printf "$MSG failed!!!\n"
[ "$PRINT_PASSED" -gt 1 ] && exit 1
[ "$PRINT_PASSED" -gt 0 ] && printf "\nTesting openssl itself ...\n"
[ "$PRINT_PASSED" -gt 1 ] && printf " * right PEM:\n"
test 'cat "$OPENSSL_PEM" | openssl x509 -checkend 0 ' 0
test 'cat "$OPENSSL_PEM" | openssl x509 -checkend 86300 ' 0
test 'cat "$OPENSSL_PEM" | openssl x509 -checkend 86400 ' 1
[ "$PRINT_PASSED" -gt 1 ] && printf " * right DER:\n"
test 'cat "$OPENSSL_DER" | openssl x509 -checkend 0 -inform der ' 0
test 'cat "$OPENSSL_DER" | openssl x509 -checkend 86300 -inform der ' 0
test 'cat "$OPENSSL_DER" | openssl x509 -checkend 86400 -inform der ' 1
[ "$PRINT_PASSED" -gt 1 ] && printf " * wrong:\n"
test 'cat "$OPENSSL_PEM" | openssl x509 -checkend 0 -inform der 2>/dev/null' 1
test 'cat "$OPENSSL_DER" | openssl x509 -checkend 0 2>/dev/null' 1
[ "$PRINT_PASSED" -gt 0 ] && printf "\nTesting px5g checkend ...\n"
[ "$PRINT_PASSED" -gt 1 ] && printf " * right PEM:\n"
test 'cat "$OPENSSL_PEM" | ./px5g checkend 0 ' 0
test 'cat "$OPENSSL_PEM" | ./px5g checkend 86300 ' 0
test 'cat "$OPENSSL_PEM" | ./px5g checkend 86400 ' 1
[ "$PRINT_PASSED" -gt 1 ] && printf " * right DER:\n"
test 'cat "$OPENSSL_DER" | ./px5g checkend -der 0 ' 0
test 'cat "$OPENSSL_DER" | ./px5g checkend -der 86300 ' 0
test 'cat "$OPENSSL_DER" | ./px5g checkend -der 86400 ' 1
[ "$PRINT_PASSED" -gt 1 ] && printf " * in option:\n"
test 'cat "$OPENSSL_DER" | ./px5g checkend -in /proc/self/fd/0 -der 0 ' 0
test 'cat "$OPENSSL_DER" | ./px5g checkend -der -in /proc/self/fd/0 99 ' 0
[ "$PRINT_PASSED" -gt 1 ] && printf " * wrong:\n"
test 'cat "$OPENSSL_PEM" | ./px5g checkend -der 0 2>/dev/null' 1
test 'cat "$OPENSSL_DER" | ./px5g checkend 0 2>/dev/null' 1
[ "$PRINT_PASSED" -gt 0 ] && printf "\nTesting px5g eckey ...\n"
[ "$PRINT_PASSED" -gt 1 ] && printf " * standard curves:\n"
test './px5g eckey P-256 | openssl ec -check 2>/dev/null' 0
test './px5g eckey P-384 | openssl ec -check 2>/dev/null' 0
test './px5g eckey secp384r1 | openssl ec -check 2>/dev/null' 0
test './px5g eckey secp256r1 | openssl ec -check 2>/dev/null' 0
test './px5g eckey secp256k1 | openssl ec -check 2>/dev/null' 0
[ "$PRINT_PASSED" -gt 1 ] && printf " * more curves:\n"
test './px5g eckey P-521 | openssl ec -check 2>/dev/null' 0
test './px5g eckey secp521r1 | openssl ec -check 2>/dev/null' 0
test './px5g eckey secp224r1 | openssl ec -check 2>/dev/null' 0
test './px5g eckey secp224k1 | openssl ec -check 2>/dev/null' 0
test './px5g eckey secp192r1 | openssl ec -check 2>/dev/null' 0
test './px5g eckey secp192k1 | openssl ec -check 2>/dev/null' 0
test './px5g eckey brainpoolP512r1 | openssl ec -check 2>/dev/null' 0
test './px5g eckey brainpoolP384r1 | openssl ec -check 2>/dev/null' 0
test './px5g eckey brainpoolP256r1 | openssl ec -check 2>/dev/null' 0
[ "$PRINT_PASSED" -gt 1 ] && printf " * other options:\n"
test './px5g eckey -out /proc/self/fd/1 | openssl ec -check 2>/dev/null' 0
test './px5g eckey -der | openssl ec -check -inform der 2>/dev/null' 0
[ "$PRINT_PASSED" -gt 0 ] && printf "\nTesting px5g rsakey ...\n"
[ "$PRINT_PASSED" -gt 1 ] && printf " * standard exponent:\n"
test './px5g rsakey | openssl rsa -check 2>/dev/null' 0
test './px5g rsakey 512 | openssl rsa -check 2>/dev/null' 0
test './px5g rsakey 1024 | openssl rsa -check 2>/dev/null' 0
test './px5g rsakey 2048 | openssl rsa -check 2>/dev/null' 0
