"use strict"; function makeFieldset(legend) { let fieldset = document.createElement('fieldset'); let fieldsetlegend = document.createElement('legend'); fieldsetlegend.innerHTML = legend; fieldset.appendChild(fieldsetlegend); return fieldset; } class L3Section { constructor(legend, ...inputs) { this.legend = legend; this.inputs = inputs; } node() { let fs = makeFieldset(this.legend); let sep = undefined; for (const input of this.inputs) { fs.append(input.node()); } return fs; } values() { this.inputs.map((input) => {input.id = input.value;}) } render() { const options = this.inputs .flatMap(input => input.option()) .filter(option => !!option); if (options.length == 0) { return undefined } var compiledopts = {}; for (const option of options) { if (!compiledopts[option.optionName]) { compiledopts[option.optionName] = []; } compiledopts[option.optionName].push(option.value) } let optstrs = []; for (const opt in compiledopts) { const values = compiledopts[opt]; if (values.length == 1) { optstrs.push(`option ${opt} '${values[0]}'`); } else { for (const value of values) { optstrs.push(`list ${opt} '${value}'`); } } } return `config ${this.legend}\n\t` + optstrs.join('\n\t') } } class L3MultiSection { constructor(legend, handleUpdate, template) { this.legend = legend; this.template = template; this.handleUpdate = handleUpdate; this.sections = []; this.nsections = 0; } node() { let fieldset = document.createElement('fieldset'); let fieldsetlegend = document.createElement('legend'); let fieldsetbutton = document.createElement('button'); fieldsetbutton.setAttribute('type', 'button'); fieldsetbutton.addEventListener('click', () => this.addSection(fieldset)); fieldsetbutton.innerHTML = `+ ${this.legend}`; fieldsetlegend.appendChild(fieldsetbutton); fieldset.appendChild(fieldsetlegend); return fieldset; } addSection(fieldset) { const idsuffix = `-${this.nsections++}`; let newsection = this.template(idsuffix); this.sections.push(newsection); let nodes = newsection.node(); for (let input of nodes.getElementsByTagName('input')) { input.addEventListener('input', () => this.handleUpdate()) } let del = document.createElement('button'); del.setAttribute('type', 'button'); del.addEventListener('click', () => this.removeSection(newsection, nodes)); del.classList.add('del'); del.innerHTML = 'Remove'; nodes.append(del); fieldset.before(nodes); this.handleUpdate(); } removeSection(del, nodes) { this.sections = this.sections.filter(section => section != del); nodes.remove(); this.handleUpdate(); } render() { return this.sections.map(section => section.render()).filter(section => !!section) } } class L3Input { constructor(label, id, optionName, attrs, datalist) { this.label = label; this.id = id; this.optionName = optionName; this.attrs = attrs; this.datalist = datalist this.input = undefined; } node() { let inner = [] let newLabel = undefined if (this.label) { newLabel = document.createElement('label'); newLabel.setAttribute('for', this.id); newLabel.innerHTML = this.label; inner.push(newLabel) } this.input = document.createElement('input'); this.input.setAttribute('id', this.id); for (const attr in this.attrs) { this.input.setAttribute(attr, this.attrs[attr]); } inner.push(this.input) if (this.datalist) { let datalist = document.createElement('datalist'); let datalistid = this.id + '-datalist'; datalist.setAttribute('id', datalistid); this.input.setAttribute('list', datalistid); for (const value of this.datalist) { let option = document.createElement('option'); option.setAttribute('value', value); datalist.append(option); } inner.push(datalist); } let div = document.createElement('div') div.append(...inner); return div; } id() { return this.id; } value() { return this.input.value; } option() { switch (this.input.type) { case 'radio': case 'checkbox': if (!this.input.checked || this.input.value == 'undefined') return undefined; break; default: if (!this.input.value) return undefined; break; } const ret = { optionName: this.optionName, value: this.input.value, }; return ret; } render() { switch (this.input.type) { case 'radio': case 'checkbox': if (!this.input.checked || this.input.value == 'undefined') return undefined; break; default: if (!this.input.value) return undefined; break; } return `option ${this.optionName} '${this.input.value}'` } } class L3MultiInput { constructor(label, handleUpdate, template) { this.label = label; this.template = template; this.handleUpdate = handleUpdate; this.inputs = []; this.ninputs = 0; } node() { let fieldset = document.createElement('fieldset'); let fieldsetlegend = document.createElement('legend'); let fieldsetbutton = document.createElement('button'); fieldsetbutton.setAttribute('type', 'button'); fieldsetbutton.addEventListener('click', () => this.addInput(fieldset)); fieldsetbutton.innerHTML = `+ ${this.label}`; fieldsetlegend.appendChild(fieldsetbutton); fieldset.appendChild(fieldsetlegend); return fieldset; } addInput(inputcontainer) { const idsuffix = `-${this.ninputs++}`; let newinput = this.template(idsuffix); this.inputs.push(newinput); let div = newinput.node(); let delbutton = document.createElement('button'); delbutton.setAttribute('type', 'button'); delbutton.classList.add('del'); delbutton.innerHTML = '-'; delbutton.addEventListener('click', () => { this.removeInput(newinput, div); this.handleUpdate(); }); div.prepend(delbutton); for (let input of div.getElementsByTagName('input')) { input.addEventListener('input', () => this.handleUpdate()); } inputcontainer.append(div); this.handleUpdate(); } removeInput(del, div) { this.inputs = this.inputs.filter(input => input != del); div.remove(); this.handleUpdate(); } render() { return this.inputs.map(input => input.render()).filter(input => !!input) } option() { return this.inputs.map(input => input.option()); } } class L3Config { constructor() { this.sections = []; } addSection(section) { this.sections.push(section) } handleUpdate() { renderConfig(this.sections.flatMap(section => section.render()).filter(section => !!section)); } node() { let nodes = this.sections.map(section => section.node()) for (let node of nodes) { for (let input of node.getElementsByTagName('input')) { input.addEventListener('input', () => this.handleUpdate()) } } return nodes; } } function initForm() { let l3configinput = document.getElementById('l3configinput'); let form = document.createElement('form'); l3configinput.appendChild(form); const l3cfg = new L3Config(); l3cfg.addSection(new L3Section('gateway', new L3Input('Router Name','gatewayName', 'name', {type: 'search', placeholder: 'Router Name'}), new L3MultiInput('Router IPv4 Address', () => l3cfg.handleUpdate(), function(idsuffix) { return new L3Input(undefined,'gatewayRouterIP4'+idsuffix, 'router_ip', {type: 'search', maxlength: 15, placeholder: 'Router IPv4 Address'}); }), new L3MultiInput('Router IPv6 Address', () => l3cfg.handleUpdate(), function(idsuffix) { return new L3Input(undefined,'gatewayRouterIP6'+idsuffix, 'router_ip6', {type: 'text', maxlength: 39, placeholder: 'Router IPv6 Address'}); }), )); l3cfg.addSection(new L3Section('dns', new L3Input('Anycast DNS','dnsAnycast', 'server', {type: 'radio', name: 'anycast', value: 'fd43:5602:29bd:ffff:1:1:1:1', checked: ''}), new L3Input('Anycast DNS64','dnsAnycast64', 'server', {type: 'radio', name: 'anycast', value: 'fd43:5602:29bd:ffff:1:1:1:64'}), new L3Input('Disable','dnsAnycastNone', 'server', {type: 'radio', name: 'anycast', value: undefined}), new L3MultiInput('Custom DNS Server', () => l3cfg.handleUpdate(), function(idsuffix) { return new L3Input(undefined,'dnsOther'+idsuffix, 'server', {type: 'text', maxlength: 39, placeholder: 'Custom DNS Server'}); }), )); l3cfg.addSection(new L3Section('wan', new L3Input('Use VLAN','babelpeerVLAN', 'vlan', {type: 'number', min: 1, max: 4094}), new L3Input('Use Interface directly','babelpeerIFACE', 'iface', {type: 'text', placeholder: 'eth0, eth0.4, ...'