local ubus = require "ubus" local bit32 = require "bit32" local function get_wifi_interfaces() local conn = ubus.connect() local ubuslist = conn:objects() local interfaces = {} for _,net in ipairs(ubuslist) do if net.find(net,"hostapd.") then local ifname = net:gsub("hostapd.", "") table.insert(interfaces, ifname); end end conn:close() return interfaces; end local function is_ubus_interface(ubus_interfaces, interface) for i=1,#ubus_interfaces do if ubus_interfaces[i] == interface then return true end end return false end local function get_wifi_interface_labels() local u = ubus.connect() local status = u:call("network.wireless", "status", {}) local interfaces = {} local ubus_interfaces = get_wifi_interfaces() for _, dev_table in pairs(status) do for _, intf in ipairs(dev_table['interfaces']) do local cfg = intf['config'] if is_ubus_interface(ubus_interfaces, intf['ifname']) then -- Migrate this to ubus interface once it exposes all interesting labels local handle = io.popen("hostapd_cli -i " .. intf['ifname'] .." status") local hostapd_status = handle:read("*a") handle:close() local hostapd = {} local bss_idx = -1 for line in hostapd_status:gmatch("[^\r\n]+") do local name, value = string.match(line, "(.+)=(.+)") if name == "freq" then hostapd["freq"] = value elseif name == "channel" then hostapd["channel"] = value -- hostapd gives us all bss on the relevant phy, find the one we're interested in elseif string.match(name, "bss%[%d%]") then if value == intf['ifname'] then bss_idx = tonumber(string.match(name, "bss%[(%d)%]")) end elseif bss_idx >= 0 then if name == "bssid[" .. bss_idx .. "]" then hostapd["bssid"] = value elseif name == "ssid[" .. bss_idx .. "]" then hostapd["ssid"] = value end end end local labels = { vif = intf['ifname'], ssid = hostapd['ssid'], bssid = hostapd['bssid'], encryption = cfg['encryption'], -- In a mixed scenario it would be good to know if A or B was used frequency = hostapd['freq'], channel = hostapd['channel'], } table.insert(interfaces, labels) end end end return interfaces end local function scrape() local metric_hostapd_station_rx_packets = metric("hostapd_station_receive_packets_total", "counter") local metric_hostapd_station_rx_bytes = metric("hostapd_station_receive_bytes_total", "counter") local metric_hostapd_station_tx_packets = metric("hostapd_station_transmit_packets_total", "counter") local metric_hostapd_station_tx_bytes = metric("hostapd_station_transmit_bytes_total", "counter") local metric_hostapd_station_signal = metric("hostapd_station_signal_dbm", "gauge") local metric_hostapd_station_connected_time = metric("hostapd_station_connected_seconds_total", "counter") local metric_hostapd_station_inactive_msec = metric("hostapd_station_inactive_seconds", "gauge") local metric_hostapd_station_flag_auth = metric("hostapd_station_flag_auth", "gauge") local metric_hostapd_station_flag_assoc = metric("hostapd_station_flag_assoc", "gauge") local metric_hostapd_station_flag_short_preamble = metric("hostapd_station_flag_short_preamble", "gauge") local metric_hostapd_station_flag_ht = metric("hostapd_station_flag_ht", "gauge") local metric_hostapd_station_flag_vht = metric("hostapd_station_flag_vht", "gauge") local metric_hostapd_station_flag_he = metric("hostapd_station_flag_he", "gauge") local metric_hostapd_station_flag_mfp = metric("hostapd_station_flag_mfp", "gauge") local metric_hostapd_station_flag_wmm = metric("hostapd_station_flag_wmm", "gauge") local metric_hostapd_station_sae_group = metric("hostapd_station_sae_group", "gauge") local metric_hostapd_station_vht_capb_su_beamformee = metric("hostapd_station_vht_capb_su_beamformee", "gauge") local metric_hostapd_station_vht_capb_mu_beamformee = metric("hostapd_station_vht_capb_mu_beamformee", "gauge") local function evaluate_metrics(labels, kv) values = {} for k, v in pairs(kv) do values[k] = v end -- check if values exist, they may not due to race conditions while querying if values["flags"] then local flags = {} for flag in string.gmatch(values["flags"], "%u+") do flags[flag] = true end metric_hostapd_station_flag_auth(labels, flags["AUTH"] and 1 or 0) metric_hostapd_station_flag_assoc(labels, flags["ASSOC"] and 1 or 0) metric_hostapd_station_flag_short_preamble(labels, flags["SHORT_PREAMBLE"] and 1 or 0) metric_hostapd_station_flag_ht(labels, flags["HT"] and 1 or 0) metric_hostapd_station_flag_vht(labels, flags["VHT"]and 1 or 0) metric_hostapd_station_flag_he(labels, flags["HE"] and 1 or 0) metric_hostapd_station_flag_wmm(labels, flags["WMM"] and 1 or 0) metric_hostapd_station_flag_mfp(labels, flags["MFP"] and 1 or 0) end -- these metrics can reasonably default to zero, when missing metric_hostapd_station_rx_packets(labels, values["rx_packets"] or 0) metric_hostapd_station_rx_bytes(labels, values["rx_bytes"] or 0) metric_hostapd_station_tx_packets(labels, values["tx_packets"] or 0) metric_hostapd_station_tx_bytes(labels, values["tx_bytes"] or 0) -- and these metrics can't be defaulted, so check again if values["inactive_msec"] ~= nil then metric_hostapd_station_inactive_msec(labels, values["inactive_msec"] / 1000) end if values["signal"] ~= nil then metric_hostapd_station_signal(labels, values["signal"]) end if values["connected_time"] ~= nil then metric_hostapd_station_connected_time(labels, values["connected_time"]) end if values["vht_caps_info"] ~= nil then local caps = tonumber(string.gsub(values["vht_caps_info"], "0x", ""), 16) metric_hostapd_station_vht_capb_su_beamformee(labels, bit32.band(bit32.lshift(1, 12), caps) > 0 and 1 or 0) metric_hostapd_station_vht_capb_mu_beamformee(labels, bit32.band(bit32.lshift(1, 20), caps) > 0 and 1 or 0) else metric_hostapd_station_vht_capb_su_beamformee(labels, 0) metric_hostapd_station_vht_capb_mu_beamformee(labels, 0) end if values["sae_group"] ~= nil then metric_hostapd_station_sae_group(labels, values["sae_group"]) end end for _, labels in ipairs(get_wifi_interface_labels()) do local vif = labels['vif'] local handle = io.popen("hostapd_cli -i " .. vif .." all_sta") local all_sta = handle:read("*a") handle:close() local station = nil local metrics = {} for line in all_sta:gmatch("[^\r\n]+") do if string.match(line, "^%x[0123456789aAbBcCdDeE]:%x%x:%x%x:%x%x:%x%x:%x%x$") then -- the first time we see a mac we have no previous station to eval, so don't if station ~= nil then labels.station = station evaluate_metrics(labels, metrics) end -- remember current station bssid and truncate metrics station = line metrics = {} else local key, value = string.match(line, "(.+)=(.+)") if key ~= nil then metrics[key] = value end end end -- the final station, check if there ever was one, will need a metrics eval as well if station ~= nil then labels.station = station evaluate_metrics(labels, metrics) end end end return { scrape = scrape }