
229 lines
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// This is a basic configuration for the Kea DHCPv6 server. Subnet declarations
// are mostly commented out and no interfaces are listed. Therefore, the servers
// will not listen or respond to any queries.
// The basic configuration must be extended to specify interfaces on which
// the servers should listen. There are a number of example options defined.
// These probably don't make any sense in your network. Make sure you at least
// update the following, before running this example in your network:
// - change the network interface names
// - change the subnets to match your actual network
// - change the option values to match your network
// This is just a very basic configuration. Kea comes with large suite (over 30)
// of configuration examples and extensive Kea User's Guide. Please refer to
// those materials to get better understanding of what this software is able to
// do. Comments in this configuration file sometimes refer to sections for more
// details. These are section numbers in Kea User's Guide. The version matching
// your software should come with your Kea package, but it is also available
// in ISC's Knowledgebase (; the direct link for
// the stable version is
// This configuration file contains only DHCPv6 server's configuration.
// If configurations for other Kea services are also included in this file they
// are ignored by the DHCPv6 server.
// DHCPv6 configuration starts here. This section will be read by DHCPv6 server
// and will be ignored by other components.
"Dhcp6": {
// Add names of your network interfaces to listen on.
"interfaces-config": {
// You typically want to put specific interface names here, e.g. eth0
// but you can also specify unicast addresses (e.g. eth0/2001:db8::1) if
// you want your server to handle unicast traffic in addition to
// multicast. (DHCPv6 is a multicast based protocol).
"interfaces": [ "vxlan0" ],
"service-sockets-max-retries": 50,
"service-sockets-retry-wait-time": 1000
// Use Memfile lease database backend to store leases in a CSV file.
// Depending on how Kea was compiled, it may also support SQL databases
// (MySQL and/or PostgreSQL). Those database backends require more
// parameters, like name, host and possibly user and password.
// There are dedicated examples for each backend. See Section 8.2.2 "Lease
// Storage" for details.
"lease-database": {
// Memfile is the simplest and easiest backend to use. It's an in-memory
// C++ database that stores its state in CSV file.
"type": "memfile",
"lfc-interval": 3600,
"name": "/tmp/dhcp6.leases"
// These parameters govern global timers. Addresses will be assigned with
// preferred and valid lifetimes being 3000 and 4000, respectively. Client
// is told to start renewing after 1000 seconds. If the server does not
// respond after 2000 seconds since the lease was granted, a client is
// supposed to start REBIND procedure (emergency renewal that allows
// switching to a different server).
"renew-timer": 1000,
"rebind-timer": 2000,
"preferred-lifetime": 3000,
"valid-lifetime": 4000,
// These are global options. They are going to be sent when a client requests
// them, unless overwritten with values in more specific scopes. The scope
// hierarchy is:
// - global
// - subnet
// - class
// - host
// Not all of those options make sense. Please configure only those that
// are actually useful in your network.
// For a complete list of options currently supported by Kea, see
// Section 8.2.9 "Standard DHCPv6 Options". Kea also supports
// vendor options (see Section 7.2.10) and allows users to define their
// own custom options (see Section 7.2.9).
"option-data": [
// When specifying options, you typically need to specify
// one of (name or code) and data. The full option specification
// covers name, code, space, csv-format and data.
// space defaults to "dhcp6" which is usually correct, unless you
// use encapsulate options. csv-format defaults to "true", so
// this is also correct, unless you want to specify the whole
// option value as long hex string. For example, to specify
// domain-name-servers you could do this:
// {
// "name": "dns-servers",
// "code": 23,
// "csv-format": "true",
// "space": "dhcp6",
// "data": "2001:db8:2::45, 2001:db8:2::100"
// }
// but it's a lot of writing, so it's easier to do this instead:
"name": "dns-servers",
"data": "fd43:5602:29bd:ffff:1:1:1:1"
// Another thing possible here are hooks. Kea supports a powerful mechanism
// that allows loading external libraries that can extract information and
// even influence how the server processes packets. Those libraries include
// additional forensic logging capabilities, ability to reserve hosts in
// more flexible ways, and even add extra commands. For a list of available
// hook libraries, see
// "hooks-libraries": [
// {
// // Forensic Logging library generates forensic type of audit trail
// // of all devices serviced by Kea, including their identifiers
// // (like MAC address), their location in the network, times
// // when they were active etc.
