This patch adds json to the mqtt monitoring package. #216

McUles wants to merge 6 commits from McUles/firmware:master into master
9 changed files with 528 additions and 0 deletions
Showing only changes of commit 9cc28b9114 - Show all commits

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
. /usr/share/libubox/
json_load_file /tmp/nodewatcher.json
json_select babel
json_add_array "neighbours"
if pgrep babeld >/dev/null; then
neighbours="$(echo dump | nc ::1 33123 | grep '^add neighbour' |
awk '{
for (i=2; i < NF; i += 2) {
vars[$i] = $(i+1)
printf "%s;%s;%s;>", vars["address"], vars["if"], vars["cost"]
IFS='>'; set $neighbours; IFS=$' \t\n'
for a; do
json_add_string "ip" "$(echo $a | awk '{split($0, b, ";"); printf b[1]}')"
json_add_string "outgoing_interface" "$(echo $a | awk '{split($0, b, ";"); printf b[2]}')"
json_add_string "link_cost" "$(echo $a | awk '{split($0, b, ";"); printf b[3]}')"
json_close_object #this_neighbour
json_close_object #neighbours
json_dump > /tmp/nodewatcher.json
#exit 0

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
*/5 * * * * sleep $(/usr/bin/random 70 85); /usr/sbin/json-mqtt-proxy

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
MACADDR=$(cat /sys/class/net/br-client/address | /bin/sed 's/://g')
if [ -n "$(uci -q get fff.mqtt.server)" ] ; then
mosquitto_pub -h "$(uci get fff.mqtt.server)" -p 1883 -t /monitoring/v2/$MACADDR -m "$(cat /tmp/nodewatcher.json)"

Das -m "$(cat $SCRIPT_DATA_FILE)" ist vermutlich nicht so geschickt. Irgendwann ist nämlich auch mal der Puffer für Kommandozeile voll :)

Meine lokale man page sagt:

       -f, --file
           Send the contents of a file as the message.

Kann das das openwrt mosquitto_pub vielleicht auch?
Alternativ gibt es auch noch:

       -s, --stdin-file
           Send a message read from stdin, sending the entire content as a
           single message.

Damit könnte man sich das zwischenspeichern in einer Datei eventuell komplett sparen.

Das `-m "$(cat $SCRIPT_DATA_FILE)"` ist vermutlich nicht so geschickt. Irgendwann ist nämlich auch mal der Puffer für Kommandozeile voll :) Meine lokale man page sagt: ``` -f, --file Send the contents of a file as the message. ``` Kann das das openwrt `mosquitto_pub` vielleicht auch? Alternativ gibt es auch noch: ``` -s, --stdin-file Send a message read from stdin, sending the entire content as a single message. ``` Damit könnte man sich das zwischenspeichern in einer Datei eventuell komplett sparen.

Die Datei direkt übergeben mit -f funktioniert.
Einsparen der Datei wird nicht so einfach funktionieren weil die einzelnen Scripts die Datei öffnen und ergänzen.
Hier werden auch in vorherige Nodes Daten eingefügt.
Wenn es hier noch eine schlauere Idee gibt, gerne.

Die Datei direkt übergeben mit -f funktioniert. Einsparen der Datei wird nicht so einfach funktionieren weil die einzelnen Scripts die Datei öffnen und ergänzen. Hier werden auch in vorherige Nodes Daten eingefügt. Wenn es hier noch eine schlauere Idee gibt, gerne.

Ich würde die Datei gerne behalten. Es kann ja sein das jemand (also irgendein Script o.ä.) anders auch an die json ran will und was damit tun will und nicht nur der mqtt. Wir sollten Nodewatcher-json und mqtt mMn getrennt halten.

Eventuell sollte man daraus sogar 2 Patches machen:

  1. das ganze json-nodewatcher Zeug => was am Ende die Datei nach /tmp/irgendwas legt
  2. nodewatcherjson-to-mqtt-proxy => was die Datei /tmp/irgendwas holt und ins mqtt stopft.

