#!/usr/bin/python3 import os import sys sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/' + '../..')) from ffmap.web.api import api from ffmap.web.filters import filters from ffmap.mysqltools import FreifunkMySQL from ffmap import stattools from ffmap.usertools import * from ffmap.routertools import delete_router, ban_router from ffmap.gwtools import gw_name, gw_bat from ffmap.web.helpers import * from ffmap.config import CONFIG from ffmap.misc import * from flask import Flask, render_template, request, Response, redirect, url_for, flash, session import bson from bson.json_util import dumps as bson2json from bson.objectid import ObjectId import base64 import datetime app = Flask(__name__) app.register_blueprint(api, url_prefix='/api') app.register_blueprint(filters) tileurls = { "routers": "/tiles/routers", "routers_v2": "/tiles/routers_v2", "hoods": "/tiles/hoods", "hoods_v2": "/tiles/hoods_v2", } @app.route('/') def index(): return render_template("index.html") @app.route('/apidoc') def apidoc(): return render_template("apidoc.html") @app.route('/map') def router_map(): return render_template("map.html", tileurls=tileurls) @app.route('/routers') def router_list(): where, tuple, query_str = parse_router_list_search_query(request.args) mysql = FreifunkMySQL() routers = mysql.fetchall(""" SELECT router.id, hostname, status, hood, contact, nickname, hardware, router.created, sys_uptime, last_contact, clients, reset, blocked, v2 FROM router LEFT JOIN users ON router.contact = users.email LEFT JOIN ( SELECT router, blocked.mac AS blocked FROM router_netif INNER JOIN blocked ON router_netif.mac = blocked.mac WHERE netif = 'br-mesh' ) AS b ON router.id = b.router {} ORDER BY hostname ASC """.format(where),tuple) mysql.close() routers = mysql.utcawaretuple(routers,"created") routers = mysql.utcawaretuple(routers,"last_contact") return render_template("router_list.html", query_str=query_str, routers=routers, numrouters=len(routers)) # router by mac (short link version) @app.route('/mac/', methods=['GET']) def router_mac(mac): mysql = FreifunkMySQL() res_routers = mysql.fetchall(""" SELECT id FROM router INNER JOIN router_netif ON router.id = router_netif.router WHERE mac = %s GROUP BY mac, id """,(mac2int(mac),)) mysql.close() if len(res_routers) != 1: return redirect(url_for("router_list", q="mac:%s" % mac)) elif request.args.get('fffconfig', None) != None: return redirect(url_for("router_info", dbid=res_routers[0]["id"], fffconfig=1)) elif request.args.get('json', None) != None: return redirect(url_for("router_info", dbid=res_routers[0]["id"], json=1)) else: return redirect(url_for("router_info", dbid=res_routers[0]["id"])) @app.route('/routers/', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def router_info(dbid): try: mysql = FreifunkMySQL() router = mysql.findone("""SELECT * FROM router WHERE id = %s LIMIT 1""",(dbid,)) mac = None if router: if request.args.get('fffconfig', None) != None: mysql.close() s = "\nconfig fff 'system'\n" s += " option hostname '{}'\n".format(router["hostname"]) s += " option description '{}'\n".format(router["description"]) s += " option latitude '{}'\n".format(router["lat"] if router["lat"] else "") s += " option longitude '{}'\n".format(router["lng"] if router["lng"] else "") s += " option position_comment '{}'\n".format(router["position_comment"]) s += " option contact '{}'\n".format(router["contact"]) return Response(s,mimetype='text/plain') router = mysql.utcaware(router,["created","last_contact"]) router["user"] = mysql.findone("SELECT nickname FROM users WHERE email = %s",(router["contact"],),"nickname") router["netifs"] = mysql.fetchall("""SELECT * FROM router_netif WHERE router = %s""",(dbid,)) netifs = [] for n in router["netifs"]: n["ipv6_addrs"] = mysql.fetchall("""SELECT ipv6 FROM router_ipv6 WHERE router = %s AND netif = %s""",(dbid,n["netif"],),"ipv6") if n["netif"]=="br-mesh": mac = n["mac"] netifs.append(n["netif"]) router["neighbours"] = mysql.fetchall(""" SELECT nb.mac, nb.netif, nb.quality, r.hostname, r.id FROM router_neighbor AS nb LEFT JOIN ( SELECT router, mac FROM router_netif GROUP BY mac, router ) AS net ON nb.mac = net.mac LEFT JOIN router as r ON net.router = r.id WHERE nb.router = %s ORDER BY nb.quality DESC """,(dbid,)) # FIX SQL: only one from router_netif router["gws"] = mysql.fetchall(""" SELECT router_gw.mac AS mac, quality, router_gw.netif AS netif, gw_class, selected, gw.name AS gw, n1.netif AS gwif, n2.netif AS batif, n2.mac AS batmac FROM router_gw LEFT JOIN ( gw_netif AS n1 INNER JOIN gw ON n1.gw = gw.id LEFT JOIN gw_netif AS n2 ON n1.mac = n2.vpnmac AND n1.gw = n2.gw ) ON router_gw.mac = n1.mac WHERE router = %s """,(dbid,)) for gw in router["gws"]: gw["label"] = gw_name(gw) gw["batX"] = gw_bat(gw) router["events"] = mysql.fetchall("""SELECT * FROM router_events WHERE router = %s""",(dbid,)) router["events"] = mysql.utcawaretuple(router["events"],"time") ## Create json with all data except stats if request.args.get('json', None) != None: mysql.close() return Response(bson2json(router, sort_keys=True, indent=4), mimetype='application/json') cwan = "blue" cclient = "orange" cbatman = "#29c329" cvpn = "red" chidden = "gray" ## Label netifs AFTER json if clause for n in router["netifs"]: netif = n["netif"]; desc = None color = None if netif == 'br-mesh': desc = "Bridge" elif netif.endswith('.1'): desc = "Clients via Ethernet" color = cclient elif netif.endswith('.2'): desc = "WAN" color = cwan elif netif.endswith('.3'): desc = "Mesh via Ethernet" color = cbatman elif netif == "w2ap": desc = "Clients @ 2.4 GHz" color = cclient elif netif == "w2mesh" or netif == "w2ibss": desc = "Mesh @ 2.4 GHz" color = cbatman elif netif == "w2configap": desc = "Config @ 2.4 GHz" color = chidden elif netif == "w5ap": desc = "Clients @ 5 GHz" color = cclient elif netif == "w5mesh" or netif == "w5ibss": desc = "Mesh @ 5 GHz" color = cbatman elif netif == "w5configap": desc = "Config @ 5 GHz" color = chidden elif netif == "fffVPN": desc = "Fastd VPN Tunnel" color = cvpn elif netif.startswith("l2tp"): desc = "L2TP VPN Tunnel" color = cvpn elif netif.startswith("bat"): desc = "Batman Interface" elif netif.startswith("eth") and any(item.startswith("{}.".format(netif)) for item in netifs): desc = "Switch" elif netif == "eth1": # already known from above: no switch; no one-port, as there must be eth0 if not "eth0" in netifs or any(item.startswith("eth0.") for item in netifs): desc = "WAN" color = cwan else: # Second port of Nanostation M2 desc = "Ethernet Multi-Port" elif netif == "eth0": if any(item.startswith("eth1.") for item in netifs): # already known from above: no switch desc = "WAN" color = cwan else: # First port of Nanostation M2 or ONE-Port desc = "Ethernet Multi-Port" n["description"] = desc n["color"] = color ## Set color for neighbors AFTER json if clause for n in router["neighbours"]: n["color"] = neighbor_color(n["quality"],n["netif"],router["routing_protocol"]) router["stats"] = mysql.fetchall("""SELECT * FROM router_stats WHERE router = %s""",(dbid,)) for s in router["stats"]: s["time"] = mysql.utcawareint(s["time"]) threshold_neighstats = (utcnow() - datetime.timedelta(hours=24)).timestamp() neighfetch = mysql.fetchall(""" SELECT quality, mac, time FROM router_stats_neighbor WHERE router = %s AND time > %s """,(dbid,threshold_neighstats,)) neighdata = {} for ns in neighfetch: ns["time"] = {"$date": int(mysql.utcawareint(ns["time"]).timestamp()*1000)} if not ns["mac"] in neighdata: neighdata[ns["mac"]] = [] neighdata[ns["mac"]].append(ns) neighident = mysql.fetchall(""" SELECT snb.mac, r.hostname, n.netif FROM router_stats_neighbor AS snb INNER JOIN router_netif AS n ON snb.mac = n.mac INNER JOIN router AS r ON n.router = r.id WHERE snb.router = %s AND n.netif <> 'w2ap' AND n.netif <> 'w5ap' GROUP BY snb.mac, r.hostname, n.netif """,(dbid,)) neighlabel = {} for ni in neighident: label = ni["hostname"] # add network interface when there are multiple links to same node for ni2 in neighident: if label == ni2["hostname"] and ni["mac"] != ni2["mac"]: # This shows the NEIGHBOR'S interface name label += "@" + ni["netif"] append = " (old)" for nnn in router["neighbours"]: if nnn["mac"] == ni["mac"]: append = "" neighlabel[ni["mac"]] = label + append gwfetch = mysql.fetchall(""" SELECT quality, mac, time FROM router_stats_gw WHERE router = %s """,(dbid,)) for ns in gwfetch: ns["time"] = mysql.utcawareint(ns["time"]) if request.method == 'POST': if request.form.get("act") == "delete": # a router may not have a owner, but admin users still can delete it if is_authorized(router["user"], session): delete_router(mysql,dbid) flash("Router %s deleted!" % router["hostname"], "success") mysql.close() return redirect(url_for("index")) else: flash("You are not authorized to perform this action!", "danger") elif request.form.get("act") == "ban": if session.get('admin'): if mac: ban_router(mysql,dbid) delete_router(mysql,dbid) flash("Router %s banned!" % router["hostname"], "success") mysql.close() return redirect(url_for("index")) else: flash("Router has no br-mesh and thus cannot be banned!", "danger") else: flash("You are not authorized to perform this action!", "danger") elif request.form.get("act") == "changeblocked" and mac: if session.get('admin'): if request.form.get("blocked") == "true": added = mysql.utcnow() mysql.execute("INSERT INTO blocked (mac, added) VALUES (%s, %s)",(mac,added,)) mysql.execute(""" INSERT INTO router_events (router, time, type, comment) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s) """,(dbid,mysql.utcnow(),"admin","Marked as blocked",)) mysql.commit() else: mysql.execute("DELETE FROM blocked WHERE mac = %s",(mac,)) mysql.execute(""" INSERT INTO router_events (router, time, type, comment) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s) """,(dbid,mysql.utcnow(),"admin","Removed blocked status",)) mysql.commit() router["events"] = mysql.fetchall("""SELECT * FROM router_events WHERE router = %s""",(dbid,)) router["events"] = mysql.utcawaretuple(router["events"],"time") else: flash("You are not authorized to perform this action!", "danger") elif request.form.get("act") == "report": abusemails = mysql.fetchall("SELECT email FROM users WHERE abuse = 1") for a in abusemails: send_email( recipient = a["email"], subject = "Monitoring: Router %s reported" % router["hostname"], content = "Hello Admin,\n\n" + "The router with hostname %s has been reported as abusive by a user.\n" % router["hostname"] + "Please take care:\n" + "%s\n\n" % url_for("router_info", dbid=dbid, _external=True) + "Regards,\nFreifunk Franken Monitoring System" ) flash("Router reported to administrators!", "success") else: mysql.close() return "Router not found" router["blocked"] = mysql.findone(""" SELECT blocked.mac FROM router_netif AS n LEFT JOIN blocked ON n.mac = blocked.mac WHERE n.router = %s AND n.netif = 'br-mesh' """,(dbid,),"mac") mysql.close() return render_template("router.html", router = router, mac = mac, tileurls = tileurls, neighstats = neighdata, neighlabel = neighlabel, gwstats = gwfetch, authuser = is_authorized(router["user"], session), authadmin = session.get('admin') ) except Exception as e: writelog(CONFIG["debug_dir"] + "/fail_router.txt", str(e)) import traceback writefulllog("Warning: