#!/usr/bin/lua local unistd = require 'posix.unistd' local syslog = require 'posix.syslog' local grp = require 'posix.grp' local sys_sock = require 'posix.sys.socket' local sys_stat = require 'posix.sys.stat' local signal = require 'posix.signal' local time = require 'posix.time' local uloop = require 'uloop' local ubus = require 'ubus' local uci = require('simple-uci').cursor() local function log(level, message) if _G.is_verbose then local prefix = { [syslog.LOG_ERR] = "Error: ", [syslog.LOG_CRIT] = "Critical: ", [syslog.LOG_INFO] = "Info: ", [syslog.LOG_WARNING] = "Warning: ", } io.stderr:write(prefix[level]..message .. '\n') end syslog.syslog(level, message) end local function execute(command) local f = io.popen(command) if not f then return nil end local data = f:read('*a') f:close() return data end local function sleep(secs) -- This function calls uloop.run() for 'secs' seconds, so we can handle i/o -- during that time. But be aware, that an fd should be registered to uloop, -- because otherwise this function uses 100% cpu. This might be a bug in -- uloop. local timer = uloop.timer(function() uloop.cancel() end) timer:set(secs*1000) uloop.run() end local WGPeer = {} function WGPeer:new(o) o = o or {} -- create object if user does not provide one setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self -- some defaults o.rx_bytes = 0 o.tx_bytes = 0 o.latest_handshake = 0 o.established_at = 0 -- terminology: ---> endpoint (maybe) needs dns resolution ---> remote is already resolved o.next_remotes = {} return o end function WGPeer:get_next_remote() local ipv4_endpoint = string.match(self.endpoint, "^(%d+%.%d+%.%d+%.%d+:%d+)$") if ipv4_endpoint then return ipv4_endpoint end local ipv6_endpoint = string.match(self.endpoint, "^(%[[%x:]+%]:%d+)$") if ipv6_endpoint then return ipv6_endpoint end -- We cycle round robin through the dns responses. Therefore we keep the -- results of the dns responses in self.next_remotes and pop one randomly -- each time. If self.next_remotes is empty, do dns resolution again. if #self.next_remotes < 1 then -- do dns resolution local host, port = string.match(self.endpoint, "^([%w-.]+):(%d+)$") if not host or not port then log(syslog.LOG_ERR, "Endpoint '"..self.endpoint.."' is not a valid endpoint.") return nil end local res, _, errcode = sys_sock.getaddrinfo(host, nil, { socktype = sys_sock.SOCK_DGRAM }) if errcode then log(syslog.LOG_WARNING, "DNS resolution of " .. self.endpoint .. " failed: error code " .. tostring(errcode)) return nil end for i = 1, #res do if string.match(res[i].addr, ":") then -- IPv6 table.insert(self.next_remotes, '['..res[i].addr..']:'..port) else -- IPv4 table.insert(self.next_remotes, res[i].addr..':'..port) end end end return table.remove(self.next_remotes, math.random(#self.next_remotes)) end function WGPeer:install_to_kernel() local remote = self:get_next_remote() if not remote then return false end local command = "wg set '" .. self.iface .. "' peer '" .. self.public_key .. "' " .. "allowed-ips '" .. table.concat(self.allowed_ips, ",") .. "' " .. "endpoint '" .. remote .. "' " .. "persistent-keepalive '" .. tostring(self.persistent_keepalive) .. "'" log(syslog.LOG_INFO, "Adding peer " .. self.name .. " to " .. self.iface .. ".") if os.execute(command) ~= 0 then log(syslog.LOG_ERR, "Couldn't add peer " .. self.name .. " to " .. self.iface .. ".") return false end -- install routes for _, allowed_ip in pairs(self.allowed_ips) do if os.execute("ip route add '" .. allowed_ip .. "' dev '" .. self.iface .. "'") ~= 0 then log(syslog.LOG_WARNING, "Couldn't add route " .. allowed_ip .. " to " .. self.iface .. ".") end end return true end function WGPeer:uninstall_from_kernel() local command = "wg set '" .. self.iface .. "' peer '" .. self.public_key .. "' remove" log(syslog.LOG_INFO, "Removing peer " .. self.name .. " from " .. self.iface ..".") if os.execute(command) ~= 0 then log(syslog.LOG_WARNING, "Couldn't remove peer " .. self.name .. " from " .. self.iface .. ".") return false end for _, allowed_ip in pairs(self.allowed_ips) do if os.execute("ip route del '" .. allowed_ip .. "' dev '" .. self.iface .. "'") ~= 0 then log(syslog.LOG_WARNING, "Couldn't del route " .. allowed_ip .. " from " .. self.iface .. ".") end end self.established_at = 0 return