# # Copyright (C) 2006-2015 OpenWrt.org # # This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v2. # See /LICENSE for more information. # include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk PKG_NAME:=procps-ng PKG_VERSION:=4.0.4 PKG_RELEASE:=1 PKG_SOURCE:=$(PKG_NAME)-$(PKG_VERSION).tar.xz PKG_SOURCE_URL:=@SF/procps-ng PKG_HASH:=22870d6feb2478adb617ce4f09a787addaf2d260c5a8aa7b17d889a962c5e42e PKG_MAINTAINER:= PKG_LICENSE:=GPL-2.0-or-later PKG_LICENSE_FILES:=COPYING COPYING.LIB PKG_CPE_ID:=cpe:/a:procps-ng_project:procps-ng PKG_BUILD_PARALLEL:=1 PKG_INSTALL:=1 PKG_FIXUP:=autoreconf include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/package.mk CONFIGURE_ARGS += --enable-skill # most of these have alternatives provided by busybox applets PROCPS_APPLETS := \ free kill pgrep pkill pmap ps pwdx skill slabtop \ snice sysctl tload top uptime vmstat w watch # procps-ng will be configured with "--bindir=/usr/bin --sbindir=/usr/sbin" and # as such executables will be installed there by default, but some of them need # to reside in locations such as /bin and /sbin to be in accordance with # busybox alternatives which is also other distributions like debian and centos # are doing PROCPS_APPLETS_SRC_DIR_SBIN:=sysctl procps-applets-src-dir=$(if $(filter $(PROCPS_APPLETS_SRC_DIR_SBIN),$(1)),/usr/sbin,/usr/bin) PROCPS_APPLETS_DIR_BIN:=kill ps watch PROCPS_APPLETS_DIR_SBIN:=sysctl procps-applets-dir=$(if $(filter $(PROCPS_APPLETS_DIR_BIN),$(1)),/bin,$(if $(filter $(PROCPS_APPLETS_DIR_SBIN),$(1)),/sbin,/usr/bin)) define Package/procps-ng/Default SECTION:=utils CATEGORY:=Utilities DEPENDS:=+libncurses TITLE:=procps-ng utilities URL:=https://gitlab.com/procps-ng/procps endef define Build/Prepare $(call Build/Prepare/Default) echo "$(PKG_VERSION)" > "$(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/.tarball-version" endef define Package/procps-ng $(call Package/procps-ng/Default) MENU:=1 endef define Package/procps-ng/description procps is a set of command line and full-screen utilities that provide information out of the pseudo-filesystem most commonly located at /proc. This filesystem provides a simple interface to the kernel data structures. The programs of procps generally concentrate on the structures that describe the processess running on the system. NOTE: some utilities provided by procps-ng packages (ps, uptime, kill, ...) are installed as busybox applets, by default. Conflicting applets should be removed from the build to avoid file conflicts. endef define GenPlugin define Package/procps-ng-$(1) $(call Package/procps-ng/Default) DEPENDS:=procps-ng TITLE:=Applet $(1) from the procps-ng package ALTERNATIVES:=200:$(2)/$(1):/usr/libexec/$(1)-procps-ng endef define Package/procps-ng-$(1)/description Installs the applet $(1). endef endef $(foreach a,$(PROCPS_APPLETS),$(eval $(call GenPlugin,$(a),$(call procps-applets-dir,$(a))))) MAKE_FLAGS += \ CFLAGS="$(TARGET_CFLAGS)" \ CPPFLAGS="$(TARGET_CPPFLAGS)" \ LDFLAGS="$(TARGET_LDFLAGS)" \ define Package/procps-ng/install $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/lib $(CP) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/lib/libproc2.so* $(1)/usr/lib/ endef define Build/InstallDev $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/include $(1)/usr/lib $(CP) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/include/* $(1)/usr/include/ $(CP) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/lib/* $(1)/usr/lib/ endef define BuildPlugin define Package/procps-ng-$(1)/install $(INSTALL_DIR) $$(1)/usr/libexec $(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)$(2)/$(1) $$(1)/usr/libexec/$(1)-procps-ng endef $$(eval $$(call BuildPackage,procps-ng-$(1))) endef $(foreach a,$(PROCPS_APPLETS),$(eval $(call BuildPlugin,$(a),$(call procps-applets-src-dir,$(a))))) $(eval $(call BuildPackage,procps-ng))