(Name frei erfunden, gerne anpassen ;))
Im Moment sind die Patches ja eh ein ziemliches durcheinander und sollten noch sortiert werden.

Mittelfristig müsste man dann überlegen ob man dem Monitoring wieder ein API verpasst wo man die json hinwirft oder ob das Monitoring auch einfach auf den mqtt zugreift und sich dort die Daten holt, mir wäre letztes deutlich lieber weil man dann weniger in der Firmware pflegen muss.

Ich würde die Datei gerne behalten. Es kann ja sein das jemand (also irgendein Script o.ä.) anders auch an die json ran will und was damit tun will und nicht nur der mqtt. Wir sollten Nodewatcher-json und mqtt mMn getrennt halten. Eventuell sollte man daraus sogar 2 Patches machen: 1) das ganze json-nodewatcher Zeug => was am Ende die Datei nach /tmp/irgendwas legt 2) nodewatcherjson-to-mqtt-proxy => was die Datei /tmp/irgendwas holt und ins mqtt stopft. (Name frei erfunden, gerne anpassen ;)) Im Moment sind die Patches ja eh ein ziemliches durcheinander und sollten noch sortiert werden. Mittelfristig müsste man dann überlegen ob man dem Monitoring wieder ein API verpasst wo man die json hinwirft oder ob das Monitoring auch einfach auf den mqtt zugreift und sich dort die Daten holt, mir wäre letztes deutlich lieber weil man dann weniger in der Firmware pflegen muss.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
IFACEBLACKLIST=$(uci get nodewatcher.@network[0].iface_blacklist)
IPWHITELIST=$(uci get nodewatcher.@network[0].ip_whitelist)
debug() {
(>&2 echo "nodewatcher: $1")
inArray() {
local value
for value in $1; do
[ "$value" = "$2" ] && return 0
return 1
debug "Collecting information from network interfaces"
. /usr/share/libubox/
json_load_file /tmp/nodewatcher.json
json_add_array "interfaces"
# Loop through interfaces: for entry in $IFACES; do
for filename in $(grep 'up\|unknown' /sys/class/net/*/operstate); do
inArray "$IFACEBLACKLIST" "$iface" && continue
json_add_object ""
json_add_string "name" "$iface"
#Get interface data for whitelisted interfaces
# shellcheck disable=SC2016
mac_addr=$(ip addr show dev $iface | awk '/ether/ { printf $2 }')
json_add_string "mac_addr" "$mac_addr"
mtu=$(ip addr show dev $iface | awk '/mtu/ { printf $5 }')
json_add_string "mtu" "$mtu"
if inArray "$IPWHITELIST" "$iface"; then
# shellcheck disable=SC2016
json_add_array ipv4_addr
IN=$(ip addr show dev $iface | awk '/inet / { split($2, a, "/"); printf a[1]";" }')
IFS=';'; set $IN; IFS=$' \t\n'
for a; do json_add_string "" "$a"; done
json_close_object #ipv4_addr
json_add_array ipv6_addr
IN=$(ip addr show dev $iface | awk '/inet6/ && /scope global/ { printf $2";" }')
IFS=';'; set $IN; IFS=$' \t\n'
for a; do json_add_string "" "$a"; done
json_close_object #ipv6_addr
json_add_array ipv6_link_local_addr
IN=$(ip addr show dev $iface | awk '/inet6/ && /scope link/ { printf $2 }')
IFS=';'; set $IN; IFS=$' \t\n'
for a; do json_add_string "" "$a"; done
json_close_object #ipv6_link_local_addr
json_add_object "traffic"
traffic_rx=$(cat "$ifpath/statistics/rx_bytes")
json_add_string "rx" "$(cat "$ifpath/statistics/rx_bytes")"
traffic_tx=$(cat "$ifpath/statistics/tx_bytes")
json_add_string "tx" "$traffic_tx"
json_close_object #traffic
wlan_mode=$(iwconfig $iface 2>/dev/null | awk -F':' '/Mode/{ split($2, m, " "); printf m[1] }')
if [[ $wlan_mode ]]; then
json_add_object "wlan"
wlan_cell=$(iwconfig $iface 2>/dev/null | awk -F':' '/Cell/{ split($0, c, " "); printf c[5] }')
wlan_essid=$(iwconfig $iface 2>/dev/null | awk -F':' '/ESSID/ { split($0, e, "\""); printf e[2] }')
wlan_frequency=$(iwconfig $iface 2>/dev/null | awk -F':' '/Freq/{ split($3, f, " "); printf f[1]f[2] }')
wlan_tx_power=$(iwconfig $iface 2>/dev/null | awk -F':' '/Tx-Power/{ split($0, p, "="); sub(/[[:space:]]*$/, "", p[2]); printf p[2] }')
wlan_ssid=$(iw dev $iface info 2>/dev/null | awk '/ssid/{ split($0, s, " "); printf s[2]}')
wlan_type=$(iw dev $iface info 2>/dev/null | awk '/type/ { split($0, t, " "); printf t[2]}')
wlan_channel=$(iw dev $iface info 2>/dev/null | awk '/channel/{ split($0, c, " "); printf c[2]}')
wlan_width=$(iw dev $iface info 2>/dev/null | awk '/width/{ split($0, w, ": "); sub(/ .*/, "", w[2]); printf w[2]}')
[[ $wlan_mode ]] && json_add_string "mode" "$wlan_mode"
[[ $wlan_cell ]] && json_add_string "cell" "$wlan_cell"
[[ $wlan_essid ]] && json_add_string "essid" "$wlan_essid"
[[ $wlan_frequency ]] && json_add_string "frequency" "$wlan_frequency"
[[ "$wlan_tx_power" ]] && json_add_string "tx_power" "$wlan_tx_power"
[[ $wlan_ssid ]] && json_add_string "ssid" "$wlan_ssid"
[[ $wlan_type ]] && json_add_string "type" "$wlan_type"
[[ $wlan_channel ]] && json_add_string "channel" "$wlan_channel"
[[ $wlan_width ]] && json_add_string "width" "$wlan_width"
json_close_object #wlan
json_close_object #iface object
json_dump > /tmp/nodewatcher.json
#exit 0

