2023-09-18 21:03:25 +02:00

43 lines
866 B

# auto-l3
## Configuration
### Environment Variables
First, copy the example environment file [`.env.example`](<.env.example>) to `.env`.
cp .env.example .env
`.env` is a special file that is read automatically by `docker-compose` or `podman-compose`.
### Network
> - `macvlan` or `ipvlan` recommended
> - Set `AUTO_L3_ADDRESS` to a static IPv6 address, that is reachable for vxlan clients
#### Wireguard Peers
Wireguard configuration files can be placed into the [`wireguard/`](<wireguard>) folder. See `man 8 wg` for the format.
Files should be named like `babel-$peer.conf` to be automatically used for babel peering.
cp wireguard/skel wireguard/babel-peer1.conf
## Build
docker-compose build
podman-compose build
## Run
Use `docker-compose up` or `podman-compose up` to start the container