Robert Langhammer 2eccadc3ce fff-vpn-select: Make vpn-select modular
vpn-select is an old relic and did not reflect the opportunities of our hoodfile.
This rewrite makes vpn-select modular to easely add new vpn-protocols.

The stuff dependent on the vpn-protocol is outsourced to files in /usr/lib/vpn-select.d/ and comes in with the respective vpn package.

vpn-stop is removed to use the protocol independent start/stop mechanism of vpn-select. Instead, a symlink is used.

We should avoid paralell vpns to the same gateway and not mix the protocol per hood. It is therefore necessary that all gateways offer the same protocols in one hood.
The most prefered protocol supported and available in the hood is selected. The order for this is defined in "uci fff.vpnselect.protocol_order" eg. "vxlan l2tp fastd"

Signed-off-by: Robert Langhammer <>
2020-12-14 22:22:27 +01:00
fff fff-vpn-select: Make vpn-select modular 2020-12-14 22:22:27 +01:00