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
MESH_INTERFACE=$(uci get nodewatcher.@network[0].mesh_interface)
debug() {
(>&2 echo "nodewatcher: $1")
debug "Collecting information about connected clients"
. /usr/share/libubox/
json_load_file /tmp/nodewatcher.json
json_add_object "clients"
json_add_array interfaces
CLIENT_INTERFACES=$(ls "/sys/class/net/$MESH_INTERFACE/brif" | grep -v '^bat')
for clientif in ${CLIENT_INTERFACES}; do
json_add_object ""
cc=$(bridge fdb show br "$MESH_INTERFACE" brport "$clientif" | grep -v self | grep -v permanent -c)
client_count=$((client_count + cc))
json_add_string "$clientif" "$cc"
json_close_object #iface object
json_close_object #interfaces array
json_add_string "count" "$client_count"
json_close_object #clients
json_dump > /tmp/nodewatcher.json
#exit 0

View File

@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
. /usr/share/libubox/
SCRIPT_STATUS_FILE=$(uci get nodewatcher.@script[0].status_text_file)
SCRIPT_VERSION=$(cat /etc/nodewatcher_version)
debug() {
(>&2 echo "nodewatcher: $1")
debug "Collecting basic system status data"
json_add_object "system"
json_add_string "status" "online"
hostname="$(cat /proc/sys/kernel/hostname)"
mac=$(awk '{ mac=toupper($1); gsub(":", "", mac); print mac }' /sys/class/net/br-client/address 2>/dev/null)
[ "$hostname" = "OpenWrt" ] && hostname="$mac"
[ "$hostname" = "FFF" ] && hostname="$mac"
json_add_string "hostname" "$hostname"
description="$(uci -q get fff.system.description)"
[ -n "$description" ] && json_add_string "description" "$description"
latitude="$(uci -q get fff.system.latitude)"
longitude="$(uci -q get fff.system.longitude)"
if [ -n "$longitude" -a -n "$latitude" ]; then
json_add_object "geo"
json_add_string "lat" "$latitude"
json_add_string "lng" "$longitude"
json_close_object #geo
position_comment="$(uci -q get fff.system.position_comment)"
[ -n "$position_comment" ] && json_add_string "position_comment" "$position_comment"
contact="$(uci -q get"
[ -n "$contact" ] && json_add_string "contact" "$contact"
json_add_string "uptime" $(awk '{ printf $1 }' /proc/uptime)
json_add_string "idletime" $(awk '{ printf $2 }' /proc/uptime)
# Add Memory
json_add_object "memory"
json_add_string "total" $(awk '/^MemTotal/ { printf $2 }' /proc/meminfo)
json_add_string "available" $(awk '/^MemAvail/ { printf $2 }' /proc/meminfo)
json_add_string "caching" $(awk '/^Cached/ { printf $2 }' /proc/meminfo)
json_add_string "buffering" $(awk '/^Buffers/ { printf $2 }' /proc/meminfo)
json_add_string "free" $(awk '/^MemFree/ { printf $2 }' /proc/meminfo)
json_close_object #memory
# Add CPU
json_add_array cpu
