# What is respondd? ## Introduction respondd is a server distributing information within a network. For doing so, respondd spawns a udp socket (1001/udp) joining a multicast group. When a request is received, the information requested is transmitted to the requestor. All information is oranized in a non-hierachical namespace. Each entry identifies a *provider* implemented in at least one C module. (eg `statistics`, `nodeinfo`, `...`) - each request queries a specific provider. Each response is the merge-result of the output of all modules registered for the provider. Some providers are implemented in [/package/gluon-respondd](https://github.com/freifunk-gluon/gluon/tree/master). ## Usage TODO: Why is the port number included in the multicast group, too? ``` respondd [-p ] [-g -i [-i ..]] [-d ] -p port number to listen on -g multicast group, e.g. ff02::2:1001 -i interface on which the group is joined -d data provider directory (default: current directory) -h this help ``` ## Procotol Request and response are encoded as *utf8*-strings. These strings are sent as UDP-Packets. Fragmentation is not supported - gzip-compression (for the response) is optional. - The request is the name for the provider - '`GET `' can be prepended for compression - The response is encoded as JSON. The structure is determined by the actual data. ### Example Requesting `nodeinfo` as implemented in the freifunk-gluon modules. #### Request ``` nodeinfo ``` #### Response ```json "nodeinfo": { "software": { "autoupdater": { "branch": "stable", "enabled": true }, "batman-adv": { "version": "2015.1", "compat": 15 }, "fastd": { "version": "v17", "enabled": false }, "firmware": { "base": "gluon-v2016.1.5-8-gdeac14e", "release": "20160615" }, "status-page": { "api": 1 } }, "network": { "addresses": [ "fda0:cab1:e1e5:5116:eade:27ff:fe65:a5af", "fe80::eade:27ff:fe65:a5af", "2a03:2260:3011:1160:eade:27ff:fe65:a5af" ], "mesh": { "bat0": { "interfaces": { "wireless": [ "ea:e3:29:65:a5:af", "ea:e3:28:65:a5:af" ], "other": [ "ea:df:27:65:a5:af" ] } } }, "mac": "e8:de:27:65:a5:af" }, "location": { "latitude": 51.10727924, "longitude": 7.00933367 }, "owner": { "contact": "me@petabyteboy.de" }, "system": { "site_code": "lln" }, "node_id": "e8de2765a5af", "hostname": "PetaByteBoy", "hardware": { "model": "TP-Link TL-WDR3600 v1", "nproc": 1 } } ``` ## Implementing modules respondd providers are C modules (shared objects). These modules should include \ and \, the latter of which provides the following definitions: typedef struct json_object * (*respondd_provider)(void); struct respondd_provider_info { const char *request; const respondd_provider provider; }; extern const struct respondd_provider_info respondd_providers[]; The module must define the array `respondd_providers`, e.g. like this: static struct json_object * respondd_provider_nodeinfo(void) { ... } static struct json_object * respondd_provider_statistics(void) { ... } const struct respondd_provider_info respondd_providers[] = { {"nodeinfo", respondd_provider_nodeinfo}, {"statistics", respondd_provider_statistics}, {} }; The array must be terminated with an empty entry. The provider for each request type must return a [JSON-C] JSON object. This JSON object must have exactly 1 reference, and all other memory must be freed by the provider before returning. The JSON objects returned by different provider modules for the same request type are merged. [JSON-C]: https://github.com/json-c/json-c/wiki