Failed to display router details page: %s\n__%s" % (e, traceback.format_exc().replace("\n", "\n__"))) @app.route('/users') def user_list(): mysql = FreifunkMySQL() users = mysql.fetchall("SELECT id, nickname, email, created, admin FROM users ORDER BY nickname COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci ASC") user_routers = stattools.router_user_sum(mysql) mysql.close() users = mysql.utcawaretuple(users,"created") return render_template("user_list.html", user_routers = user_routers, users = users, users_count = len(users) ) @app.route('/users/', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def user_info(nickname): mysql = FreifunkMySQL() user = mysql.findone("SELECT * FROM users WHERE nickname = %s LIMIT 1",(nickname,)) user["created"] = mysql.utcaware(user["created"]) if not user: mysql.close() return "User not found" if request.method == 'POST': if request.form.get("action") == "changepw": if is_authorized(user["nickname"], session): if request.form["password"] != request.form["password_rep"]: flash("Passwords did not match!", "danger") elif request.form["password"] == "": flash("Password must not be empty!", "danger") else: set_user_password(mysql, user["nickname"], request.form["password"]) flash("Password changed!", "success") else: flash("You are not authorized to perform this action!", "danger") elif request.form.get("action") == "changemail": if is_authorized(user["nickname"], session): if request.form["email"] != request.form["email_rep"]: flash("E-Mail addresses do not match!", "danger") elif not "@" in request.form["email"]: flash("Invalid E-Mail addresse!", "danger") else: try: set_user_email(mysql, user["nickname"], request.form["email"]) flash("E-Mail changed!", "success") if not session.get('admin'): password = base64.b32encode(os.urandom(10)).decode() set_user_password(mysql, user["nickname"], password) send_email( recipient = request.form['email'], subject = "Password for %s" % user['nickname'], content = "Hello %s,\n\n" % user["nickname"] + "You changed your email address on https://monitoring.freifunk-franken.de/\n" + "To verify your new email address your password was changed to %s\n" % password + "... and sent to your new address. Please log in and change it.\n\n" + "Regards,\nFreifunk Franken Monitoring System" ) mysql.close() return logout() else: # force db data reload user = mysql.findone("SELECT * FROM users WHERE nickname = %s LIMIT 1",(nickname,)) user["created"] = mysql.utcaware(user["created"]) except AccountWithEmailExists: flash("There is already an account with this E-Mail Address!", "danger") else: flash("You are not authorized to perform this action!", "danger") elif request.form.get("action") == "changeadmin": if session.get('admin'): set_user_admin(mysql, nickname, request.form.get("admin") == "true") # force db data reload user = mysql.findone("SELECT * FROM users WHERE nickname = %s LIMIT 1",(nickname,)) user["created"] = mysql.utcaware(user["created"]) else: flash("You are not authorized to perform this action!", "danger") elif request.form.get("action") == "changeabuse": if session.get('admin'): set_user_abuse(mysql, nickname, request.form.get("abuse") == "true") # force db data reload user = mysql.findone("SELECT * FROM users WHERE nickname = %s LIMIT 1",(nickname,)) user["created"] = mysql.utcaware(user["created"]) else: flash("You are not authorized to perform this action!", "danger") elif request.form.get("action") == "deleteaccount": if is_authorized(user["nickname"], session): mysql.execute("DELETE FROM users WHERE nickname = %s LIMIT 1",(nickname,)) mysql.commit() flash("User %s deleted!" % nickname, "success") mysql.close() if user["nickname"] == session.get("user"): session.pop('user', None) return