test './px5g rsakey 4096 | openssl rsa -check 2>/dev/null' 0
test './px5g rsakey 1111 | openssl rsa -check 2>/dev/null' 0
test './px5g rsakey 0 2>/dev/null' 1
[ "$PRINT_PASSED" -gt 1 ] && printf " * small exponent:\n"
test './px5g rsakey -3 | openssl rsa -check 2>/dev/null' 0
test './px5g rsakey -3 512 | openssl rsa -check 2>/dev/null' 0
test './px5g rsakey -3 1024 | openssl rsa -check 2>/dev/null' 0
test './px5g rsakey -3 2048 | openssl rsa -check 2>/dev/null' 0
test './px5g rsakey -3 4096 | openssl rsa -check 2>/dev/null' 0
test './px5g rsakey -3 1111 | openssl rsa -check 2>/dev/null' 0
test './px5g rsakey -3 0 2>/dev/null' 1
[ "$PRINT_PASSED" -gt 1 ] && printf " * other options:\n"
test './px5g rsakey -out /proc/self/fd/1 | openssl rsa -check 2>/dev/null' 0
test './px5g rsakey -der | openssl rsa -check -inform der 2>/dev/null' 0
[ "$PRINT_PASSED" -gt 0 ] && printf "\nTesting px5g selfsigned ...\n"
test './px5g selfsigned -der | openssl x509 -checkend 0 -inform der ' 0
test './px5g selfsigned -days 1 | openssl x509 -checkend 0 ' 0
test './px5g selfsigned -days 1 | openssl x509 -checkend 86300' 0
test './px5g selfsigned -days 1 | openssl x509 -checkend 86400' 1
test './px5g selfsigned -out /proc/self/fd/1 | openssl x509 -checkend 0 ' 0
test './px5g selfsigned -newkey rsa:666 | openssl x509 -checkend 0 ' 0
test './px5g selfsigned -newkey ec | openssl x509 -checkend 0 ' 0
test './px5g selfsigned -newkey ec -pkeyopt ec_paramgen_curve:secp384r1 \
| openssl x509 -checkend 0 ' 0
test './px5g selfsigned -subj $SUBJECT | openssl x509 -noout \
-subject -nameopt compat | grep -q subject=$SUBJECT 2>/dev/null' 0
test './px5g selfsigned -out /dev/null -keyout /proc/self/fd/1 \
| openssl rsa -check 2>/dev/null ' 0

View File

@ -0,0 +1,446 @@
#ifndef _UBUS_CXX_HPP
#define _UBUS_CXX_HPP
extern "C" { //TODO(pst): remove when in upstream
#include <libubus.h>
#include <cassert>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#ifndef NDEBUG
#include <iostream>
// // example for checking if there is a key:
// if (ubus::call("service", "list", 1000).filter("cron")) {
// std::cout<<"Cron is active (with or without instances) "<<std::endl;
// }
// // example for getting values:
// auto lan_status = ubus::call("network.interface.lan", "status");
// for (auto x : lan_status.filter("ipv6-address", "", "address")) {
// std::cout<<"["<<blobmsg_get_string(x)<<"] ";
// }
// for (auto x : lan_status.filter("ipv4-address", "").filter("address")) {
// std::cout<<blobmsg_get_string(x)<<" ";
// }
// std::cout<<std::endl;
// // example for exploring:
// ubus::strings keys{"ipv4-address", "", "*"};
// for (auto x : ubus::call("network.interface.lan", "status").filter(keys)) {
// std::cout<<blobmsg_name(x)<<": ";
// switch (blob_id(x)) {
// case BLOBMSG_TYPE_UNSPEC: std::cout<<"[unspecified]"; break;
// case BLOBMSG_TYPE_ARRAY: std::cout<<"[array]"; break;
// case BLOBMSG_TYPE_TABLE: std::cout<<"[table]"; break;
// case BLOBMSG_TYPE_STRING: std::cout<<blobmsg_get_string(x); break;
// case BLOBMSG_TYPE_INT64: std::cout<<blobmsg_get_u64(x); break;
// case BLOBMSG_TYPE_INT32: std::cout<<blobmsg_get_u32(x); break;
// case BLOBMSG_TYPE_INT16: std::cout<<blobmsg_get_u16(x); break;
// case BLOBMSG_TYPE_BOOL: std::cout<<blobmsg_get_bool(x); break;
// case BLOBMSG_TYPE_DOUBLE: std::cout<<blobmsg_get_double(x); break;
