#!/bin/sh . /usr/share/libubox/jshn.sh . /lib/functions/fff/wireless rm -f /tmp/keyxchangev2data # Gatewaycheck function isGatewayAvailable() { if [ "$(batctl gwl | wc -l)" -gt 2 ]; then return 0 else return 1 fi } # Ping test hasInternet() { test_ipv4_host1="keyserver.freifunk-franken.de" # Freifunk-Franken keyserver test_ipv4_host2="" # Google DNS test_ipv6_host1="heise.de" # heise Zeitschriftenverlag if ping -w5 -c3 "$test_ipv4_host1" &>/dev/null || ping -w5 -c3 "$test_ipv4_host2" &>/dev/null || ping6 -w5 -c3 "$test_ipv6_host1" &>/dev/null ; then return 0 fi return 1 } chan2ghz="1" chan5ghz="36" # Hidden AP check if [ -f /tmp/hiddenapflag ]; then if isGatewayAvailable ; then uci set network.configap=interface uci set network.configap.proto='static' uci set network.configap.ip6addr='fe80::1/64' uci commit network for radio in $(uci show wireless | sed -n 's,.*\.\([a-z0-9]*\)=wifi-device,\1,p'); do if ! wifiAddAP "$radio" "config.franken.freifunk.net" "configap" "configap" "1"; then echo "Can't add Config interface on $radio." exit 1 fi done wifi fi rm /tmp/hiddenapflag fi lat=$(uci -q get system.@system[0].latitude) long=$(uci -q get system.@system[0].longitude) # if we have Internet, we download the Hoodfile from the keyxchangev2 if hasInternet ; then wget -T15 -t5 "http://keyserver.freifunk-franken.de/v2/?lat=$lat&long=$long" -O /tmp/keyxchangev2data #if no Internet, we connect to the hidden AP and download the file from another Node in range else # connect to wireless hidden ap here and download the json File from the nearest router # Only do that, when we have no gateway in range. If the Uplinkrouter changed the hood, we lost the GW and do this automatically again, I think! Nice idea? if ! isGatewayAvailable ; then #now we haven't a gateway in Range, we search for a hidden AP to get a keyxchangev2data file! #first we delete all wifi settings rm -f /www/public/keyxchangev2data # delete this, so interfaces are recreated if reconnect with unchanged hood file takes place if ! wifiDelAll; then echo "Can't delete current wifi setup" exit 1 fi #now we look for phy and add this for phy in $(iw phy | awk '/^Wiphy/{ print $2 }'); do radio="$(wifiAddPhyCond "$phy" "2" "$chan2ghz")" radio5="$(wifiAddPhyCond "$phy" "5" "$chan5ghz")" [ -n "$radio5" ] && radio="$radio5" #and here we add the station if ! wifiAddSta "$radio" "config.franken.freifunk.net" "configSta"; then echo "Can't add Sta interface on $radio." exit 1 else uci -q set network.configSta=interface uci -q set network.configSta.proto='static' uci -q commit network fi done wifi # wait a moment to start the interface sleep 10; # and here we can download the Hoodfile from the other node wget -T15 -t5 "http://[fe80::1%w2sta]/keyxchangev2data" -O /tmp/keyxchangev2data else echo "We have a Gateway in Range, we load the keyxchangev2data from fe80::1" wget -T15 -t5 "http://[fe80::1%br-mesh]:2342/keyxchangev2data" -O /tmp/keyxchangev2data fi fi if [ -s /tmp/keyxchangev2data ]; then # we get a json file in this format: # https://pw.freifunk-franken.de/patch/205/ # but without signature, every hood file we get is valid! catnew="$(cat /tmp/keyxchangev2data | sed 's/"timestamp":[0-9]*/"timestamp":0/')" catold="$(cat /www/public/keyxchangev2data 2>/dev/null | sed 's/"timestamp":[0-9]*/"timestamp":0/')" sumnew=$(echo "$catnew" | sha256sum | cut -f1 -d " ") sumold=$(echo "$catold" | sha256sum | cut -f1 -d " ") json_load "$(cat /tmp/keyxchangev2data)" if [ "$sumnew" != "$sumold" ]; then echo "New file detect, we reconfigure the Node"; json_select hood json_get_var hood name json_get_var mesh_bssid mesh_bssid json_get_var mesh_essid mesh_essid json_get_var essid essid # i think the next things we don't active this in the first version! we can do it later #json_get_var channel2 channel2 #json_get_var mode2 mode2 #json_get_var type2 type2 #json_get_var channel5 channel5 #json_get_var mode5 mode5 #json_get_var type5 type5 #json_get_var protocol protocol json_select ".." # back to root echo "Setting hood name: $hood" uci set "system.@system[0].hood=$hood" if ! wifiDelAll; then echo "Can't delete current wifi setup" exit 1 fi for phy in $(iw phy | awk '/^Wiphy/{ print $2 }'); do radio="$(wifiAddPhyCond "$phy" "2" "$chan2ghz")" radio5="$(wifiAddPhyCond "$phy" "5" "$chan5ghz")" [ -n "$radio5" ] && radio="$radio5" if ! wifiAddAP "$radio" "$essid" "mesh" "ap" "0"; then echo "Can't add AP interface on $radio." exit 1 fi # here we set a bit for add hidden AP touch /tmp/hiddenapflag if ! wifiAddAdHocMesh "$radio" "$mesh_essid" "$mesh_bssid"; then echo "Can't add AP interface on $radio." exit 1 fi done echo "Loading wifi" wifi # copy the file to webroot so that other Meshrouter can download it; # copy only after all other steps so IF can be reentered if something goes wrong cp /tmp/keyxchangev2data /www/public/ else echo "We have no new file. We do nothing. We try it again in 5 minutes..."; fi # and now we get to vpn-select script and load VPNs directly from /tmp/keyxchangev2data if hasInternet ; then sh /usr/sbin/vpn-select fi else echo "We haven't got a file. We do nothing. We try it again in 5 minutes..."; exit 0 fi