}), )); l3cfg.addSection(new L3Section('client', new L3Input('Use VLAN','clientVLAN', 'vlan', {type: 'number', min: 1, max: 4094}), new L3Input('Use Interface directly','clientIFACE', 'iface', {type: 'text', placeholder: 'eth0, eth0.4, ...'}), new L3MultiInput('Client IPv6 Subnet', () => l3cfg.handleUpdate(), function(idsuffix) { return new L3Input(undefined,'clientIP6Addr'+idsuffix, 'ip6addr', {type: 'text', maxlength: 39, placeholder: 'IPv6 CIDR, 2a0b:f4c0:XX:YYYY::/64, fd43:5602:29bd:XXXX::/64,...'}); }), new L3MultiInput('Client IPv4 Subnet', () => l3cfg.handleUpdate(), function(idsuffix) { return new L3Input(undefined,'clientIPAddr'+idsuffix, 'ipaddr', {type: 'text', maxlength: 15, placeholder: 'IPv4 CIDR, 10.XX.YY.ZZ/24'}); }), new L3Input('IPv4 SNAT','clientSNAT', 'snat', {type: 'checkbox', value: 1}), new L3Input('DHCP Start Address','clientDHCPStart', 'dhcp_start', {type: 'text', maxlength: 15, placeholder: 'IPv4 Address, 10.XX.YY.10'}), new L3Input('DHCP Number of Addresses','clientDHCPLimit', 'dhcp_limit', {type: 'number', max: 65535}), new L3Input('Wifi ESSID','clientESSID', 'essid', {type: 'text'}), new L3Input('Wifi 2.4 GHz Channel','client2GHZ', 'chan2ghz', {type: 'number', min: 1, max: 13}), new L3Input('Wifi 5 GHz Channel','client5GHZ', 'chan5ghz', {type: 'number', min: 36, max: 140}), )); l3cfg.addSection(new L3MultiSection('VLAN', () => l3cfg.handleUpdate(), function(idsuffix) { return new L3Section('vlan', new L3Input('Comment','vlanComment', 'comment', {type: 'text'}, ['client', 'wan']), new L3Input('Ports','vlanPorts', 'ports', {type: 'text', placeholder: 'eth0:*, eth1.4:u, ...'}), ); })); l3cfg.addSection(new L3MultiSection('Direct Babel Peering', () => l3cfg.handleUpdate(), function(idsuffix) { return new L3Section('babelpeer', new L3Input('Use VLAN','babelpeerVLAN', 'vlan', {type: 'number', min: 1, max: 4094}), new L3Input('Use Interface directly','babelpeerIFACE', 'iface', {type: 'text', placeholder: 'eth0, eth0.4, ...'}), new L3Input('type','babelpeerType', 'type', {type: 'search', placeholder: 'wired, wireless, ...'}, ['wired', 'wireless'] ), new L3Input('rxcost','babelpeerRXCost', 'rxcost', {type: 'number', min: 96, max: 65535, placeholder: 'LAN: 96, Tunnel: 4096, ...'}), ); })); l3cfg.addSection(new L3MultiSection('WireGuard Peering', () => l3cfg.handleUpdate(), function(idsuffix) { return new L3Section('wireguardpeer', new L3Input('Endpoint Host', 'wireguardpeerEPHost'+idsuffix, 'endpoint_host', {type: 'text', required: ''}, ['peering.nue3.fff.community','ff1.zbau.f3netze.de','nsvm.f3netze.de','2a0b:f4c0:400::']), new L3Input('Endpoint Port','wireguardpeerEPPort'+idsuffix, 'endpoint_port', {type: 'number', required: '', min:1, max: 65535}), new L3Input('Persistent Keepalive','wireguardpeerPersistentKeepalive', 'persistent_keepalive', {type: 'number', min: 0, max: 65535, placeholder: '1 - 65535 Seconds...'}), new L3Input('Remote Public Key', 'wireguardpeerRemotePubKey'+idsuffix, 'remote_public_key', {type: 'text', minlength: 44, maxlength: 44, required: '', placeholder: 'base64 encoded public key'}), new L3Input('Local Private Key', 'wireguardpeerLocalPrivKey'+idsuffix, 'local_private_key', {type: 'text', minlength: 44, maxlength: 44, placeholder: 'base64 encoded private key'}), new L3Input('rxcost','wireguardpeerRXCost', 'rxcost', {type: 'number', min: 96, max: 65535, value: 4096, placeholder: '4096'}), new L3Input('mtu','wireguardpeerMTU', 'mtu', {type: 'number', min: 1280, max: 65535, value: 1412, placeholder: '1412'}), ); })); form.replaceChildren(...l3cfg.node()) renderConfig(l3cfg.sections.flatMap(section => section.render()).filter(section => !!section)); } function renderConfigOption(name, value) { return value ? `\toption ${name} '${value}'\n` : "" } function renderConfig(sections) { let l3configoutput = document.getElementById('l3configoutput'); let l3configoutputpre = document.createElement('pre'); let code = document.createElement('code'); l3configoutputpre.appendChild(code); code.innerHTML += sections.join('\n\n'); l3configoutput.replaceChildren(l3configoutputpre); } initForm();