#!/usr/bin/lua local site = require 'gluon.site_config' local users = require 'gluon.users' local util = require 'gluon.util' local uci = require('luci.model.uci').cursor() -- The previously used user is removed, we need root privileges to use the packet_mark option users.remove_user('gluon-fastd') -- Group for iptables rule users.add_group('gluon-fastd', 800) local enabled = uci:get('fastd', 'mesh_vpn', 'enabled') if not enabled then enabled = site.fastd_mesh_vpn.enabled and 1 or 0 end uci:section('fastd', 'fastd', 'mesh_vpn', { enabled = enabled, group = 'gluon-fastd', syslog_level = 'verbose', interface = 'mesh-vpn', mode = 'tap', mtu = site.fastd_mesh_vpn.mtu, secure_handshakes = 1, method = site.fastd_mesh_vpn.methods, packet_mark = 1, status_socket = '/var/run/fastd.mesh_vpn.socket', } ) uci:delete('fastd', 'mesh_vpn', 'user') uci:delete('fastd', 'mesh_vpn_backbone') uci:section('fastd', 'peer_group', 'mesh_vpn_backbone', { enabled = 1, net = 'mesh_vpn', peer_limit = site.fastd_mesh_vpn.backbone.limit, } ) uci:delete_all('fastd', 'peer', function(peer) return peer.net == 'mesh_vpn' and peer.group == 'mesh_vpn_backbone' end ) for name, config in pairs(site.fastd_mesh_vpn.backbone.peers) do uci:section('fastd', 'peer', 'mesh_vpn_backbone_peer_' .. name, { enabled = 1, net = 'mesh_vpn', group = 'mesh_vpn_backbone', key = config.key, remote = config.remotes, } ) end uci:save('fastd') uci:commit('fastd') uci:section('network', 'interface', 'mesh_vpn', { ifname = 'mesh-vpn', proto = 'batadv', mesh = 'bat0', mesh_no_rebroadcast = 1, macaddr = util.generate_mac(4, 0), } ) uci:save('network') uci:commit('network') uci:section('firewall', 'include', 'mesh_vpn_dns', { type = 'restore', path = '/lib/gluon/mesh-vpn-fastd/iptables.rules', family = 'ipv4', } ) uci:save('firewall') uci:commit('firewall')