IN=$(awk -F': ' ' /model/ { printf $2";" }' /proc/cpuinfo)
IFS=';'; set $IN; IFS=$' \t\n'
for a; do json_add_string "" "$a"; done
json_close_object #cpu
# Add Chipset
IN=$(awk -F': ' ' /system type/ { printf $2";" }' /proc/cpuinfo)
IFS=';'; set $IN; IFS=$' \t\n'
for a; do json_add_string "chipset" "$a"; done
IN=$(awk -F': ' ' /platform/ { printf $2";" }' /proc/cpuinfo)
IFS=';'; set $IN; IFS=$' \t\n'
for a; do json_add_string "chipset" "$a"; done
model=$(cat /var/sysinfo/model)
[ -n "$model" ] && json_add_string "model" "$model"
local_time=$(date +%s)
[ -n "$local_time" ] && json_add_string "local_time" "$local_time"
loadavg=$(awk '{ printf $3 }' /proc/loadavg)
[ -n "$loadavg" ] && json_add_string "loadavg" "$loadavg"
processes=$(awk '{ printf $4 }' /proc/loadavg)
[ -n "$processes" ] && json_add_string "processes" "$processes"
debug "Collecting version information"
json_close_object #system
if [ -e /sys/module/batman_adv/version ]; then
batman_advanced_version=$(cat /sys/module/batman_adv/version)
json_add_object "batman_advanced"
json_add_string "version" "$batman_advanced_version"
json_close_object #batman_advanced
json_select system
json_add_string "kernel_version" "$(uname -r)"
json_add_string "nodewatcher_version" "$SCRIPT_VERSION"
if [ -x /usr/bin/fastd ]; then
json_add_string "fastd_version" "$(/usr/bin/fastd -v | awk '{ print $2 }')"
json_close_object #system
if [ -x /usr/sbin/babeld ]; then
json_add_object "babel"
json_add_string "version" "$(/usr/sbin/babeld -V 2>&1)"
json_close_object #babel
json_select system
json_add_object "dist"
. /etc/openwrt_release
json_add_string "name" "$DISTRIB_ID"
json_add_string "version" "$DISTRIB_RELEASE"
json_close_object #dist
json_add_object "firmware"
. /etc/firmware_release
json_add_string "version" "$FIRMWARE_VERSION"
json_add_string "revision" "$BUILD_DATE"
json_add_object "openwrt"
json_add_string "core_revision" "$OPENWRT_CORE_REVISION"
json_add_string "feeds_packages_revision" "$OPENWRT_FEEDS_PACKAGES_REVISION"
json_close_object #openwrt
json_close_object #firmware
debug "Collecting hood information and additional status data"
json_add_object "hood"
hoodname="$(uci -q get "system.@system[0].hood")"
[ -n "$hoodname" ] && json_add_string "name" "$hoodname"
hoodid="$(uci -q get "system.@system[0].hoodid")"
[ -n "$hoodid" ] && json_add_string "id" "$hoodid"
json_close_object #hood
if [ -s "$SCRIPT_STATUS_FILE" ]; then
status_text="$(cat "$SCRIPT_STATUS_FILE")"
json_add_string "status_text" "$status_text"
# Checks if fastd is running
pidof fastd >/dev/null && vpn_active=1
json_add_string "vpn_active" "$vpn_active"
json_dump > /tmp/nodewatcher.json
#exit 0