true end function WGPeer:update_stats_from_kernel() local res = execute('wg show "' .. self.iface .. '" dump') for line in res:gmatch("([^\n]*)[\n]?") do local public_key = string.match(line, "^([^\t]+)\t"); -- skip potential other peers if public_key == self.public_key then -- skip the other parts self.latest_handshake, self.tx_bytes, self.rx_bytes = string.match(line, "^[^\t]+\t[^\t]+\t[^\t]+\t[^\t]+\t(%d+)\t(%d+)\t(%d+)\t[^\t]+$") if self.established_at == 0 then self.established_at = self.latest_handshake end return true end end return false end function WGPeer:established_time() if not self:has_recent_handshake() then return nil end return (time.time() - self.established_at) end function WGPeer:has_recent_handshake() -- WireGuard handshakes are sent at least every 2 minutes, if there is -- payload traffic. return (time.time() - self.latest_handshake) < 150 end local WGPeerSelector = {} function WGPeerSelector:new(o) o = o or {} -- create object if user does not provide one setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self -- some defaults self.queued_peers = {} self.peers = {} return o end function WGPeerSelector:load_peers_from_uci() uci:foreach('wgpeerselector', 'peer', function(peer) if uci:get_bool('wgpeerselector', peer['.name'], 'enabled') and peer.ifname == self.iface and peer.public_key then -- TODO: error on wrong schema? table.insert(self.peers, WGPeer:new{ name = peer['.name'], iface = self.iface, public_key = peer.public_key, endpoint = peer.endpoint, allowed_ips = peer.allowed_ips or {}, persistent_keepalive = peer.persistent_keepalive or 0, }) end end) if #self.peers < 1 then log(syslog.LOG_ERR, "No peers defined. Exiting!", true) os.exit(1) end log(syslog.LOG_INFO, 'Loaded '..tostring(#self.peers)..' peers.') end function WGPeerSelector:queue_all_peers() -- copy table for _, peer in pairs(self.peers) do table.insert(self.queued_peers, peer) end end function WGPeerSelector:queue_pop_random_peer() return table.remove(self.queued_peers, math.random(#self.queued_peers)) end function WGPeerSelector:try_connect_to_peer(peer, timeout) if not peer:install_to_kernel() then return false end sleep(timeout) peer:update_stats_from_kernel() local connection_successful = peer:has_recent_handshake() if not connection_successful then peer:uninstall_from_kernel() end return connection_successful end function WGPeerSelector:cleanup() for _, peer in pairs(self.peers) do -- if peer is installed if peer:update_stats_from_kernel() then peer:uninstall_from_kernel() end end end function WGPeerSelector:wait_for_iface() local function check() return sys_stat.stat('/sys/class/net/' .. self.iface) end if check() then return false -- no waiting was needed else log(syslog.LOG_WARNING, 'Iface ' .. self.iface .. ' not present. Waiting for iface.') end while not check() do sleep(3) end log(syslog.LOG_INFO, 'Iface ' .. self.iface .. ' found.') return true -- waiting was needed end function WGPeerSelector:sync_ntp() -- While we rely on system.ntp.servers, we do not rely on /etc/sysntpd, -- because this daemon might have other firewall rules than sysntpd. -- E.g. sysntpd might be configured to sync time only via this vpn. local ntp_servers = uci:get("system", "ntp", "server") -- As ntpd has an ugly retry behaviour if dns requests fail, we resolve -- dns here by ourselves. Otherwise ntpd would block our program from -- continuing. local dns_results = {} for i = 1, #ntp_servers do local res, _, errcode = sys_sock.getaddrinfo(ntp_servers[i], nil, { socktype = sys_sock.SOCK_DGRAM }) if errcode then log(syslog.LOG_WARNING, "DNS resolution of ntp server " .. ntp_servers[i] .. " failed: error code " .. tostring(errcode)) else for j = 1, #res do table.insert(dns_results, res[j].addr) end end end if #dns_results < 1 then log(syslog.LOG_WARNING, "no (valid) dns result for ntp servers. skipping time sync.") return false end local command = "ntpd -n -N -q -p '" .. table.concat(dns_results, "' -p '") .. "'" local time_synced = os.execute(command) == 0 if not time_synced then log(syslog.LOG_WARNING, "Time synchonization failed.") else log(syslog.LOG_INFO, "Time synchonization was successful.") end return time_synced end function WGPeerSelector:status() local result = { peers = {} } for _, peer in pairs(self.peers) do local established = peer:established_time() if established then result.peers[peer.name] = { established = established } else result.peers[peer.name] = { } end end return result end function WGPeerSelector:main() local time_synchronized = false local timeout = 5 local state self:wait_for_iface() self:cleanup() -- remove garbage, maybe due to unclean exits local connected_peer = nil local function cleanup(signame) return function (_) log(syslog.LOG_INFO, "Received " .. signame .. ". Cleaning up.") self:cleanup() os.exit(0) end end signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, cleanup("SIGINT")) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, cleanup("SIGTERM")) while true do if connected_peer then state = 'established' else state = 'unconnected' end if not time_synchronized then -- WireGuard requires time to be monotonic (always increasing). If -- there was a handshake with a peer once, where we had a higher time -- than our current time, this peer will not accept our handshakes -- until our current time rises above the we had time when the peer had -- the last handshake with us. This usually happens on devices without -- real time clock, like embedded routers. When we rebooted and therefore -- reset our time, the time is lower and handshakes with our last peer -- will fail. Therefore we try to synchronize time by calling ntp. -- -- Another possibility, if a boot counter is implemented is outlined here: -- https://lists.zx2c4.com/pipermail/wireguard/2019-February/003850.html time_synchronized = self:sync_ntp() end if #self.queued_peers < 1 then self:queue_all_peers() end if state == 'unconnected' then local peer = self:queue_pop_random_peer() if self:try_connect_to_peer(peer, timeout) then connected_peer = peer log(syslog.LOG_INFO, 'Connection established with '..connected_peer.name..'.') end elseif state == 'established' then connected_peer:update_stats_from_kernel() if not connected_peer:has_recent_handshake() then connected_peer:uninstall_from_kernel() log(syslog.LOG_INFO, 'Connection to '..connected_peer.name..' lost.') connected_peer = nil else -- check connections every 5 seconds sleep(5) end else log(syslog.LOG_CRIT, 'unknown state') os.exit(1) end if #self.queued_peers < 1 then -- this prevents the process from escalating if e.g. installing peers -- constantly fails. sleep(5) end if self:wait_for_iface() then -- We needed to wait here, so interface was gone inbetween. Most likely -- the interface has been reset, so there is none of our peers installed. -- However, to make sure, we call the cleanup routine. self:cleanup() connected_peer = nil end end end -- INIT -- Parse command arguments _G.is_verbose = false local actions = {} local skip = false local change_group_to = nil local iface = "wg0" for i = 1, #arg do if skip then skip = false elseif arg[i] == "--interface" or arg[i] == "-i" then iface = arg[i+1] skip = true elseif arg[i] == "--pid-file" or arg[i] == "-p" then actions['pid'] = arg[i+1] skip = true elseif arg[i] == "--group" then change_group_to = arg[i+1] skip = true elseif arg[i] == "--verbose" or arg[i] == "-v" then is_verbose = true elseif arg[i] == "--help" or arg[i] == "-h" then actions['help'] = true end end if #arg == 1 or actions["help"] then print(arg[0]) print('') print(' -h, --help Shows this help text') print(' -i, --interface (Existing) WireGuard Interface') print(' -v, --verbose Verbose') print(' --group GROUP Change unix group on startup') print(' --pid-file Writes the PID to a specified file') print('') os.exit(0) end if actions['pid'] then io.open(actions['pid'], 'w'):write(tostring(unistd.getpid())) end -- set a seed for better randomness math.randomseed(os.time()) syslog.openlog('wgpeerselector', 0, syslog.LOG_DAEMON) if change_group_to then local g = grp.getgrnam(change_group_to) if not g then log(syslog.LOG_ERR, "unable to find unix group '"..change_group_to.."'") os.exit(1) end local ok, err = unistd.setpid('g', g.gr_gid) if ok ~= 0 then log(syslog.LOG_ERR, "unable to change unix group: " .. err) os.exit(1) end end local app = WGPeerSelector:new{iface=iface} app:load_peers_from_uci() local conn = ubus.connect() local ubus_methods = { ['wgpeerselector.'..iface] = { status = { function(req, _) conn:reply(req, app:status()) end, {} }, } } conn:add(ubus_methods) app:main()