# Tailscale This readme should help you with tailscale client setup. ## Install There are two packages related to tailscale. Tailscaled (daemon which has to run every time you want to be connected to VPN) and tailscale (package with a utility which is necessary for registering device). To install them run ``` opkg install tailscale tailscaled ``` > [!NOTE] > By default this package will use nftables. If you wish to use iptables, the config file `/etc/config/tailscale` can be modfied, changing the line `fw_mode 'nftables'` to `fw_mode 'iptables'`. You can then run `/etc/init.d/tailscale restart` to restart tailscale using your chosen method ## First setup First, enable and run daemon ``` /etc/init.d/tailscale enable /etc/init.d/tailscale start ``` Then you should use tailscale utility to get a login link for your device. Run command and finish device registration with the given URL. ``` tailscale up ``` See the [OpenWrt wiki](https://openwrt.org/docs/guide-user/services/vpn/tailscale/start) for more detailed setup instructions