machine=fonera target=$builddir/$machine board_prepare() { cat ./bsp/$machine/000-squashfs-image-params.patch | patch -p0 -d $target cat build_patches/dont_overwrite_wan_config.patch | patch -p0 -d $target /bin/rm $target/target/linux/atheros/base-files/etc/uci-defaults/network } board_prebuild() { # Remove fastd and configurator start on WAN event /bin/rm $target/files/etc/hotplug.d/iface/50-fastdstart /bin/rm $target/files/etc/hotplug.d/iface/51-configurator # Remove fastd /bin/rm $target/files/etc/ } board_postbuild() { cp $target/bin/atheros/openwrt-atheros-root.squashfs ./bin/openwrt-$machine-root.squashfs cp $target/bin/atheros/openwrt-atheros-vmlinux.lzma ./bin/openwrt-$machine-vmlinux.lzma cp $target/bin/atheros/openwrt-atheros-combined.squashfs.img ./bin/openwrt-$machine-combined.squashfs.img } board_flash() { #Get flash tools # i thought they are already there.. #svn export if [ "$1" = "" ] then echo "$0 flash "; exit 1 fi if [ ! "`whoami`" = "root" ] then echo "You need to be root to flash!" exit 1 fi # echo "Do not plugin your router now, you will be asked to do this later!" # echo "Stopping Network manager and starting normal network and tftp server..." # if [ -f /etc/rc.d/networkmanager ];then # /etc/rc.d/networkmanager stop # /etc/rc.d/tftpd start # elif [ -f /etc/init.d/networkmanager ];then # /etc/init.d/networkmanager stop # /etc/init.d/tftpd start # elif [ -f /usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d ];then # invoke-rc.d tftpd-hpa start || invoke-rc.d tftpd-hpa start || invoke-rc.d tftpd-hpa start || echo "FAILED TO START TFTD" # invoke-rc.d network-manager stop # fi # # ifconfig $1 up # # echo "Clearing Firewall!" # iptables -F # iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT # iptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT echo "Flashing now! Please plugin your router into the powerline now" echo "In some cases you have to set a symlink to libpcap to make flashing work (Tim told me that it is evil if I do that for you):" echo "ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/" echo "better use \"aptitude install libpcap0.8:i386\"" #cd ./flash_tools/fonera-flash/ #./ #cd ../../ #LD_LIBRARY_PATH=`pwd`flash_tools/fonera-flash/libpcap-0.8.1/ #export LD_LIBRARY_PATH #arch=`uname -m` arch=i686 ./flash_tools/fonera-flash/ap51-flash-$arch $1 ./bin/openwrt-$machine-root.squashfs ./bin/openwrt-$machine-vmlinux.lzma freifunc #echo "Starting Networkmanager again" #sleep 5; #if [ -f /etc/rc.d/networkmanager ];then # /etc/rc.d/networkmanager start # elif [ -f /etc/init.d/networkmanager ];then # /etc/init.d/networkmanager start # elif [ -f /usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d ];then # invoke-rc.d tftpd-hpa stop # invoke-rc.d network-manager start # fi } board_clean() { /bin/rm -rf $target bin/*$machine* }