// "library": "/usr/lib64/kea/hooks/",
// "parameters": {
// "path": "/var/lib/kea",
// "base-name": "kea-forensic6"
// }
// },
// {
// // Flexible identifier (flex-id). Kea software provides a way to
// // handle host reservations that include addresses, prefixes,
// // options, client classes and other features. The reservation can
// // be based on hardware address, DUID, circuit-id or client-id in
// // DHCPv4 and using hardware address or DUID in DHCPv6. However,
// // there are sometimes scenario where the reservation is more
// // complex, e.g. uses other options that mentioned above, uses part
// // of specific options or perhaps even a combination of several
// // options and fields to uniquely identify a client. Those scenarios
// // are addressed by the Flexible Identifiers hook application.
// "library": "/usr/lib64/kea/hooks/",
// "parameters": {
// "identifier-expression": "relay6[0].option[37].hex"
// }
// }
// ],
// Below an example of a simple IPv6 subnet declaration. Uncomment to enable
// it. This is a list, denoted with [ ], of structures, each denoted with
// { }. Each structure describes a single subnet and may have several
// parameters. One of those parameters is "pools" that is also a list of
// structures.
"subnet6": [
"id": 1,
"interface": "vxlan0",
// This defines the whole subnet. Kea will use this information to
// determine where the clients are connected. This is the whole
// subnet in your network. This is mandatory parameter for each
// subnet.
"subnet": "fe80::/64",
// Pools define the actual part of your subnet that is governed
// by Kea. Technically this is optional parameter, but it's
// almost always needed for DHCP to do its job. If you omit it,
// clients won't be able to get addresses, unless there are
// host reservations defined for them.
"pools": [ { "pool": "fe80::8000:0:0:0/64" } ],
// Kea supports prefix delegation (PD). This mechanism delegates
// whole prefixes, instead of single addresses. You need to specify
// a prefix and then size of the delegated prefixes that it will
// be split into. This example below tells Kea to use
// 2001:db8:1::/56 prefix as pool and split it into /64 prefixes.
// This will give you 256 (2^(64-56)) prefixes.
"pd-pools": [
"prefix": "${AUTO_L3_PREFIX}",
"prefix-len": ${AUTO_L3_PREFIX_LEN},
"delegated-len": ${AUTO_L3_DELEGATED_LEN}
// Kea also supports excluded prefixes. This advanced option
// is explained in Section 9.2.9. Please make sure your
// excluded prefix matches the pool it is defined in.
// "excluded-prefix": "2001:db8:8:0:80::",
// "excluded-prefix-len": 72
// Logging configuration starts here. Kea uses different loggers to log various
// activities. For details (e.g. names of loggers), see Chapter 18.
"loggers": [
// This specifies the logging for kea-dhcp6 logger, i.e. all logs
// generated by Kea DHCPv6 server.
"name": "kea-dhcp6",
"output_options": [
// Specifies the output file. There are several special values
// supported:
// - stdout (prints on standard output)
// - stderr (prints on standard error)
// - syslog (logs to syslog)
// - syslog:name (logs to syslog using specified name)
// Any other value is considered a name of the file
"output": "stdout"
// Shorter log pattern suitable for use with systemd,
// avoids redundant information
// "pattern": "%-5p %m\n",
// This governs whether the log output is flushed to disk after
// every write.
// "flush": false,
// This specifies the maximum size of the file before it is
// rotated.
// "maxsize": 1048576,
// This specifies the maximum number of rotated files to keep.
// "maxver": 8
// This specifies the severity of log messages to keep. Supported values
"severity": "INFO",
// If DEBUG level is specified, this value is used. 0 is least verbose,
// 99 is most verbose. Be cautious, Kea can generate lots and lots
// of logs if told to do so.
"debuglevel": 99