// default: std::cout<<"[unknown]";
// }
// std::cout<<std::endl;
// }
// // example for recursive exploring (output like from the original ubus call)
// const auto explore = [](auto message) -> void
// {
// auto end = message.end();
// auto explore_internal =
// [&end](auto & explore_ref, auto it, size_t depth=1) -> void
// {
// std::cout<<std::endl;
// bool first = true;
// for (; it!=end; ++it) {
// auto * attr = *it;
// if (first) { first = false; }
// else { std::cout<<",\n"; }
// std::cout<<std::string(depth, '\t');
// std::string name = blobmsg_name(attr);
// if (name != "") { std::cout<<"\""<<name<<"\": "; }
// switch (blob_id(attr)) {
// case BLOBMSG_TYPE_UNSPEC: std::cout<<"(unspecified)"; break;
// std::cout<<"[";
// explore_ref(explore_ref, ubus::iterator{attr}, depth+1);
// std::cout<<"\n"<<std::string(depth, '\t')<<"]";
// break;
// std::cout<<"{";
// explore_ref(explore_ref, ubus::iterator{attr}, depth+1);
// std::cout<<"\n"<<std::string(depth, '\t')<<"}";
// break;
// std::cout<<"\""<<blobmsg_get_string(attr)<<"\"";
// break;
// std::cout<<blobmsg_get_u64(attr);
// break;
// std::cout<<blobmsg_get_u32(attr);
// break;
// std::cout<<blobmsg_get_u16(attr);
// break;
// std::cout<<(blobmsg_get_bool(attr) ? "true" : "false");
// break;
// std::cout<<blobmsg_get_double(attr);
// break;
// default: std::cout<<"(unknown)"; break;
// }
// }
// };
// std::cout<<"{";
// explore_internal(explore_internal, message.begin());
// std::cout<<"\n}"<<std::endl;
// };
// explore(ubus::call("network.interface.lan", "status"));
namespace ubus {
using strings = std::vector<std::string>;
inline void append(strings & /*dest*/) {}
template<class ...Strings>
inline void append(strings & dest, strings src, Strings ...more)
dest.reserve(dest.size() + src.size());
dest.insert(std::end(dest), std::make_move_iterator(std::begin(src)),
append(dest, std::move(more)...);
template<class S, class ...Strings>
inline void append(strings & dest, S src, Strings ...more)
append(dest, std::move(more)...);
class iterator {
const strings & keys;
const size_t n = 0;
size_t i = 0;
const blob_attr * pos = nullptr;
std::unique_ptr<iterator> cur{};
iterator * parent = nullptr;
size_t rem = 0;
[[nodiscard]] inline auto matches() const -> bool
return (keys[i].empty() || blobmsg_name(cur->pos)==keys[i]);
explicit iterator(iterator * par)
: keys{par->keys}, n{par->n}, pos{par->pos}, cur{this}, parent{par}
if (pos!=nullptr) {
rem = blobmsg_data_len(pos);
pos = static_cast<blob_attr *>(blobmsg_data(pos));
explicit iterator(const blob_attr * msg, const strings & filter)
: keys{filter}, n{keys.size()-1}, pos{msg}, cur{this}
if (pos!=nullptr) {
rem = blobmsg_data_len(pos);
pos = static_cast<blob_attr *>(blobmsg_data(pos));
if (rem==0) { pos = nullptr; }
else if (i!=n || !matches()) { ++*this; }
inline iterator(iterator &&) = default;
inline iterator(const iterator &) = delete;
inline auto operator=(const iterator &) -> iterator & = delete;
inline auto operator=(iterator &&) -> iterator & = delete;
inline auto operator*() { return cur->pos; }
inline auto operator!=(const iterator & rhs)
{ return (cur->rem!=rhs.cur->rem || cur->pos!=rhs.cur->pos); }
auto operator++() -> iterator &;
inline ~iterator() = default;
class message {
const std::shared_ptr<const blob_attr> msg{}; // initialized by callback.
