
186 lines
3.4 KiB

// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later or MIT
/include/ "fsl/p1020si-pre.dtsi"
/ {
model = "Enterasys WS-AP3710i";
compatible = "enterasys,ws-ap3710i";
aliases {
led-boot = &led_power_green;
led-failsafe = &led_power_red;
led-running = &led_power_green;
led-upgrade = &led_power_red;
label-mac-device = &enet0;
memory {
device_type = "memory";
leds {
compatible = "gpio-leds";
wifi1 {
gpios = <&gpio0 3 0>;
label = "ws-ap3710i:green:radio1";
linux,default-trigger = "phy0tpt";
wifi2 {
gpios = <&gpio0 4 0>;
label = "ws-ap3710i:green:radio2";
linux,default-trigger = "phy1tpt";
led_power_green: power_green {
gpios = <&gpio0 8 0>;
label = "ws-ap3710i:green:power";
led_power_red: power_red {
gpios = <&gpio0 9 0>;
label = "ws-ap3710i:red:power";
keys {
compatible = "gpio-keys";
reset {
label = "Reset button";
gpios = <&gpio0 1 1>; /* active low */
linux,code = <0x198>; /* KEY_RESTART */
lbc: localbus@ffe05000 {
reg = <0 0xffe05000 0 0x1000>;
ranges = <0x0 0x0 0x0 0xee000000 0x2000000>;
nor@0,0 {
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <1>;
compatible = "cfi-flash";
reg = <0x0 0x0 0x2000000>;
bank-width = <2>;
device-width = <1>;
partitions {
compatible = "fixed-partitions";
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <1>;
partition@0 {
compatible = "denx,fit";
reg = <0x0 0x1d80000>;
label = "firmware";
partition@1d80000 {
reg = <0x1d80000 0x80000>;
label = "u-boot";
partition@1e00000 {
reg = <0x1e00000 0x100000>;
label = "nvram";
partition@1f00000 {
reg = <0x1f00000 0x20000>;
label = "cfg2";
partition@1f20000 {
reg = <0x1f20000 0x20000>;
label = "cfg1";
soc: soc@ffe00000 {
ranges = <0x0 0x0 0xffe00000 0x100000>;
gpio0: gpio-controller@fc00 {
mdio@24000 {
phy4: ethernet-phy@4 {
reg = <0x4>;
reset-gpios = <&gpio0 2 1>;
enet0: ethernet@b0000 {
phy-connection-type = "rgmii-id";
phy-handle = <&phy4>;
enet1: ethernet@b1000 {
status = "disabled";
enet2: ethernet@b2000 {
status = "disabled";
usb@22000 {
status = "disabled";
usb@23000 {
status = "disabled";
pci0: pcie@ffe09000 {
ranges = <0x2000000 0x0 0xa0000000 0 0xa0000000 0x0 0x20000000
0x1000000 0x0 0x00000000 0 0xffc10000 0x0 0x10000>;
reg = <0 0xffe09000 0 0x1000>;
pcie@0 {
ranges = <0x2000000 0x0 0xa0000000
0x2000000 0x0 0xa0000000
0x0 0x20000000
0x1000000 0x0 0x0
0x1000000 0x0 0x0
0x0 0x100000>;
pci1: pcie@ffe0a000 {
reg = <0 0xffe0a000 0 0x1000>;
ranges = <0x2000000 0x0 0x80000000 0 0x80000000 0x0 0x20000000
0x1000000 0x0 0x00000000 0 0xffc00000 0x0 0x10000>;
pcie@0 {
ranges = <0x2000000 0x0 0x80000000
0x2000000 0x0 0x80000000
0x0 0x20000000
0x1000000 0x0 0x0
0x1000000 0x0 0x0
0x0 0x100000>;
/include/ "fsl/p1020si-post.dtsi"
* For the OpenWrt 22.03 release, since Linux 5.10.138 now uses
* aliases to determine PCI domain numbers, drop aliases so as not to
* change the sysfs path of our wireless netdevs.
/ {
aliases {
/delete-property/ pci0;
/delete-property/ pci1;