api/alfred: Check for new router data initially by system time

If we receive data from more than one gateway, there happens to
be a mix of older and newer data (since synchronization between
gateways seems to be not working).

To deal with that, we now only accept data where the router's
system time is newer than the value stored in the DB. To account
for time synchronization issues, we also accept data which is more
than one hour older.

This patch removes other checks for old data which are now obsolete.

Signed-off-by: Adrian Schmutzler <freifunk@adrianschmutzler.de>
This commit is contained in:
Adrian Schmutzler 2018-02-14 16:38:39 +01:00
parent d3ea76b648
commit 5d7e00422e
1 changed files with 88 additions and 79 deletions

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@ -75,10 +75,17 @@ def import_nodewatcher_xml(mysql, mac, xml, banned, netifdict):
if findrouter:
router_id = findrouter["router"]
olddata = mysql.findone("SELECT sys_uptime, firmware, hostname, hood, status, lat, lng, contact, description, position_comment, w2_active, w2_busy, w5_active, w5_busy FROM router WHERE id = %s LIMIT 1",(router_id,))
olddata = mysql.findone("SELECT sys_uptime, sys_time, firmware, hostname, hood, status, lat, lng, contact, description, position_comment, w2_active, w2_busy, w5_active, w5_busy FROM router WHERE id = %s LIMIT 1",(router_id,))
if olddata:
uptime = olddata["sys_uptime"]
# Filter old data (Alfred keeps data for 10 min.; old and new can mix if gateways do not sync)
# We only use data where system time is bigger than before (last entry) or more than 1 hour smaller (to catch cases without timeserver)
newtime = router_update["sys_time"].timestamp()
oldtime = olddata["sys_time"].timestamp()
if not (newtime > oldtime or newtime < (oldtime - 3600)):
# keep hood up to date
if not router_update["hood"]:
# router didn't send his hood in XML
@ -157,7 +164,7 @@ def import_nodewatcher_xml(mysql, mac, xml, banned, netifdict):
status_text = %s, contact = %s, lng = %s, lat = %s, neighbors = %s, reset = %s
WHERE id = %s
ru["status"],ru["hostname"],ru["last_contact"],ru["sys_time"].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'),ru["sys_uptime"],ru["memory"]["free"],ru["memory"]["buffering"],ru["memory"]["caching"],
@ -215,7 +222,7 @@ def import_nodewatcher_xml(mysql, mac, xml, banned, netifdict):
status_text, contact, lng, lat, neighbors)
VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)
ru["status"],ru["hostname"],created,ru["last_contact"],ru["sys_time"].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'),ru["sys_uptime"],ru["memory"]["free"],ru["memory"]["buffering"],ru["memory"]["caching"],
@ -320,7 +327,8 @@ def import_nodewatcher_xml(mysql, mac, xml, banned, netifdict):
if olddata:
# fire events
with suppress(KeyError, TypeError, UnboundLocalError):
if (olddata["sys_uptime"] - 300) > router_update["sys_uptime"]:
#if (olddata["sys_uptime"] - 300) > router_update["sys_uptime"]:
if olddata["sys_uptime"] > router_update["sys_uptime"]:
with suppress(KeyError, TypeError, UnboundLocalError):
@ -522,7 +530,8 @@ def set_status(mysql,router_id,status):
def new_router_stats(mysql, router_id, uptime, router_update, netifdict):
if (uptime + CONFIG["router_stat_mindiff_secs"]) < router_update["sys_uptime"]:
#if not (uptime + CONFIG["router_stat_mindiff_secs"]) < router_update["sys_uptime"]:
# return
time = mysql.utctimestamp()
stattime = mysql.findone("SELECT time FROM router_stats WHERE router = %s ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 1",(router_id,),"time")
@ -679,7 +688,7 @@ def parse_nodewatcher_xml(xml):
"status_text": evalxpath(tree,"/data/system_data/status_text/text()"),
"contact": evalxpath(tree,"/data/system_data/contact/text()"),
# system
"sys_time": datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(evalxpathint(tree,"/data/system_data/local_time/text()")).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'),
"sys_time": datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(evalxpathint(tree,"/data/system_data/local_time/text()")),
"sys_uptime": int(evalxpathfloat(tree,"/data/system_data/uptime/text()")),
"sys_loadavg": evalxpathfloat(tree,"/data/system_data/loadavg/text()"),
"memory": {