View File

@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
. /lib/
. /usr/share/libubox/
json_load_file /tmp/nodewatcher.json
json_add_array "s2nproxy"
# Example for /etc/config/s2nproxy
# config s2nproxy 'DEVICE_NAME'
# option ip 'IP_ADDRESS'
# option device 'DEVICE_TYPE'
# option community 'COMMUNITY'
# SNMP Walk
walk() {
echo $(snmpwalk -O vQ -P e -L n -v 1 -c $community $ip $oid)
# Format the dirty mikrotik mac address result
format_mac() {
echo $(echo $1 | xargs | sed 's/^[[:blank:]]*//;s/[[:blank:]]*$//' | sed 's/\ /\:/g')
s2np() {
if [ -z "$(uci -q get s2nproxy.$" ]; then
community=$(uci get s2nproxy.$
ip=$(uci get s2nproxy.$1.ip)
# Check if host is available
if ping -c 1 -W 1 $ip &> /dev/null ; then
json_add_string "ip" "$ip"
# Switch throught device types
case "$(uci -q get s2nproxy.$1.device)" in
# Ubiquity AirMAX Richtfunk
name=$(walk $community $ip "iso." | xargs)
mac=$(format_mac "$(walk $community $ip")
hw=$(walk $community $ip "iso." | xargs)
signal=$(walk $community $ip "iso.")
capacity=$(walk $community $ip "iso." / 1024)
capacity=$(printf %.2f "$((10**9 * $capacity / 1048576))e-9")
remotemac=$(format_mac "$(walk $community $ip iso.")
latency=$(ping -qc1 -4 $ip 2>&1 | awk -F'/' 'END{ print (/^round-trip/? $4:"0") }')
json_add_string "type" "airmaxac"
json_add_string "mac" "$mac"
json_add_string "name" "$name"
json_add_string "hw" "$hw"
json_add_string "signal" "$signal"
json_add_string "capacity" "$capacity"
json_add_string "remotemac" "$remotemac"
json_add_string "latency" "$latency"
# Mikrotik AP
name=$(walk $community $ip | xargs)
fw=$(walk $community $ip | xargs)
hw=$(walk $community $ip | xargs)
frequency=$(walk $community $ip | xargs)
frequency2=$(walk $community $ip | xargs)
mac=$(format_mac "$(walk $community $ip")
clients=$(( $(walk $community $ip + $(walk $community $ip ))
latency=$(ping -qc1 -4 $ip 2>&1 | awk -F'/' 'END{ print (/^round-trip/? $4:"0") }')
json_add_string "type" "mikrotikap"
json_add_string "mac" "$mac"
json_add_string "name" "$name"
json_add_string "hw" "$hw"
json_add_string "fw" "$fw"
json_add_string "frequency" "$frequency"
json_add_string "frequency2" "$frequency2"
json_add_string "clients" "$clients"
json_add_string "latency" "$latency"
# Mikrotik 60GHz Richtfunk
name=$(walk $community $ip | xargs)
fw=$(walk $community $ip | xargs)
hw=$(walk $community $ip | xargs)
signal=$(walk $community $ip
capacity=$(walk $community $ip
frequency=$(walk $community $ip
mac=$(format_mac "$(walk $community $ip")
remotemac=$(format_mac "$(walk $community $ip")
latency=$(ping -qc1 -4 $ip 2>&1 | awk -F'/' 'END{ print (/^round-trip/? $4:"0") }')
json_add_string "type" "mikrotikw60grf"
json_add_string "mac" "$mac"
json_add_string "name" "$name"
json_add_string "hw" "$hw"
json_add_string "fw" "$fw"
json_add_string "signal" "$signal"
json_add_string "capacity" "$capacity"
json_add_string "frequency" "$frequency"
json_add_string "latency" "$latency"
json_add_string "remotemac" "$remotemac"
# Mikrotik 60GHz Sektor
name=$(walk $community $ip | xargs)
fw=$(walk $community $ip | xargs)
hw=$(walk $community $ip | xargs)
frequency=$(walk $community $ip
mac=$(format_mac "$(walk $community $ip")
latency=$(ping -qc1 -4 $ip 2>&1 | awk -F'/' 'END{ print (/^round-trip/? $4:"0") }')
json_add_string "type" "mikrotikw60gst"
json_add_string "mac" "$mac"
json_add_string "name" "$name"
json_add_string "hw" "$hw"
json_add_string "fw" "$fw"
json_add_string "latency" "$latency"
json_add_string "frequency" "$frequency"
latency=$(ping -qc1 -4 $ip 2>&1 | awk -F'/' 'END{ print (/^round-trip/? $4:"0") }')
json_add_string "type" "latenz"
json_add_string "latency" "$latency"
config_load s2nproxy
config_foreach s2np s2nproxy
json_close_object #s2nproxy
json_dump > /tmp/nodewatcher.json

