local f = io.popen('. /lib/functions.sh; . /lib/ramips.sh; ramips_board_detect; echo "$RAMIPS_BOARD_NAME"; echo "$RAMIPS_MODEL"') local board_name, model = f:read("*a"):match('([^\n]+)\n([^\n]+)') f:close() module 'platform_info' -- The OpenWrt target function get_target() return 'ramips' end -- The OpenWrt subtarget or nil function get_subtarget() return 'rt305x' end -- The board name function get_board_name() return board_name end -- The model name function get_model() return model end -- The image name for sysupgrades function get_image_name() return (model:lower():gsub('[^%w]+', '-'):gsub('%-+$', '')) end