#!/usr/bin/python3 import os import sys sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/' + '..')) from ffmap.mysqltools import FreifunkMySQL from ffmap.misc import * from ffmap.config import CONFIG from flask import request, url_for import datetime import time def import_gw_data(mysql, gw_data): if "hostname" in gw_data and "netifs" in gw_data: time = utcnow().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') stats_page = gw_data.get("stats_page","") # Make None if empty (gw_data.get() only checks for existing key) if not stats_page: stats_page = None newid = mysql.findone("SELECT id FROM gw WHERE name = %s LIMIT 1",(gw_data["hostname"],),"id") if newid: mysql.execute(""" UPDATE gw SET stats_page = %s, last_contact = %s WHERE id = %s """,(stats_page,time,newid,)) mysql.execute(""" UPDATE gw_netif SET ipv4 = NULL, ipv6 = NULL, dhcpstart = NULL, dhcpend = NULL WHERE gw = %s """,(newid,)) else: mysql.execute(""" INSERT INTO gw (name, stats_page, last_contact) VALUES (%s, %s, %s) """,(gw_data["hostname"],stats_page,time,)) newid = mysql.cursor().lastrowid nmacs = {} for n in gw_data["netifs"]: nmacs[n["netif"]] = n["mac"] ndata = [] for n in gw_data["netifs"]: if len(n["mac"])<17 or len(n["mac"])>17: continue if n["netif"].startswith("l2tp"): # Filter l2tp interfaces continue if "vpnif" in n and n["vpnif"]: n["vpnmac"] = nmacs.get(n["vpnif"],None) else: n["vpnmac"] = None if not "ipv4" in n or not n["ipv4"]: n["ipv4"] = None if not "ipv6" in n or not n["ipv6"]: n["ipv6"] = None if not "dhcpstart" in n or not n["dhcpstart"]: n["dhcpstart"] = None if not "dhcpend" in n or not n["dhcpend"]: n["dhcpend"] = None ndata.append((newid,mac2int(n["mac"]),n["netif"],mac2int(n["vpnmac"]),n["ipv4"],n["ipv6"],n["dhcpstart"],n["dhcpend"],time,)) mysql.executemany(""" INSERT INTO gw_netif (gw, mac, netif, vpnmac, ipv4, ipv6, dhcpstart, dhcpend, last_contact) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE gw=VALUES(gw), netif=VALUES(netif), vpnmac=VALUES(vpnmac), ipv4=VALUES(ipv4), ipv6=VALUES(ipv6), dhcpstart=VALUES(dhcpstart), dhcpend=VALUES(dhcpend), last_contact=VALUES(last_contact) """,ndata) adata = [] aid = 0 for a in gw_data["admins"]: aid += 1 adata.append((newid,a,aid,)) mysql.execute("DELETE FROM gw_admin WHERE gw = %s",(newid,)) mysql.executemany(""" INSERT INTO gw_admin (gw, name, prio) VALUES (%s, %s, %s) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE prio=VALUES(prio) """,adata) else: writelog(CONFIG["debug_dir"] + "/fail_gwinfo.txt", "{} - Corrupted file.".format(request.environ['REMOTE_ADDR'])) def gw_name(gw): if gw["gw"] and gw["gwif"]: s = gw["gw"] + " (" + gw["gwif"] + ")" else: s = int2mac(gw["mac"]) return s def gw_bat(gw): if gw["batif"] and gw["batmac"]: s = int2mac(gw["batmac"]) + " (" + gw["batif"] + ")" else: s = "---" return s def delete_unlinked_gws(mysql): # Delete entries in gw_* tables without corresponding gw in master table tables = ["gw_admin","gw_netif"] for t in tables: start_time = time.time() mysql.execute(""" DELETE d FROM {} AS d LEFT JOIN gw AS g ON g.id = d.gw WHERE g.id IS NULL """.format(t)) print("--- Deleted %i rows from %s: %.3f seconds ---" % (mysql.cursor().rowcount,t,time.time() - start_time)) mysql.commit()