include $(TOPDIR)/ PKG_NAME:=qfirehose PKG_VERSION:=1.4.9 PKG_RELEASE:=1 PKG_SOURCE:=$(PKG_NAME)-$(PKG_VERSION).tar.gz PKG_SOURCE_URL:=$(PKG_VERSION)? PKG_HASH:=b7c04f9356823c6ee0f4ca152e8fd2015f34b95490cea68461a060993befadef PKG_MAINTAINER:=Oskari Rauta PKG_LICENSE:= PKG_LICENSE_FILES:=NOTICE include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/ define Package/qfirehose SECTION:=utils CATEGORY:=Utilities TITLE:=Quectel Firehose Recovery application URL:= endef define Package/qfirehose/description Utility that is able to flash firmwares on Quectel's modems. Usage: qfirehose -f FW_PATH Warning. - Use of software is completely on your own risk. Flashing wrong firmware or failed flash can brick your modem permanently. Avoid flashing, if device works without issues and updated firmware does not contain new necessary changes. Do not flash, if you are not willing to take this risk or do not know what you are doing. - After succesful flashing, you should use terminal to issue factory reset for modem settings with AT&F command. - mPCIe users (mostly): If modem has completely disappeared after succesful flashing, reason might be that some firmware updates set default mode to USB3 which is unsupported by some mPCIe slots, in this case, you should connect it to USB port using mPCIe -> USB adapter, even most of cheap chinese modules can reveal device. After this you should issue a command to use USB2, which may vary between models, but on most Quectel modems is: AT+QUSBCFG="SS",0 Changing value on end of AT command 0 to 1, selects USB3 instead. Refer to documents of your modem. endef define Build/Configure $(RM) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/QFirehose endef MAKE_ARGS += linux define Package/qfirehose/install $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/bin $(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/QFirehose $(1)/usr/bin/qfirehose endef $(eval $(call BuildPackage,qfirehose))