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Dennis Eisold d1e0b4c15a
Merge a0b6180280 into 7ac73ebbdc
2021-12-17 03:14:45 +02:00
alfred-monitoring-proxy Handle even larger requests 2016-02-17 02:47:13 +01:00
contrib Rename net_if from router_neighbor table to netif 2017-12-29 19:25:01 +01:00
ffmap map: filter inactive hoods 2021-07-07 23:31:29 +02:00
gwinfo treewide: add support for br-client 2021-02-22 20:22:50 +01:00
scripts calcglobalstats: Add missing MySQL commit 2021-01-13 14:23:34 +01:00
.gitignore db: Hide influxdb config and provide example file 2020-11-24 16:45:37 +01:00
README.md Update README.md 2020-12-03 03:01:09 +01:00
install.sh tilestache: use memcache instead of disk for tile storage 2020-03-11 14:13:56 +01:00
restart.sh Add restart.sh 2018-01-19 15:04:42 +01:00
setup.py setup.py: Update link to GitHub for service 2018-11-24 15:52:12 +01:00
start.sh Add start.sh, stop.sh 2018-01-21 20:56:05 +01:00
stop.sh Add start.sh, stop.sh 2018-01-21 20:56:05 +01:00


Git Repository Logic

  • Frequent updates are made to the testing branch, which is considered "dirty". Commits appearing here may be quickly written, untested, incomplete, etc. This is where the development happens.
  • In unspecified intervals, the piled-up changes in the testing branch are reviewed, ordered and squashed to a smaller set of tidy commits. Those are then pushed to the master branch.
  • The tidy-up is marked by an empty commit "Realign with master" in the testing branch. This is roughly equivalent to a merge, although for an actual merge the commits would remain unaltered.
  • Development happens in the testing branch. Thus, testing is more up-to-date, but master is better to understand.
  • The Monitoring web server uses the testing branch.

Debian Dependencies

apt-get install mariadb-server memcached python3-memcache python3-mysqldb python python3 python3-requests python3-lxml python3-pip python3-flask python3-dateutil python3-numpy python3-scipy python3-mapnik python3-pip uwsgi-plugin-python3 nginx git influxdb curl
pip3 install wheel pymongo pillow modestmaps simplejson werkzeug tilestache influxdb


  • Datenbank in MySQL anlegen
  • Git vorbereiten:
git clone https://github.com/FreifunkFranken/fff-monitoring
git clone https://github.com/TileStache/TileStache
cd fff-monitoring
cp ffmap/mysqlconfig.example.py ffmap/mysqlconfig.py
  • MySQL Zugangsdaten in mysqlconfig.py eintragen


cp ffmap/influconfig.example.py ffmap/influconfig.py

curl -X POST -G "http://localhost:8086/query?" --data-urlencode "q=CREATE DATABASE databasename"
curl -X POST -G "http://localhost:8086/query?" --data-urlencode "q=CREATE USER username WITH PASSWORD 'password'"
curl -X POST -G "http://localhost:8086/query?" --data-urlencode "q=GRANT ALL ON databasename TO username"

Bitte beachtet das in der Datei /ffmap/influxtools.py die Datenbank statisch angesprochen wird. Ihr sollten also, falls ihr einen anderen DB Namen als "fff-monitoring" nutzen wollt, hier entsprechend anpassen.

Authentifizierung in Datei /etc/influxdb/influxdb.conf aktivieren

auth-enabled = true

Dienst neu starten

systemctl restart influxdb

Zugangsdaten in der Config hinterlegen


systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable uwsgi-ffmap
systemctl enable uwsgi-tiles
systemctl start uwsgi-ffmap
systemctl start uwsgi-tiles
cd ffmap/db/
# Then apply NGINX Config
cd ../.. # go back to fff-monitoring root directory

NGINX Config

server {
	listen 443 ssl default_server;
	listen [::]:443 ssl default_server;


	location / {
		include uwsgi_params;
		client_max_body_size 30M;

	location /tiles {
		include uwsgi_params;
	location /static/ {
		root /usr/share/ffmap/;
		expires max;
		add_header Cache-Control "public";



Admin anlegen

  • User über WebUI anlegen
  • Dann über z.B. phpmyadmin in der Tabelle users 'admin' auf 1 setzen