const strings keys{};
inline explicit message(std::shared_ptr<const blob_attr> message,
strings filter={""})
: msg{std::move(message)}, keys{std::move(filter)} {}
inline message(message &&) = default;
inline message(const message &) = delete;
inline auto operator=(message &&) -> message & = delete;
inline auto operator=(const message &) -> message & = delete;
[[nodiscard]] inline auto begin() const -> iterator
{ return iterator{msg.get(), keys}; }
[[nodiscard]] inline auto end() const -> iterator
{ return iterator{nullptr, keys}; }
inline explicit operator bool() const { return begin()!=end(); }
template<class ...Strings>
auto filter(Strings ...filter)
strings both{};
if (keys.size()!=1 || !keys[0].empty()) { both = keys; }
append(both, std::move(filter)...);
return std::move(message{msg, std::move(both)});
inline ~message() = default;
class ubus {
static std::mutex buffering;
inline ubus() = delete;
inline ubus(ubus &&) = delete;
inline ubus(const ubus &) = delete;
inline auto operator=(ubus &&) -> auto && = delete;
inline auto operator=(const ubus &) -> auto & = delete;
static auto get_context() -> ubus_context *
static auto ubus_freeing = [] (ubus_context * ctx) { ubus_free(ctx); };
static std::unique_ptr<ubus_context, decltype(ubus_freeing)>
lazy_ctx{ubus_connect(nullptr), ubus_freeing};
if (!lazy_ctx) { // it could be available on a later call:
static std::mutex connecting;
if (!lazy_ctx) { lazy_ctx.reset(ubus_connect(nullptr)); }
if (!lazy_ctx) {
throw std::runtime_error("ubus error: cannot connect context");
return lazy_ctx.get();
static auto lock_and_get_shared_blob_buf() -> blob_buf *
static blob_buf buf;
static auto blob_buf_freeing = [] (blob_buf * b) { blob_buf_free(b); };
static std::unique_ptr<blob_buf, decltype(blob_buf_freeing)>
created_to_free_on_the_end_of_life{&buf, blob_buf_freeing};
blob_buf_init(&buf, 0);
return &buf;
static void unlock_shared_blob_buf() { buffering.unlock(); }
inline ~ubus() = delete;
auto call(const char * path, const char * method="", int timeout=500);
// ------------------------- implementation: ----------------------------------
std::mutex ubus::buffering;
inline auto iterator::operator++() -> iterator &
for(;;) {
#ifndef NDEBUG
std::cout<<std::string(i,'>')<<" look for "<<keys[i]<<" at ";
auto id = blob_id(cur->pos);
&& i<n
&& matches()
&& blobmsg_data_len(cur->pos)>0 )
{ //immmerge:
auto tmp = cur.release();
cur = std::unique_ptr<iterator>{new iterator(tmp)};
} else {
while (true) {
cur->rem -= blob_pad_len(cur->pos);
cur->pos = blob_next(cur->pos);
auto len = blob_pad_len(cur->pos);
if (cur->rem>0 && len<=cur->rem && len>=sizeof(blob_attr))
{ break; }
auto tmp = cur->parent;
if (tmp == nullptr) {
cur->pos = nullptr;
return *cur;
if (i==n && matches()) { return *cur; }
inline auto call(const char * path, const char * method, const int timeout)
auto ctx = ubus::get_context();
uint32_t id;
int err = ubus_lookup_id(ctx, path, &id);
if (err==0) { // call
ubus_request req{};
auto buf = ubus::lock_and_get_shared_blob_buf();
err = ubus_invoke_async(ctx, id, method, buf->head, &req);
if (err==0) {
using msg_t = std::shared_ptr<const blob_attr>;
msg_t msg;
req.priv = &msg;
/* Cannot capture anything (msg), the lambda would be another type.
* Pass a location where to save the message as priv pointer when
* invoking and get it back here:
req.data_cb = [](ubus_request * req, int /*type*/, blob_attr * msg)
if ((req == nullptr) || (msg == nullptr)) { return; }
auto saved = static_cast<msg_t *>(req->priv);
if (saved==nullptr || *saved) { return; }
saved->reset(blob_memdup(msg), free);
if (!*saved) { throw std::bad_alloc(); }
err = ubus_complete_request(ctx, &req, timeout);
if (err==0) { return message{msg}; }
std::string errmsg = "ubus::call error: cannot invoke";
errmsg += " (" + std::to_string(err) + ") " + path + " " + method;
throw std::runtime_error(errmsg.c_str());
} // namespace ubus