View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
. /lib/
. /usr/share/libubox/
json_load_file /tmp/nodewatcher.json
config_load simple-tc
parseTcInterface() {
local iface="$1"
config_get ifname "$iface" ifname
[ "wan" = "$ifname" ] || return
config_get tc_enabled "$iface" enabled "0"
config_get tc_in "$iface" limit_ingress "0"
config_get tc_out "$iface" limit_egress "0"
config_foreach parseTcInterface 'interface'
json_add_object "traffic_control"
json_add_object "wan"
json_add_string "enabled" "$tc_enabled"
json_add_string "in" "$tc_in"
json_add_string "out" "$tc_out"
json_close_object #wan
json_close_object #traffic_control
json_dump > /tmp/nodewatcher.json
#exit 0

View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
. /usr/share/libubox/
json_load_file /tmp/nodewatcher.json
json_add_object "airtime"
w2dump="$(iw dev w2ap survey dump 2> /dev/null | sed '/Survey/,/\[in use\]/d')"
if [ -n "$w2dump" ] ; then
json_add_object "w2"
w2_ACT="$(ACTIVE=$(echo "$w2dump" | grep "active time:"); set ${ACTIVE:-0 0 0 0 0}; echo -e "${4}")"
w2_BUS="$(BUSY=$(echo "$w2dump" | grep "busy time:"); set ${BUSY:-0 0 0 0 0}; echo -e "${4}")"
json_add_string "active" "$w2_ACT"
json_add_string "busy" "$w2_BUS"
json_close_object #w2
w5dump="$(iw dev w5ap survey dump 2> /dev/null | sed '/Survey/,/\[in use\]/d')"
if [ -n "$w5dump" ] ; then
json_add_object "w5"
w5_ACT="$(ACTIVE=$(echo "$w5dump" | grep "active time:"); set ${ACTIVE:-0 0 0 0 0}; echo -e "${4}")"
w5_BUS="$(BUSY=$(echo "$w5dump" | grep "busy time:"); set ${BUSY:-0 0 0 0 0}; echo -e "${4}")"
json_add_string "active" "$w5_ACT"
json_add_string "busy" "$w5_BUS"
json_close_object #w5
json_close_object #airtime
json_dump > /tmp/nodewatcher.json
#exit 0