Boost: Update 8

Major fixes:
 - The "Select Boost Options" was improved:
   - In previous versions, it was possible to unselect both Shared and Static
     options, so that there would be nothing to be built. This was solved by
     creating a choice menu "Compile Boost libraries".
   - A new choice menu was also created for Boost Run-time linkage called
     "Selects Boost Run-time linkage", which is used to select the C and C++
     runtime. This choice menu obeys to the required restrictions by boost
     options [1].

 - Fixed the invalid combination where boost shared version could be linked
   to C and C++ static runtime. This is not allowed by the boost builder.
 - Added new menu where a Boost building variant can be chosen from 3 options:
   - Release: The optimized version for daily use.
   - Debug: The debugging version, for testing purposes.
   - Profiling: The profiling version for evaluation purposes.
 - Improved options help descriptions.

Minor fixes:
 - Makefile Version was bumped from 6 to 8 because the previous update [2] did
   not bumped the value acordingly to the submission rules.
 - Removed stuff that was not doing anything: "-sBUILD=release"
 - Changed builder executable from "bjam" to "b2" which is the correct caller:
   - "bjam" is the old name and exists only for compatibility purposes.

[2]: openwrt#2084

Signed-off-by: Carlos M. Ferreira <>
This commit is contained in:
cmf 2015-12-10 20:56:22 +00:00
parent f5eb8b4257
commit fff766fecd
1 changed files with 87 additions and 38 deletions

View File

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/
@ -115,31 +115,75 @@ define Package/boost/config
menu "Select Boost Options"
depends on PACKAGE_boost
comment "Boost compilation options."
config boost-static-libs
bool "Compile Static Libraries"
Compile static version of all selected boost libraries.
default y
config boost-shared-libs
bool "Compile Shared Libraries"
Compile shared version of all selected boost libraries.
default y
config boost-runtime-static
bool "Use static version of C and C++ runtimes for static libraries."
Determines if shared or static version of C and C++ runtimes should be used for static libraries.
default n
select boost-static-libs
prompt "Compile Boost libraries."
default boost-static-and-shared-libs
Choose which version to compile.
-> Shared:
- Only Shared libs will be compiled.
-> Static:
- Only Static libs will be compiled.
-> Both:
- Both Static and Shared libs will be compiled.
config boost-runtime-shared
bool "Use shared version of C and C++ runtimes for shared libraries."
Determines if shared or static version of C and C++ runtimes should be used for shared libraries.
default y
select boost-shared-libs
config boost-shared-libs
bool "Shared"
config boost-static-libs
bool "Static"
config boost-static-and-shared-libs
bool "Both"
prompt "Selects Boost Runtime linkage."
default boost-runtime-shared
Choose which C and C++ runtimes to use:
-> Use Shared runtimes.
-> Use Static runtimes.
- Not available if Shared libs are to be built.
-> Use both runtimes.
- Not available if Shared libs are to be built.
- Two seperate versions of Boost are built, linking each to a different runtime.
- This option requires "Use tagged names" option to be active.
config boost-runtime-shared
bool "Shared"
config boost-runtime-static
depends on @(!boost-shared-libs&&!boost-static-and-shared-libs)
bool "Static"
config boost-runtime-static-and-shared
depends on @(boost-use-name-tags&&!boost-shared-libs&&!boost-static-and-shared-libs)
bool "Both"
prompt "Select a Variant."
default boost-variant-release
Chooses which boost variant should be selected:
-> Release: Optimizes Boost for release.
- Optimization: Speed; Debug Symbols: Off; Inlining: Full; Runtime Debugging: Off.
-> Debug:
- Optimization: Off; Debug Symbols: On; Inlining: Off; Runtime Debugging: On.
-> Profile:
- Profiling: On; Debug Symbols: On.
config boost-variant-release
bool "Release"
config boost-variant-debug
bool "Debug"
config boost-variant-profile
bool "Profile"
config boost-use-name-tags
bool "Use tagged names."
@ -153,16 +197,16 @@ define Package/boost/config
config boost-single-thread
depends on @boost-use-name-tags
bool "Single thread Support"
bool "Single thread Support."
Compile Boost libraries in single-thread mode.
default n
config boost-with-debug
config boost-build-type-complete
depends on @boost-use-name-tags
bool "Boost Debug Support"
bool "Complete Boost Build."
Compile Boost libraries with debug support.
Builds both release and debug libs. It will take much longer to compile.
default n
@ -262,7 +306,7 @@ $(eval $(call DefineBoostLibrary,wave,date_time thread filesystem,))
define Host/Compile
# bjam does not provide a configure-script nor a Makefile
# b2 does not provide a configure-script nor a Makefile
( cd $(HOST_BUILD_DIR)/tools/build/src/engine ; ./ gcc )
@ -287,6 +331,7 @@ else
BOOST_ABI = sysv
comma := ,
define Build/Compile
$(info Selected Boost API $(BOOST_ABI) for architecture $(ARCH) and cpu $(CPU_TYPE) $(CPU_SUBTYPE))
@ -300,20 +345,24 @@ define Build/Compile
echo "using python : 2.7 : $(STAGING_DIR_ROOT)/usr/bin/python : $(STAGING_DIR)/usr/include/python2.7/ ;" >> \
tools/build/src/user-config.jam; \
) \
bjam \
'-sBUILD=release <optimization>space <inlining>on <debug-symbols>off' \
b2 \
--ignore-site-config \
--toolset=gcc-$(ARCH) abi=$(BOOST_ABI) \
--disable-long-double \
$(if $(CONFIG_boost-variant-release), variant=release,) \
$(if $(CONFIG_boost-variant-debug), variant=debug,) \
$(if $(CONFIG_boost-variant-profile), variant=profile,) \
$(if $(CONFIG_boost-use-name-tags),--layout=tagged,--layout=system) \
$(if $(CONFIG_boost-with-debug),--build-type=complete,--build-type=minimal) \
$(if $(CONFIG_boost-static-libs),link=static,) \
$(if $(CONFIG_boost-runtime-static),runtime-link=static,runtime-link=shared) \
$(if $(CONFIG_boost-build-type-complete),--build-type=complete,--build-type=minimal) \
$(if $(CONFIG_boost-shared-libs),link=shared,) \
$(if $(CONFIG_boost-static-libs),link=static,) \
$(if $(CONFIG_boost-static-and-shared-libs),link=static$(comma)shared,) \
$(if $(CONFIG_boost-runtime-shared),runtime-link=shared,) \
$(if $(CONFIG_boost-runtime-static),runtime-link=static,) \
$(if $(CONFIG_boost-runtime-static-and-shared),runtime-link=shared$(comma)static,) \
$(if $(CONFIG_boost-single-thread),threading=single,) \
threading=multi \
--without-mpi \
$(if $(CONFIG_boost-coroutine2),,--without-coroutine2) \
$(if $(CONFIG_boost-graph-parallel),,--without-graph_parallel) \
@ -342,7 +391,7 @@ define Build/InstallDev
# copies _all_ header files - independent of <--with-library>-argument above
$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/lib
$(CP) -v $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/lib/*.a $(1)/usr/lib/ # copies all compiled archive files
$(CP) -v $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/lib/*.a $(1)/usr/lib/ # copies all compiled archive files
$(FIND) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/lib/ -name '*.so*' -exec $(CP) {} $(1)/usr/lib/ \; # copies all the shared objects files
@ -351,7 +400,7 @@ define Host/Install
$(CP) \
$(HOST_BUILD_DIR)/tools/build/src/engine/bin.*/bjam \
$(HOST_BUILD_DIR)/tools/build/src/engine/bin.*/b2 \