redirect(url_for("user_list")) else: flash("You are not authorized to perform this action!", "danger") routers = mysql.fetchall(""" SELECT id, hostname, status, hood, firmware, hardware, created, sys_uptime, clients, reset, blocked, v2 FROM router LEFT JOIN ( SELECT router, blocked.mac AS blocked FROM router_netif INNER JOIN blocked ON router_netif.mac = blocked.mac WHERE netif = 'br-mesh' ) AS b ON router.id = b.router WHERE contact = %s ORDER BY hostname ASC """,(user["email"],)) mysql.close() routers = mysql.utcawaretuple(routers,"created") return render_template("user.html", user=user, routers=routers, routers_count=len(routers), authuser = is_authorized(user["nickname"], session), authadmin = session.get('admin') ) @app.route('/statistics') def global_statistics(): mysql = FreifunkMySQL() stats = mysql.fetchall("SELECT * FROM stats_global") return helper_statistics(mysql,stats,None,None) @app.route('/hoodstatistics/') def global_hoodstatistics(selecthood): mysql = FreifunkMySQL() stats = mysql.fetchall("SELECT * FROM stats_hood WHERE hood = %s",(selecthood,)) return helper_statistics(mysql,stats,selecthood,None) @app.route('/gwstatistics/') def global_gwstatistics(selectgw): mysql = FreifunkMySQL() stats = mysql.fetchall("SELECT * FROM stats_gw WHERE mac = %s",(mac2int(selectgw),)) selectgw = shortmac2mac(selectgw) return helper_statistics(mysql,stats,None,selectgw) def helper_statistics(mysql,stats,selecthood,selectgw): try: hoods = stattools.hoods(mysql,selectgw) gws = stattools.gws(mysql,selecthood) if selectgw: selectgwint = mac2int(selectgw) else: selectgwint = None if selecthood and not selecthood in hoods: mysql.close() return "Hood not found" if selectgw and not selectgwint in gws: mysql.close() return "Gateway not found" stats = mysql.utcawaretupleint(stats,"time") numnew = len(hoods)-27 if numnew < 1: numnew = 1 if selectgw: newest_routers = mysql.fetchall(""" SELECT id, hostname, hood, created FROM router INNER JOIN router_gw ON router.id = router_gw.router WHERE hardware <> 'Legacy' AND mac = %s ORDER BY created DESC LIMIT %s """,(mac2int(selectgw),numnew,)) else: if selecthood: where = " AND hood = %s" tup = (selecthood,numnew,) else: where = "" tup = (numnew,) newest_routers = mysql.fetchall(""" SELECT id, hostname, hood, created FROM router WHERE hardware <> 'Legacy' {} ORDER BY created DESC LIMIT %s """.format(where),tup) newest_routers = mysql.utcawaretuple(newest_routers,"created") clients = stattools.total_clients(mysql) router_status = stattools.router_status(mysql) router_models = stattools.router_models(mysql,selecthood,selectgw) router_firmwares = stattools.router_firmwares(mysql,selecthood,selectgw) hoods_sum = stattools.hoods_sum(mysql,selectgw) hoods_gws = stattools.hoods_gws(mysql) gws_sum = stattools.gws_sum(mysql,selecthood) gws_info = stattools.gws_info(mysql,selecthood) gws_admin = stattools.gws_admin(mysql,selectgw) mysql.close() return render_template("statistics.html", selecthood = selecthood, selectgw = selectgw, selectgwint = selectgwint, stats = stats, clients = clients, router_status = router_status, router_models = router_models, router_firmwares = router_firmwares, hoods = hoods, hoods_sum = hoods_sum, hoods_gws = hoods_gws, newest_routers = newest_routers, gws = gws, gws_sum = gws_sum, gws_info = gws_info, gws_admin = gws_admin ) except Exception as e: writelog(CONFIG["debug_dir"] + "/fail_stats.txt", str(e)) import traceback writefulllog("Warning: Failed to display stats page: %s\n__%s" % (e, traceback.format_exc().replace("\n", "\n__"))) @app.route('/register', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def register(): if request.method == 'POST': try: password = base64.b32encode(os.urandom(10)).decode() register_user(request.form['user'], request.form['email'], password) send_email( recipient = request.form['email'], subject = "Password for %s" % request.form['user'], content = "Hello %s,\n\n" % request.form['user'] + "You created an account on https://monitoring.freifunk-franken.de/\n" + "To verify your new email address your password was autogenerated to %s\n" % password + "... and sent to your address. Please log in and change it.