add some comments to my code

This commit is contained in:
do9xe 2015-01-20 10:31:39 +01:00
parent 311d59a238
commit 39f14f9c39
1 changed files with 48 additions and 43 deletions

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@ -2,13 +2,13 @@ local f, s, o
local uci = luci.model.uci.cursor()
local config = 'wireless'
-- where to read the configuration from
--set the heading, button and stuff
f = SimpleForm("wifi", "WLAN-Config")
f.reset = false
f.template = "admin/expertmode"
f.submit = "Speichern"
-- text, which describes what the package does to the user
s = f:section(SimpleSection, nil, [[
Viele Freifunk-Communitys betreiben ein sogenanntes Dachnetz. Das bedeutet, dass
manche Router sich über große Strecken miteinander verbinden, um viele kleine
@ -19,54 +19,59 @@ zu deaktivieren.
local radios = {}
-- look for wifi interfaces and add them to the array
uci:foreach('wireless', 'wifi-device',
table.insert(radios, s['.name'])
table.insert(radios, s['.name'])
--add a client and mesh checkbox for each interface
for index, radio in ipairs(radios) do
local hwmode = uci:get('wireless', radio, 'hwmode')
if hwmode == '11g' or hwmode == '11ng' then
o = s:option(Flag, 'clientbox' .. index, "2,4GHz Client Netz aktivieren")
o.default = (uci:get_bool(config, 'client_' .. radio, "disabled")) and o.disabled or o.enabled
o.rmempty = false
o = s:option(Flag, 'meshbox' .. index, "2,4GHz Mesh Netz aktivieren")
o.default = (uci:get_bool(config, 'client_' .. radio, "disabled")) and o.disabled or o.enabled
o.rmempty = false
elseif hwmode == '11a' or hwmode == '11na' then
o = s:option(Flag, 'clientbox' .. index, "5GHz Client Netz aktivieren")
o.default = (uci:get_bool(config, 'client_' .. radio, "disabled")) and o.disabled or o.enabled
o.rmempty = false
o = s:option(Flag, 'meshbox' .. index, "5GHz Mesh Netz aktivieren")
o.default = (uci:get_bool(config, 'client_' .. radio, "disabled")) and o.disabled or o.enabled
o.rmempty = false
--get the hwmode to seperate 2.4GHz and 5Ghz radios
local hwmode = uci:get('wireless', radio, 'hwmode')
if hwmode == '11g' or hwmode == '11ng' then --if 2.4GHz
--box for the clientnet
o = s:option(Flag, 'clientbox' .. index, "2,4GHz Client Netz aktivieren")
o.default = (uci:get_bool(config, 'client_' .. radio, "disabled")) and o.disabled or o.enabled
o.rmempty = false
--box for the meshnet
o = s:option(Flag, 'meshbox' .. index, "2,4GHz Mesh Netz aktivieren")
o.default = (uci:get_bool(config, 'client_' .. radio, "disabled")) and o.disabled or o.enabled
o.rmempty = false
elseif hwmode == '11a' or hwmode == '11na' then --if 5GHz
--box for the clientnet
o = s:option(Flag, 'clientbox' .. index, "5GHz Client Netz aktivieren")
o.default = (uci:get_bool(config, 'client_' .. radio, "disabled")) and o.disabled or o.enabled
o.rmempty = false
--box for the meshnet
o = s:option(Flag, 'meshbox' .. index, "5GHz Mesh Netz aktivieren")
o.default = (uci:get_bool(config, 'client_' .. radio, "disabled")) and o.disabled or o.enabled
o.rmempty = false
--if the save-button is pushed
function f.handle(self, state, data)
if state == FORM_VALID then
for index, radio in ipairs(radios) do
local currentclient = 'client_' .. radio
local currentmesh = 'mesh_' .. radio
uci:set(config, currentclient, "disabled", not data["clientbox"..index])
uci:set(config, currentmesh, "disabled", not data["meshbox"..index])
if state == FORM_VALID then
for index, radio in ipairs(radios) do
local currentclient = 'client_' .. radio
local currentmesh = 'mesh_' .. radio
-- (de)activate the radios correstponding the the opposit value of the checkbox
uci:set(config, currentclient, "disabled", not data["clientbox"..index])
uci:set(config, currentmesh, "disabled", not data["meshbox"..index])
return f