\n\n" + "Regards,\nFreifunk Franken Monitoring System" ) flash("Registration successful! - Your password was sent to %s" % request.form['email'], "success") except AccountWithEmailExists: flash("There is already an account with this E-Mail Address!", "danger") except AccountWithNicknameExists: flash("There is already an active account with this Nickname!", "danger") except AccountWithEmptyField: flash("Please fill all fields!", "danger") return render_template("register.html") @app.route('/resetpw', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def resetpw(): try: if request.method == 'POST': token = base64.b32encode(os.urandom(10)).decode() mysql = FreifunkMySQL() user = reset_user_password(mysql, request.form['email'], token) mysql.close() send_email( recipient = request.form['email'], subject = "Password reset link", content = "Hello %s,\n\n" % user["nickname"] + "You attemped to reset your password on https://monitoring.freifunk-franken.de/\n" + "To verify you a reset link was sent to you:\n" + "%s\n" % url_for('resetpw', email=request.form['email'], token=token, _external=True) + "Clicking this link will reset your password and send the new password to your email address.\n\n" + "Regards,\nFreifunk Franken Monitoring System" ) flash("A password reset link was sent to %s" % request.form['email'], "success") elif "token" in request.args: password = base64.b32encode(os.urandom(10)).decode() mysql = FreifunkMySQL() user = reset_user_password(mysql, request.args['email'], request.args['token'], password) mysql.close() send_email( recipient = request.args['email'], subject = "Your new Password", content = "Hello %s,\n\n" % user["nickname"] + "You attemped to reset your password on https://monitoring.freifunk-franken.de/\n" + "Your new Password: %s\n" % password + "Please log in and change it\n\n" + "Regards,\nFreifunk Franken Monitoring System" ) flash("Password reset successful! - Your password was sent to %s" % request.args['email'], "success") except AccountNotExisting: flash("No Account found with this E-Mail address!", "danger") except InvalidToken: flash("Invalid password token!", "danger") return render_template("resetpw.html") @app.route('/login', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def login(): if request.method == 'POST': referrer = request.form["referrer"] user_login = check_login_details(request.form["user"], request.form["password"]) if user_login: session['user'] = user_login["nickname"] session['admin'] = user_login.get("admin", False) return redirect(referrer) else: flash("Invalid login details!", "danger") else: referrer = request.referrer or url_for("index") return render_template("login.html", referrer=referrer) @app.route('/logout') def logout(): session.pop('user', None) session.pop('admin', None) return redirect(request.referrer or url_for("index")) @app.context_processor def register_helpers(): return { "is_authorized_for": lambda owner: is_authorized(owner, session) } if not os.path.isfile("/var/lib/ffmap/secret_key"): open("/var/lib/ffmap/secret_key", "wb").write(os.urandom(24)) os.chmod("/var/lib/ffmap/secret_key", 0o600) app.secret_key = open("/var/lib/ffmap/secret_key", "rb").read() if __name__ == '__main__': app.run(host='', debug=True) else: app.template_folder = "/usr/share/ffmap/templates" app.static_folder = "/usr/share/ffmap/static" #app.debug = True